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Zion Gospel Assembly. Zion Gospel Assembly. `. Sunday School. Principles of Church Growth. k`m hfÀ¨bpsS XXz§Ä . What the Church is (As per Gospels) k` F´mbncn¡Ww The Church Militant and Victorious k` PbmfnIfmb sskyambncn¡Ww Church militant against Gates of Hell
Zion Gospel Assembly ` Sunday School Principles of Church Growth k`m hfÀ¨bpsS XXz§Ä
What the Church is (As per Gospels) k` F´mbncn¡Ww The Church Militant and Victorious k` PbmfnIfmb ssk\yambncn¡Ww Church militant against Gates of Hell ]mXmfKm]pcw -þ AXns\XnscbpÅ ssk\oI k` Church having the keys of Kingdom ssZhcmPyªnsâ Xmt¡mepÅ k`
Ministry of Church k`bpsS in{iqj Church having a binding ministry _Ônç¶ in{iqj The Church is to have a Loosing ministry _Ô\w Agnç¶ in{iqj Church with Authority A[nImcapÅ k`
Church in Earth is connected with heaven kzÀ¤hpambn _Ôn¡s¸«ncnç¶ k` The Church is to be a United Church sFIyXbpÅ k` Church should continue to carry on the work which our Lord Jesus Christ began while upon the earth. tbip XpS§nb {]hy¯nIÄ XpSêI
NT Ministries Apostle At¸mkvXe³ Prophet {]hmNI³ Evangelist kphnijI³ Pastor CSb³ Teacher D]tjvSmhv OT Ministies Priests ]ptcmlnX∙mÀ Judges \ymbm[n]∙mÀ Kings cmPm¡∙mÀ Prophets {]hmNI∙mÀ Pastor/Shepherds CSb∙mÀ Fivefold Ministry5 hn[ in{iqjIÄ Eph 4:11
Church Quotes Baseball is like Church. Many attend out but few understand "Church isn’t where you meet. Church isn’t a building. Church is what you do. Church is who you are. Church is the human outworking of the person of Jesus Christ. Let’s not go to Church, let’s be the Church." Trying to run a church without revivals can be done when you can run a gasoline engine on buttermilk." Sunday, Billy "What the Church needs to-day is not more machinery or better, not new organizations or more and novel methods, but men whom the Holy Ghost can use -- men of prayer, men mighty in prayer. The Holy Ghost does not flow through methods, but through men. He does not come on machinery, but on men. He does not anoint plans, but men, men of prayer." E.M BOUNDS
Absolutely nothing will revitalize a discouraged church faster than rediscovering it’s purpose. [Rick Warren]We need Church growth not for a bigger church or a better standing in the denomination, but for the purpose of seeing lost souls found and folded. “The church is the only cooperative society in the world that exists for the benefit of its non-members.” [William Temple]
Is Jesus Christ exalted as the Son of God who is risen from the dead? (Acts 2:22-24) {InkvXptbiphns\ acW¯n \nìw DbÀs¯gpt¶Á ssZh]p{X\mbn al¯zs]Sp¯pìthm Is the Bible honored and taught with authority as God's revealed will for his creation? (2 Timothy 3:16) krjvSnsbædn¨pÅ ssZh¯nsâ ]ctamt±iambo thZ]pkvXIs¯ A[nImct¯mSpIqSn ]Tn¸nçìthm Church Ckeck List
Is there freedom and vitality in the praise and worship? (Psalms 150) Bcm[\bn ]qÀ®amb kzmX´rhpw iànbpaptm? Is genuine love practically expressed by the people? (John 13:34-35 bYmÀ°amb kvt\lw {]mtbmKoIXe¯n P\§Ä {]ZÀin¸nçìtm Does the church encourage relationships among themselves that go beyond merely attending meetings and services? (Acts 2:42-47, 5:42) bYmÀ° Iq«mbvabpsS Bg§fnte¡v P\s¯ k` t{]mÂkmln¸ nçìtm ?
Do the leaders exercise pastoral care, servant leadership, and biblical authority? (1 Peter 5:2-3, Hebrews 13:17) tkh\at\m`mhapÅ t\XrXzhpw, CSbsâ IêXepw, hN\¯nsâ A[nImchpw k`m t\XrXzw {]ISn¸nçìtm? Do the leaders exemplify Christian virtue and character? (integrity, loyalty, humility?) (1 Timothy 3:1-13) ss{IkvXh kz`mhtijvTXIÄ t\XrXzw {]ISn¸nçìtm? (kXykÔX,hnizkvXX,Xmgva)
Is there acknowledgment of and regular input from the five gift ministries set in the church for our maturity - apostles, prophets, pastors, evangelists, and teachers? (Ephesians 4:11-15) At¸mkvXe³, {]hmNI³, CSb³, kphntijI³, D]tZjvSmhv Fìo 5 hn[in{iqjIÄ k`bn AwKoIcnís¸Spìtm? Is there an outward, evangelistic thrust to reach others with the good news of Jesus Christ? (Matthew 28:19-20) kphntijoIcW¯n k` kPohamtWm?
Have people's lives been positively changed through their involvement? (Romans 12:2) P\§fpsS PohnX¯nî bYmÀ°amb hyXnbm\w hêìthm Is the Church a place of deliverance, a place of comfort. k` Hê hnSpXensâbpw Bizmk¯nsâbpw CSamtWm? Is the Church equips its members for an effective ministry k` hnizmknIsf ip{iqjímbn Hê¡nsbSpç¶ CSamtWm?
The Book of Acts & Church Growth At¸mkvXe {]hr¯nbpw k`m hfÀ¨bpw
Time Line – AD 35 -70 Author – Dr. Luke Luke is a Physician Historian Theologian Evangelist.
The Principle of God's Sovereignty ssZh¯nsâ ]cam[nImcw • Despite the abundance of conflicts and setbacks to the early church, Luke communicates clearly that God is the final victor. GXp kwLÀj¯nsâ \Sphnepw Ahkm\ hnPbw ssZh¯në am{Xw • numerous internal problems were also turned into divine victories. B´coI {]iv\§Ä-þ Ahkm\¯n AXpv ssZhoI hnPbambn XoÀì • Fear of God was noted in early Church.(Acts 5) ssZh`bw • Sovereign God directly intervenes with Saul(Acts 9) siuepambn ssZhwt\cn«p CSs]Spì • God Continues To Protect Jerusalem Church. ssZhoI kwc£Ww
Name of Jesus was exalted • Peter's Pentecost sermon • Stephen – One message makes the difference • Philip – Lay minister • Paul's Theological approach • Appalos – The Orator
Total Reliance on the Holy Spirit. ]cnip²mßmhns\ k¼qÀ®ambn B{ibnçì Placing top priority on being endued with power from on high. Dbc¯nse iàn {]m]ns¨SpçI F¶Xmbnêì {]Ya hnjbw Armed and Anointed by the Holy Spirit, they launched a militant assault on the kingdom of Satan km¯msâ cmPy¯ns\XnbpÅ BßoI bp²w Abundance of divine grace which provide all the power, Gifts, ministries and fruits necessary to carry on God’s work in this world. ssZh{]hr¯nbv¡p thp¶ iànbpw, Ir]Ifpw, hc§fpw, ^e§fpw, in{iqjIfpw {]m]ns¨Spçhm³
Realizing the full potential of gifts and ministries in the body of Christ k`bv¡p e`yambncnç¶ Ir]mhc§fpsSbpw, in{iqjIfpsSbpw apgph³ km²yXIfpw Xncn¨dnbphm³ Total Submission to the move of the Holy Spirit ]cnip²mßmhnë k¼qÀ®ambn Ingvs]SpI
Holy spirit • As per the book of Acts • Empower us (1:8) iàn • Boldness (4:31) ss[cyw • Fear of God (5:3 -5,11) ssZh`bw • Wisdom (6:3,11) Úm\w • Guidance (16:6 – 10) \S¯n¸v • Gifts (19:6) Ir]mhcw
The Principle of Prayer {]mÀ°\ Being filled with the Holy Spirit Bß\ndthmSpÅ {]mÀ°\ Prayer became their lifestyle AhêsS PohnX ssienbmbnêì Promoting fellowship in the Church Iq«mbva _Ôw hÀ²n¨p Receiving boldness and authority in preaching hN\ in{iqjç thp¶ ss[cyhpw A[nImchqw t\Sphm³
Settling Church disputes k`bnse {]iv\ ]cnlmc¯n\v Helping others to receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. FÃmhêw Bß\nhv {]m]nç¶Xnë thn Converting hard-hearted people and enemies of the Church. ITn\ lrZbcmb hyànIfpw k`bpsS i{Xp¡fpw am\km´cs¸Sp¶Xnë thn Seeing miracles of healing and deliverance. AXv`pX tcmKim´nbpw hnSpXeIfpw Imé¶Xnë thn
Launching new evangelistic ventures kphntij¯nsâ hmXnepIÄ Xpdç¶Xnë thn Delivering people from prison. Imcm{Kl¯n \nìw hyànIsf hnSphnç¶Xnë thn Making decisions vital to the work of the Church k`bnse kp{][m\amb Xoêam\§Ä FSpç¶Xnë thn Equipping and ordaining workers for ministry. hnizmknIsf in{iqjç thn Hê¡n FSpç¶Xnë thn
PRAYER IN PAULINE EPISTLES s]utemknsâ teJ\§fnse {]mÀ°\ What God Wants us to know. Eph 1: 15 -23] \mw F´v AdnbWsaì ssZhw B{Klnçì. 1 He prayed that God would give to believers a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ. SuCkijsr[kyjv+k† egjÐl r^jH Ðlr^js‚ukA sixj~lmjs‚ukA @šlijsr fSg%fjr\
2. He prayed that the eyes of their understanding would be enlightened. rj$xksm <{pup{Öj YedlCjv+jmkilR 3. He Prayed that they might know the hope of their calling and the riches of their inheritance. Lis‚ ijxjulhk† @C T'sf™A ijCk“‰lgjH Lis‚ LidlC ^js‚ a<jalPrA T'sf™A LyjSu%fjrkA 4. He Prayed that they might know the exceeding greatness of God’s Power toward those who believe. Lis‚ CÎfjuksm LxiM ihj~A T'sf™A rj$& LyjSu%fj™A Yel¥=j[k™;
What God Wants us to have (Eph 3: 14 – 21) \mw F´v {]m]n¡Wsaì ssZhw B{Klnçì. To be filled with the fullness of God . How do we get full of God ? sspi^js‚ th*l rjyijSrlxA rjyŒk igjd F§s\ \apç B \ndhv {]m]n¡mw ?
By being strenghtnened with might of his spirit in the inner man. Lds^ ark,Usr cA>¢jv+k CÎfjSulsm >hs~Sm%fj™A By Christ dwelling in our hearts by faith. Ydjc„k ijCIlc^lH rj$xksm <{pu$xjH icjS[%fj™A By being rooted and grounded in the four dimensional love of God. rj$& ScÍ<^jH Sigo'j Lmjœlrs~+}igluj ijfjukA rJxikA KugikA @qikA t#k t™ cdh ijCk“‰lSglmkA dosm Yz<j~lrkA
What God wants us to be (Phil 1 : 9 – 11) \mw F´v BbnXocWsaì ssZhw B{Klnçì. Believers abound more and more സ്നേഹം മേലക്കുമേല് പരിജ്ഞാനത്തിലും സകല വിവേകത്തിലും വര്ദ്ധിച്ചു വരിക That they would approve things that are excellent. t`Xmt`X§sf hnshNn¡m³ km[n¡Ww
That they would be sincere and without offense until the day of Christ ക്രിസ്തുവിs‚നാളിലേക്കു നിര്മ്മലന്മാരും ഇടര്ച്ചയില്ലാവരുംBbn Xoêhm³ That they would be filled with the fruits of righteousness which give glory to God. sspi^js‚മഹത്വത്തിന്നും പുകഴ്ചെക്കുമായിട്ടു യേശുക്രിസ്തുവിനാല്നീതി ഫലം നിറഞ്ഞവരുമായി തീരേണം എന്നും ഞാന് പ്രാര്ത്ഥിക്കുന്നു
What God wants us to Do (Col 1: 9 – 12) \mw F´v sN¿Wsaì ssZhw B{Klnçì. Paul wanted believers to be filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all wisdom and Spiritual Understanding. ആത്മികമായ സകല ജ്ഞാനത്തിലും വിവേകത്തിലും അവs‚ ഇഷ്ടത്തിs‚ പരിജ്ഞാനം കൊണ്ടു നിറഞ്ഞുവരേണം
He wanted them to walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing പൂര്ണ്ണപ്രസാദത്തിന്നായി കര്ത്താവിന്നു യോഗ്യമാകുംവണ്ണം \SçI He wanted them to be fruitful in every good work by being strengthened with the might of God’s glorious power. അവsâ മഹത്വത്തിsâവല്ലഭത്വത്തിന്നു ഒത്തവണ്ണം പൂര്ണ്ണശക്തിയോടെ ബലപ്പെടേണമെന്നും
Principle of Fasting D]hmkw After Christ's ascension IÀ¯mhnsâ kzÀ¤mtcmlW¯në tijw By a Group Together (Corporate fasting) k`bmbpÅ D]hmkw Occasion for the Spirit's Special Guidance {]XyIamb Bß \S¯n¸në thn
Changed the Course of History k`m Ncn{X¯nsâ Zni Xnê¯nb D]hmkw Before this word from the Holy Spirit there seems to have been no organized mission of the church beyond the eastern seacoast of the Mediterranean. Before this, Paul had made no missionary journeys westward to Asian Minor, Greece, or Rome, or Spain. Before this Paul had not written any of his letters which were all the result of his missionary travels beginning here.
ANOINTED PREACHING Bß\ndhpÅ hN\iniqj To Explain The Scriptures Hold Up The Scriptures As Light Disturb People In Error Present Christ As The Only Hope Of The World Body of Christ - Church
It was biblical It was understandable It was warm It was Positive It was practical It was exemplary It was Exciting
It convicts of Sin and produces revival It moves men and women to be baptized with the Holy Spirit It produces faith It confronts demonic powers It is confirmed by the operation of the Spiritual gifts.
Principle of Spiritual Warfare BßoI bp²w Persecution ]oV Moral compromise [mÀ½oI aqey¨ypXn Distraction.
Spiritual Warfare Principle 1: They applied the position of authority BßoI A[nImcw Principle 2: They knew about the key power God gave them and they knew how to use it every day and in each situation where necessary BßoI A[nImcw AhÀ a\Ênem¡nbnêì. ssZ\wZn\ kmlNcy§fn AhÀ Bhiybmb Øm\§fn AhÀ AXv D]tbmKn¨nêì Principle 3: They didn’t fear the devil and his demons. ss]imNoI iànIsf AhÀ `bs¸«nê¶nà Principle 4: They knew their enemy, they knew who he is, what he can do, how he works and when he works. i{Xp BcmsWìw, F§s\bmWv {]hÀ¯nç¶Xv Fìw AhÀ a\Ênem¡nêì Principle 5: The Cross of Jesus is at the centre of the whole struggle against the evil one because Satan was conquered at the Cross. IÀ¯mhmb tbiphnsâ {Iqinsâ adhn \nì sImpÅ bp²w Principle 6: It is God's battle. bp²w sN¿p¶Xv ssZhamæì