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HABITAT ANALYSIS INCORPORATING NOMENCLATURAL AND TAXONOMIC INFORMATION. Daphne G. Fautin Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Natural History Museum University of Kansas. 1: HABITAT ANALYSIS Principles One application -- KGSMapper 2: The difference that NOMENCLATURAL AND TAXONOMIC INFORMATION

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  1. HABITAT ANALYSIS INCORPORATING NOMENCLATURAL AND TAXONOMIC INFORMATION Daphne G. Fautin Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Natural History Museum University of Kansas

  2. 1: HABITAT ANALYSIS Principles One application -- KGSMapper 2:The difference thatNOMENCLATURAL AND TAXONOMIC INFORMATION can make to such analyses With gratitude for grants from NSF (DEB 99-78106, OCE 00-03970), NBII, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation; and to individuals too numerous to mention other than Adorian Ardelean, Jeremy Bartley, Asif Iqbal, and Suman Kansakar

  3. Fautin and Allen 1992 Distribution of the sea anemone Heteractis aurora

  4. OBIS: www.iobis.org Fautin and Allen 1992 Distribution of the sea anemone Heteractis aurora

  5. OBIS: www.iobis.org Fautin and Allen 1992 Abstract; over-represents Concrete; under-represents Distribution of the sea anemone Heteractis aurora

  6. Guinotte et al. Marine Ecology Progress Series – ?Thursday

  7. Displays values of 52 environmental parameters (mean, sd) Calculates where habitat is similar and therefore where animals of this species could occur ASSOCIATES ORGANISM OCCURRENCES WITH ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS

  8. to infer where else the species might NATURALLY occur POTENTIAL NATURAL RANGE – where to do field work

  9. to infer where the species might UNnaturally occur POTENTIAL INVASIVE RANGE

  10. allows investigation of ENVIRONMENTAL PARAMETERS that control species distribution maximum and minimum SST, minimum depth

  11. Taxonomy and nomenclature potentially confound such analyses

  12. By taxon: Inferred suitable Habitat for the species Heteractis aurora By name: Inferred suitable habitat for those that have been referred to as Radianthus simplex maximum and minimum SST, minimum depth

  13. using symbols of a different color for each synonymous name. Can be used for investigating whether a synonymy is justified. And occurrences of homonymous species are not mapped. MAPS RECORDED OCCURRENCES OF THAT SPECIES

  14. KGSMapper allows editing points – so the remainder can be analyzed

  15. THANK YOU FOR LISTENING Far from confounding an analysis of probable distribution, appropriate use of taxonomic and nomenclatural knowledge can enhance it

  16. OBIS: www.iobis.org Fautin and Allen 1992 Distribution of the sea anemone Heteractis aurora

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