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Explore Ialomita County's geographical position, climate, economy, population statistics, and tourism opportunities. Learn about its agricultural industry, services, infrastructure, and more.
I A L O M I Ţ A COUNTY GENERAL PRESENTATION Presentation material contains the latest information available, at Ialomita County Department of Statistics, on updating. (update date is the date when posted on the site)
THE GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION Ialomita County is located in the south-east, in Baragan Plain, at the crossroads of ancient trade routes and, where the capital city is connected with Moldova and the Black Sea.
THE CLIMATE The climate is temperate - continental moderate with average annual values favorable to conduct economic activities. The average annual air temperature in 2013: - Slobozia weather station - 12.2 ° C - Urziceni weather station - 12.0 ° C - Feteşti weather station - 12.3 ° C - Griviţa weather station - 11.7 ° C The absolute minimum of - 32.5 ° C was recorded at Armasesti (25th January 1942) and the absolute maximum of + 44 ° C was recorded at Amara (August 1951). Rainfall - mm annual amount in 2013: - Slobozia weather station - 602.2 - Urziceni weather station - 567.8 - Feteşti weather station - 718.8 - Griviţa weather station - 617.3 The winds were as dominant directions northeast, north, southwest and south.
THE AREA Ialomita county's total area is 445,289 ha 31.12.2014, from which: 374.495 ha (84.1%) agricultural area; 26 152 ha (5.9%) forest vegetation area; 13 085 ha (2.9%) land under water; 31 557 ha land in another destination, from which: roads and construction (82.13%) and non-productive land (17.87%).
THE ADMINISTRATIVE AND TERRITORIAL DIVISION Ialomita County includes: 3 municipalities: Slobozia, Urziceni şi Feteşti (rank II localities) 4 cities : Amara, Căzăneşti, Fierbinţi şi Ţăndărei (rank IIIlocalities) 59communes, with a total of 127 villages
THE POPULATION Ialomita county's population was registered 294 410 inhabitants on 1st July 2015, from which: - 47.4% live in urban areas - 52.6% live in rural areas Of these, 49.10% are men and 50.90% women. Regarding Population and Housing Census in 2011, out of 256,666 people declared their nationality: Romanian 241 765 (94,19%), 14 278 Roma people (5.56%) and the remaining 623 inhabitants are representatives for 22 other nationalities.
THE ECONOMY The County industry is mainly based on: producing chemical fertilizers, food industry (sugar, edible oils, meat products and canned vegetables, fruits and meat, milk and dairy products, pain and bakery products), textile industry and knited goods, building materials industry, electronics, furnitures and wood manufacturing, alcoholic beverages manufacturing, paints and varnishes, typographical production.
THE ECONOMY • Agriculture in Ialomita county is represented by a majority private sector holding, following the implementation of the Land Law, over 354 106 ha, ie 94.55% of the agricultural area of the county. • Ialomita county annually produces an average of 700,000 tons of grain, 160,000 tons of oilseeds , more than 100,000 tons of vegetables. • Ialomita county has conditions for livestock, flocks end 2014 totaling approximately 26,600 cattle, 132,900 pigs, 165,000 of sheep and goats, 8,900 horses, 2.5 million birds and others.
THEECONOMY • Trade is mainly the work of private businesses in the county and it covers the entire range of products: industrial, food and non-traded wholesale or retail. • Services provided in Ialomita County have increased their share, diversified fields and have attracted the available workforce. • The main services relating to consumer concern: hotels and restaurants, transport, financial intermediation, renting of movable and immovable property, healthcare, information services, personal services or businesses, recreational activities.
THEECONOMY • Tourism in Ialomita county has the following components: thermal tourism, agro-tourism, cultural tourism and hunting and fishing tourism. • Tourist base Ialomita county totaling a capacity of over 3163 seats, of which 2.210 places in hotels (Select, Central Hotel, Columbia Slobozia, Mioriţa from Fetesti), 69 seats in hostels , 280 seats in villas and motels, 53 places in guesthouses and rural locations, 343 seats in campgrounds, 105 seats in cabins and 90 seats in the in villas school camp in Amara. The spa treatment facilities in the city of Amara count 2512 seats. • The most important tourism attraction of the county is the spa resort AMARA, located 7 km from Slobozia and 126 km from Bucharest, famous for its mud and mineral waters, sulphuretted, chloride and bromide, used in the treatment of chronic rheumatic, peripheral nervous system, traumatic musculoskeletal and gynecological diseases.
THE INFRASTRUCTURE The transport network totaling 1176 km of public roads, of which 516 km upgraded, 25 km of highway Feteşti - Constanţa, 293 km railway and river transport network. The communication system: - 52,000 telephone lines in fixed telephony, of which 38 708 digital lines, 12,700 analog lines and 600 manually lines, 50,030 subscribers to fixed telephone system. The distribution network for natural gas supplies localities : Slobozia, Urziceni, Fetesti, Tandarei Amara, Ciulniţa, GârboviManas and Grindu. Drinking water supply networks in the county 1438.8 km, of which 407 km in urban and 1031.8 km in rural areas. The power network and power distribution is provided by the small hydroelectric power landscaped Ialomita river in Dridu, the power plant of CHEMGAS Holding Corporation and transmission and distribution of electricity at high, medium and low voltage having a total length of over 6700 km.
THE CULTURE AND ART The County maintains its heritage and enriches the spirituality of its inhabitants with the 5 art centers, 81 cultural centres, 151 libraries, 6 museums and gallery points. Under the authority of the Ialomita County Council is organized and operates five major cultural institutions: The County Library "Stefan Bănulescu“, UNESCO Cultural Center "Ionel pearls", National Museum of Agriculture, the County Museum of Ialomita, County Centre for Conservation and Recovery traditions and popular art Ialomita.
THE CULTURE AND ART • Monuments, architectural ensembles and plastic arts extisting in the county are: • The „Sf. Voievozi” Monnastery of the centuries XVII – XIX, The „Sf. Voievozi” Church–wall-site (ruins), The "Iordache Zossima” Agricultural School (1887 ), The Ensemble of the Lordly House and the Tomb of the Zappa family– 1857 – The Ion Roată Mayoralty, The Bolomey Lordly House (1898) –The Cosîmbeşti Mayoralty, The Balaciu Piteşteanu Hermitage ( 1821- 1841 ) – The Balaciu Monnastery, The Bridges of Feteşti and Cernavodă ( 1890 – 1895 ) – Saligny Anghel engineer, The Marghiloman Lordly House ( 1869 – 1874 ), The Bizu Cantacuzino Lordly House ( in the half XIX century), The Tomb of Barbu Catargiu, Malu village, Sf. Gheorghe commune,The Monument from Piscul Crăsani, The Hagianoff Lordly House (1899), Manasia commune, The “Ionel Perlea” memorial House, Ograda village, Bucu commune, The Monument and the Heroes Cemetery in the Slobozia city, Statue of Matei Basarab( 1632-1654)in Slobozia city.