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Technical Rescue Awareness Program

Technical Rescue Awareness Program. I like to call this TRAP training It is designed with all Firefighters in the State of Illinois in mind. Course Effective Date 01January 2001. This course will replace, Confined space / Trench Awareness 01/2002

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Technical Rescue Awareness Program

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  1. Technical Rescue Awareness Program I like to call this TRAP training It is designed with all Firefighters in the State of Illinois in mind.

  2. Course Effective Date 01January 2001 • This course will replace, Confined space / Trench Awareness 01/2002 • This course will replace Structural Collapse Awareness 01/2002 • This course will be a prerequisite for all RESCUE COURSES 01/2002 • Any questions?????????

  3. A Little about me • Robert Bush (BOB) • Full time Firefighter – Naperville Fire • Safety / TSO – Roselle Fire • Member of the Technical Rescue AD HOC Committee. • I have been in the fire service for 13 years

  4. I am prior service “ARMY” • Certified in numerous areas within the state of Illinois, OSFM. • If you ever get a chance, please call Mitzi in Springfield. She spend many hour typing and correcting our mistakes for the past year • 815/###-####

  5. 1-1 Definitions(See Objectives) (See Objectives) You will need to know all of these.

  6. Start Date 01/01/20012-1 General This Technical Rescue Awareness course has been developed by fellow firefighters within the State of Illinois in conjunction with the Office of the State Fire Marshals Office. The members of the steering committee followed the guidelines of the OSFM and NFPA 1670.

  7. Technical Rescue Awareness Program This course is meant to provide you a means in which to identify and properly react to uncommon, dangerous and difficult rescue situations. Further training is required for actual rescue operations and practices.

  8. This course does not contain hands on training. The AHJ is responsible for training per NFPA 1670, Operations and Training for Technical Rescue Incidents. NFPA 1670 refers to Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and Basic Life Support (BLS). It is the AHJ’s responsibility to properly instruct members in emergency medical care.

  9. Technical Rescue Awareness Program EMS cannot be taught at this level due to the vast number of systems within the State of Illinois, the lack of uniform policies and procedures / guidelines with the separate regions in Illinois, and the training requirements as established by the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH).

  10. Technical Rescue Awareness This course will cover basic and general knowledge on the following topic areas:Structural Collapse. - Various types of building collapses.Rope Rescue - Various rescue situations require rope work.Confined Space - Rescues in confined spaces, Vats, Sewers, silos, etc.Vehicle and Machinery - Roadway extrication and Industrial rescue/ extrication.Water. - Ice, surf, dive and swift water.Wilderness Search and Rescue - Search patterns and situation analysis.Trench and Excavation.

  11. OSFM Requirements for certification: Certified Firefighter II. 100% attendance of the 8 hours awareness course. Passing the state written exam by 70%.

  12. Each AHJ needs to have an action plan and policies in place to handle technical rescue incidents. The AHJ has complete and total control over all resources requested. Given this, they also have the authority to stop any rescue attempts if warranted.

  13. A hazard analysis and risk assessment will provide the AHJ with the information needed to make an informed decision on the likelihood of an incident, where it might occur, and the effects on the community.

  14. AHJ are required to establish written standard operating procedures/guidelines consistent with one of the following operational levels:

  15. 1. Awareness – Basic initial company response. Responders at this level have the basic information to identify the type of incident and start initial company operations. 2. Operations – This is a basic technical response. Individuals at this level of training are able to deal with most non-complex situations. 3. Technician – Individuals at this level are considered expert in the specific field. They are trained to deal with complex and difficult incidents.

  16. F. Awareness level personnel are those who may be first on the scene through the course of regular job duties of a technical rescue incident. Generally, they are not considered “rescuers” as such. The AHJ should ensure these people know the hazards that are in their jurisdiction.

  17. Elements of safety at a technical rescue Personnel accountability system (PAS)- The AHJ must be accountable for all members operating at an incident.

  18. Elements of safety at a technical rescue Evacuation Procedures/guidelines. - Every member operating at the incident must know these procedures / guidelines. Each sector must know what its’ action will be in the event an evacuation order is given.

  19. Elements of safety at a technical rescue Personnel Protective Equipment - Each AHJ is responsible for determining personnel protective equipment.

  20. Hazard and Risk assessment (SIZE-UP). The need for continuous size up must never be over looked. Every technical rescue, no matter what magnitude, can change in a given second. The initial assessment and hazard analysis will set the groundwork for the entire incident.

  21. Size-Up 1. Size-Up, Scope, magnitude, and nature of the incident. 2. Location and number of victims. 3. Risk / Benefit analysis. – Will the end result justify the means? 4. Pre-plans - will address more then one way to get to the area. 5. Environmental Factors. – Loss of life can be expected to rise in time of extreme heat and cold.

  22. Size-Up 6. Patient Contact. – Your safety is paramount. Can you see or hear the patients? Hailing, tags lines, radios, and con-space systems can be used. Does the victim know you are there?

  23. HELP Availability / necessary resources. – What resources do you have available?Incident Management System / Incident Command System. – In order to manage the incident, command and control must be established.

  24. SECTORS For the technical rescue incident the following sectors are a minimum that must be established. 1.Command 2.Safety 3.Rescue 4.Optional sectors

  25. SECTORS 1. Command – Responsible for the entire incident. 2. Safety – Safety sector should be trained to the level of the incident.

  26. SECTORS 3. Rescue – The rescue sector is responsible for establishing a rescue plan, informing all sectors of the plan, and insuring the plan is carried out.

  27. SECTORS 4. Optional sectors – Logistics, Public Information, Staging, Rehab, Suppression, EMS, and numerous others as outline in NFPA1561, Standard in Fire Department Incident Management.

  28. Scene control/Initial Company Operations Control Zones – These zones will replicate the Hot, Warm and Cold zones established during a hazardous materials incident. Witness interviews – Who, what, where, why, when must be solicited from all individuals in the area.

  29. SCENE CONTROL Patient Contact – Control who talks to the victim and what the victim hears. Bystander Interaction – Establishing control zones will keep all non - essential personnel out of harms way

  30. SCENE CONTROL Police Assistance – The Police departments are an extremely valuable resource at your disposal.

  31. SCENE CONTROL Machinery / Vehicles – With machinery, find someone with expertise. What are the actions of a “full cycle machine”? Use of apparatus to block traffic, not personnel.

  32. SCENE CONTROL Utilities - Have their emergency contact numbers available on all apparatus.

  33. 3-1 Structural Collapse Awareness level functions that occur at a Structural Collapse Incident1. Size up 2. Triage Criteria

  34. Destructive Forces that effect structures 1. Earthquakes2. Wind3. Floods4. Snow and Rain5. Construction Problems6. Explosions7. Structural Decay8. Fire9. Transportation Accidents

  35. Various roles within the Response System 1. Initial Spontaneous response 2. Planned Community response 3. Void Space rescue 4. Technical, Urban Search and Rescue

  36. General hazards as they relate to: 1. Operation level responsea. Light Frame ordinary constructionb. Un-reinforced and reinforced masonry



  39. 2. Technician level response a. Concrete tilt up


  41. COLLAPSE b. Reinforced concrete


  43. Five major types of collapse and victim locations 1. Lean-to 2. V-shape 3. A-shape 4. Pancake 5. Cantilever

  44. Collapse Patterns

  45. COLLAPSE Secondary collapse1. Chalk2. Spray3. Mechanical devices

  46. COLLAPSE External equipment that may be used to locate trapped victims1. Visual2. Verbal and / or Audible

  47. SEARCH MARKINGS • H. Identify and explain the procedures / guidelines for recognition and implementation of the Marking Systems1. Building Marking System2. Structure Marking System3. FEMA Task Force Search and Rescue Marking System




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