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Sensory-Motor Response to Changes

Sensory-Motor Response to Changes. Regardless whether the Earth is considered ‘healthy’ or ‘sick’, the inevitable and unforeseeable environmental changes require response to these changes: The response includes the following major steps:. Sensing and recognition (monitoring).

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Sensory-Motor Response to Changes

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  1. Sensory-Motor Response to Changes Regardless whether the Earth is considered ‘healthy’ or ‘sick’, the inevitable and unforeseeable environmental changes require response to these changes: The response includes the following major steps: Sensing and recognition (monitoring) Reasoning and explaining (sciences) Decision making, action (management) The above three steps are the necessary conditions for sustainable development.This is logical since all living organisms use this type of sensory-motor feedback to maintain their existence.

  2. Monitoring (Sensing) AssessmentCompare to GoalsPlan ReductionsTrack Progress Set Goals CAAA NAAQS AirQuality Controls (Actions) Air Quality Management: Sensory Data to Action Multi-sensory data are collected through Monitoring and delivered for Assessment Assessment performs data analysis to turn data into useful knowledge for decision making and actions

  3. Sustainable Development – Causality LoopEconomic Development with Due Care of the Environment • The system approach links human activities and their consequences in closed loop • It is the minimum set of linked components – if any missing, the system is crippled • Each component depends on its causal upstream driver – and external environment • The causal loop can be used as an organizing principle for sustainability analysis

  4. Causality: Linear System Model

  5. Population - Energy/Goods Consumption– Materials Flow - Emissions EconMeasure(EM) Goods &Energy,(GE) i Fuels&Mater.(FM), j Emission (EM), k • Ek = Scjk EMj =SSbijcjk GEi = SSSai bijcjk P Industr. Goods Metals SOx Industrial Prod. Industr. Energy Ind. Chemicals NOx Pop., P Transportation Transp. Energy Coal HC ResComercial ResCom.Engy Oil PM Electric Energy Gas Mercury ai Consump./Person bij Fuels/Energy cjk Emission/Fuel- j i j i i j Consumption of Goods and Energy: GE= Sai P Fuels and Materials Flow: FM= SSaibij P Emission of Pollutants: EM= SSSaibij cjk P

  6. Population - Energy/Goods Consumption– Materials Flow - Emissions EconMeasure(EM) Goods &Energy,(GE) i Fuels&Mater.(FM), j Emission (EM), k Metals • Ek = Scjk FMj =SSbijcjk GEi = SSSai bijcjk P Industr. Goods Ind. Chemicals SOx Coal Industrial Prod. Industr. Energy Coal NOx Coal Coal Pop., P Transportation Transp. Energy HC Oil Oil Oil ResComercial ResCom.Engy Oil PM Gas Gas Electric Energy Mercury Gas Gas ai Consump./Person bij Fuels/Energy cjk Emission/Fuel- j i j i i j Consumption of Goods and Energy: GE= Sai P Fuels and Materials Flow: FM= SSaibij P Emission of Pollutants: EM= SSSaibij cjk P

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