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Port Security Grant Program (PSGP) FY 2008 Good Practices

Port Security Grant Program (PSGP) FY 2008 Good Practices. Presented by Domestic Port Security Evaluations Division (CG-5142) US Coast Guard Headquarters. Overview. Showcase examples of security improvements through the CG Sector AMSC

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Port Security Grant Program (PSGP) FY 2008 Good Practices

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  1. Port Security Grant Program (PSGP)FY 2008Good Practices Presented by Domestic Port Security Evaluations Division (CG-5142) US Coast Guard Headquarters

  2. Overview Showcase examples of security improvements through the CG Sector AMSC Inform strategic planning for the PSGP at a regional/national level Discuss PSGP Do’s/Don’ts

  3. Snap shot of Best Practices • Communication • E-mail meeting agenda & minutes, keep members in the loop • Accurate notification & reminder system of upcoming meetings • Outreach-Relationship Building • Attend other local agency meetings, promote partnership through AMSC • Challenge membership beyond MTSA • Share ownership of AMSC (assign/engage members) • Use AMSC as a venue for training (e.g. ICS, AWW, etc…) • Outlook • Recognize the political environment (meet state/local officials) • Strategic thinking before initiating grant effort

  4. Sector Examples Sector Houston: Harris County Ship Security District Sector Seattle: Inter-agency IAP’s & AMSC Law Enforcement Sub Committee Sector New Orleans: Lower Mississippi Port Wide Strategic Security Council Sector St Petersburg/Tampa: Risk Management & Assessment Process Sector Los Angeles/Long Beach: Security Infrastructure Development Sector New York: Use of Sub-Committees

  5. Sector HoustonHarris County Ship Cannel Security District • Public-Private Partnership: grew from East Harris County Manufacturer’s Association: port & channel business working together • Residential & retail business are exempted • Consists of 13 board directors: • 8-private entities • 5-port authority, county, and County Mayors & Councils Association • Determine amount and means of assessment • Cooperative entity to ensure future PSGP funds are utilized to enhance regional security • Allows for county, facilities, & others to fund local share of PSG • System-wide security approach to improve security in • Mechanism to fund operating expenses of security projects • Implement ship channel security plan • List of projects created to improve security • Initial project: develop a port-wide fiber-optic communication link

  6. Sector SeattleInter-Agency IAP’s • In wake of Stowaway Incident LE Sub-Committee developed: • Pre-planned Response Incident Action Plans for three generic • Transportation Security Incidents • Assigned responsibilities to agencies for initial actions • Developed notification tree • Developed standard communications plan • Developed unified command organization • AMSC Sub-Committee on Law Enforcement • Established LE • Tactical Team Working Group • Catalogued Local, State and Federal LE Tactical Teams and Equipment • Developed activation protocols, notification procedures • Conducted joint training

  7. Sector New OrleansLower Mississippi River Port Wide Strategic Security Council Five ports located on the Lower Mississippi River joined together to create a consortium to maximize security efforts by providing layer security for the regional maritime community Port of Greater Baton Rouge Port of South Louisiana Port of New Orleans Port of St. Bernard Port of Plaquemines

  8. Sector New OrleansLower Mississippi River Port Wide Strategic Security Council • Challenges: • Individual Port verses Port Region • Equitable • Project Priorities • Security Investment • Ongoing Cost • Five ports located on the Lower Mississippi River joined together to create a consortium to maximize security efforts by providing layer security for the regional maritime community • Benefits: • Regional Security Approach • Standardization of Resources • Working Relationships • Eliminates Redundancy/ Cost Savings

  9. Sector New OrleansLower Mississippi River Port Wide Strategic Security Council • Strategy: • Constant communication between the individual ports • Operate under the umbrella of the Area Maritime Security Committee • Standardize the interaction between ports • Proposed Security Projects: • Maritime Security Operation Centers (MSOC) • Barge Mounted Maritime Security Operation Centers • Port Security Vessels • Teamwork:New Orleans AMSC, Lower Mississippi River Port Wide Strategic Security Council and New Orleans UASI Working Group joined together in an effort to: • Provide layer security for landside and waterside security • Possibility of combining UASI and Port Grants Share resources • Ensure resource compatibility • Maximize grant spending efforts

  10. Sector St. Pete / Tampa UASI Tampa Bay Risk Management Process • Consolidate all regional risk assessments • - Harmonize CI / KR catalogues & validate results • - Integrate maritime & non-maritime infrastructure • - Create a Common Risk Picture • Coordinate risk mitigation strategies • - Integrate federal, state, local & industry activities • - Prioritize risks & risk “buy-down” strategies • Use all Regional tools to “buy-down” risks • - Across all grants, capabilities, & competencies

  11. Sector St. Pete / Tampa Infrastructure Risk Assessment Process INFRASTRUCTURE Joint Infrastructure Assessment Group No n - MT S MT S = Common Risk Picture Multi-Agency, State, Fed, Local, Industry Standardized Methodology, Nomenclature

  12. Sector St. Pete / TampaMaritime Grant Sourcing Strategy Common Risk Picture Develop Risk Reduction Strategies Develop Maritime Domain Grant Proposals Harbor Safety & Security Committee: Maritime Grant Advisory Sub-Committee PSGP CDEP UASI Other LETP SHSGP BZPP

  13. Sector Los Angeles/Long BeachSecurity Infrastructure Development POLA/POLB • Coordinated Security Systems Development Plan • AMSC Engagement • Facility Security Surveys • Systems Integration • Coordinated Grant Applications Rounds 1-7

  14. Sector Los Angeles/Long BeachSecurity Infrastructure Development Joint LA/LB Security Projects: • Command Center • Port-Wide Camera System • Fiber Optic Data Network • Floating Barriers • TWIC Field Test

  15. Key Initiatives Update all distribution lists to ensure relevancy and accuracy Use distribution lists to support Homeport and 3N Consolidate awareness programs Outreach to port community on AMSC Maximize the use of the USCG Auxiliary to educate the recreational boating and commercial fishing sectors Require signage at boat ramps/marinas regarding their security responsibility, MARSEC level & where to find security zone details Joint Information Center (JIC) training and protocols Maximize the use of the Harbor Watch program Sector New YorkSub-Committees Communications - create and implement communications methods and technologies and use them to communicate pertinent information to vessels, facilities, law enforcement, committee members, maritime stakeholders, service providers and the media Suggested Membership • Organizational skills • Public speakers • Web Masters • Public Affairs staff • Outreach / community relations staff • Coast Guard Auxiliary

  16. Key Initiatives Distribute unclassified info Educate AMSC on terrorist tactics and counter-measures Ensure sufficient security clearances Develop a method to scrub and distribute Intel in a timely and efficient manner Share relevant info from Terrorist Operations Assessment with facility owners/operators for corrective action Conduct a port-wide assessment using the MAST process Sector New YorkSub-Committees IntelligenceResponsible for remaining current on maritime threats and improving the collection and dissemination of threat assessments, vulnerabilities, and terrorist tactics. • Suggested Membership • Federal, state and local law enforcement • JTTF reps

  17. Key Initiatives Develop a risk management plan using the MAST process Track and solicit comments on all federal and bi-state legislation that may impact port security Identify all available sources of federal and state funding for security, response, law enforcement etc needs Provide grant writing training Include the AMSC in the review / advisory committee for all grant applications Coordinate the development of a not for profit consortium that will apply for grants on behalf of the port region Apply for grants when available Sector New YorkSub-Committees Grants and Legislative Activities- Track federal and state legislation and regulations that may have implications on regional maritime security. Identify port wide projects that may be eligible for various grants and advising/providing support to the COTP when appropriate. • Suggested Membership • Government and community relations staff • State and local law enforcement and emergency responders • Grant writers • Lobbyists • Attorneys • Strategic thinkers • Planners

  18. National Strategy For Homeland Security • Provides Common Framework for Federal, State, Local & Tribal Governments, Private & Non-Profit Sectors, communities, & local citizens • Four Goals on Focus of Homeland Security • Prevent & Disrupt terrorist attacks • Protect the American people, out critical infrastructure & key resources • Respond to and recover from incidents • Continue to strengthen the foundation to ensure our long-term success • PSGP can contribute to all these goals

  19. PSGP Grant submittal Do’s & Don’t’s Don’t: Belabor the grant request Example: Our nation’s security cannot be compromised. The aftermath of terrorist events of 9/11 reinforced the fact that homeland security essentially depends upon our commitment to secure those geographic areas that are determined to be at greatest risk. Efforts by local, State, Federal, and tribal entities to communicate and coordinate with one another, private sector and non-governmental entities, and the general public – particularly for those entities that are in close proximity to each other – is now more vital than ever. Major events, especially those related to terrorism, will have regional impact. Prevention, protection, response and recovery undertakings will require extensive regional collaboration. (etc …) Comments: • Cut & Paste • No insight as to the project or benefits from funding

  20. PSGP Grant submittal Do’s & Don’t’s Don’t: Fail to comply with the GuidelinesExample: This investment is to enhance the Facility’s compliance with the federal security training requirements required by 33 CFR 105.205, .210, and .215. The training program will permit continuous, on-demand availability of security training for all Facility Personnel. The program will be developed as a Computer-based Training (CBT) with a total of three (3) Facility Security Training Modules. Each of these training modules will address routine refresher training for Facility Security Officers, Facility Personnel with Security Duties, and All Other Facility Personnel. (etc…) Comments: • Submittal did not meet criteria for grants

  21. PSGP Grant submittal Do’s & Don’t’s Don’t: Ask for technology that doesn’t exist Example: This investment is for the purchase of an AVAIN Heartbeat Detector System. The COTP of -- is looking to facility operators to develop and employ new methods for access control. This requirement directly speaks to the screening of outside truckers looking to gain access to a facility. Doing a physical search for unauthorized passengers in these inbound vehicles place security watchmen and terminal management in risk laded situations. Additionally, the time to conduct a physical inspection of these vehicles slows down commerce enough to make it detrimental to operations. Comments: • Well written • SME’s determined technology could not properly identify people • Project denied

  22. PSGP Grant submittal Do’s & Don’t’s Do: Address your project in the narrative: Example: The -- and consortium propose to enhance the Port region’s protection against potential Improvised Explosive Device (IED) attacks via small craft and underwater divers by installing up to 24 high quality infra-red cameras with supporting equipment strategically placed along 2 miles of the shorelines of the -- River. Each camera including installation will cost approximately $19,500. The cameras would be utilized to enhance the network of protection for each member of the consortium. Two pan tilt zoom high resolution day/night cameras would be installed at either end (north and south) of the east bank of the river to provide multi-directional coverage at each monitoring location. To support the pan tilt zoom cameras, illuminators and transmitter, one seventy five foot high pole will be installed at each location. (etc...) Comments: • Specific • Detailed • Address how, what, why … All the necessary information

  23. QuestionsPSGPFY 2008 Fiscal Year 2008 Infrastructure Protection Program: Port Security Grant Program Your Good Practices ?

  24. PSGPFY 2008 Back Up Slides

  25. Sector Seattle Challenges • International Border with Canada • 15 Billion Gallons of Oil Moved Annually • USN Strategic Port - 3rd Largest Domestic Port- 7 Waterfront Facilities- 20+ USN Vsl Movements/mo- Escorts avg 10+ hrs • Largest State Ferry System • Growing Cruise Ship Industry: • 735K Cruise Ship Passengers in 2006, 197 vessel arrivals • Designated Military Outload Port • 3500 sq. mi. AOR; 123 - 147 mile transits to ports • ~5000 Deep Draft Ships Transits per year • Alaskan Fishing Fleet Homeport • 1.3 Million Recreational Boating Population • 4.1M TEU containers thru Seattle & Tacoma; 3rd largest in nation; SEA ‘05’s fastest growing U.S. port. • International Border with Canada

  26. Sector SeattlePuget Sound Size Comparison

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