LC Meeting 9.08.2011
ERX • Output-ul ERXAm avutdoar o sedinta : Vineri 05.08.2011In cadrulsedintei s-a dat un test pentrupentrumembri ERX : Marius, Adriana, Mitu, Ramona, Aura au dat test si s-au descurcatdestul de bine. Restuvor da test cand o savina la sedinta. O sa se maideatestesi la urmatoarelesedinte.Contractesemnatepelunatrecuta:Mitu : Ovidiu Trading (140 euro) si Vertical Consing (200 euro)- cinapt trainee • Ony : Guinness 50 euro + printuri(dar nu s-a semant contract cu Global ADC) + delivery Guinness & Global ADC • Mitu & Marius : au preluatcontactul de la Walles (441 euro) - pranzulpentru trainee inca se lucreaza la partea de contract • Contractesemnatepelunaaceasta : s-a semnatcontractulpentruexcursiapentruparticipantii la GROW de la Discovery - Adriana & Carmen • s-a semnatcontractulpetru WWWN si o sa se directioneazabaniisaptamanaaceasta - Ony • Evenimentul W.W.W.N. :s-a desfasuratfoarte bine si Jupiter City a fostmultumit ! • de pe ERX au fostprezenti 6 pozitivi : Tigru, Motanel, Ramo, Adriana, Carmen, Ony ! • ERX-ulmultumestetuturorcelorprezenti la eveniment ! • Whats next :Vanzaripeproiectele care urmeazasa se desfasoare + exchange. • Vanzaripentruinkind-uripentrusediu - s-au targetatdejacevafirme. • Urmatoareasedinta nu s-a stabilitinca. • Task : Ony & Mitufaccurat total in CRM pana la sedintaurmatoare. • Motto-ul ERX : Intra cine vrea, ramane cine poate !
Exchange • Update:-Tania & Lory shared their strategies with their members of the team and focused on the tasks that everybody is responsible for in a specific time on the next quarters-TL talked about a R&R event and explained the criterias on which the members will be awarded-matching-we're working on the new tools for our EPs-Cosso&Carmen P helped the trainees with the cooking for WWWN (Thx guys ^^)-Duracel&Cosso picked up some trainees and brought them to DJTS -Niko updated the tracking tool -9 members of the Exchange dept participated at WWWN What's next:-Lory & Deea will organise a new Exchange event-Dragos and Mumu are responsible for promo X on Facebook-Mumu will make a new poster for the recruitment process in the university-Silviu is responsible for creating a promo X radio spot-matching-Carmen,Cosso,Niko are responsible to take video testimonials from our lovely traineesNext meeting: not established yet
Fin • What Happened: -we had a meeting -Antonio and Mihai are in alert so they have clear tasks • Antonio filled the register of volunteering contracts’S NEXT • Simo made the evauati8o for LPM TOGHETER WITH THE oc What’s next: • Evaluation for Grow1.1-1.2 • Simo will go to the Court to take the new status • Inventory • Traking for Grow 1.0
Grants • Ce s-a maiintamplat? • -Sorinsi Aura au ramas in echipa; situatialui Adrian va fi stabilita in toamna, el avandmomentantaskuripe care trebuiesa le indeplineasca • -Am avut o pregatireprivindconceptelenecunoscuteutilizate in lucrulechipei • -S-a luatlegatura cu AndreeaDicuprivindproiectul cu gradinitele • Ce se vaintampla? • -Se vadefinitivasituatialui Carmen Petrea, membru care nu si-a comunicatpozitia in cadrulechipei • -Se vorimplicasiceilaltimembrii de peFinante in activitatedandu-li-se task-uri cu legaturadirectacatre JD-urilelor • -Se vacomunicamaimult cu VP Exchange si se vaterminacererea de finantarecatreTineret in Actiune-EVS proiectgradinite • Urmatoareasedinta la care vorparticipaatatmembrii Grant-uri cat siceilaltidoi de peFinante: dupa 15 august (se vaanunta de catre Grant manager, aflatamomentan in afaralocalitatii)
Grow 1.1$1.2 • Update:- The trainings are finished- WWWN was a success (Thx to all for your support and for being there)-Tania managed to take some videos from parents,teachers,participants and partnersWhat's next:-Finish giving the diplomas for the ones who didn't make it at WWWN (including participants, teachers and partners)-Preparing the evaluation-Trying not to cry because it's over