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Federal Energy Management Program. DOE Energy Management. Richard Kidd Program Manager. Energy Facilities Contractors Group December 10, 2009. FEMP’s Role In Federal Energy Management Government Wide.
Federal Energy Management Program DOE Energy Management Richard Kidd Program Manager Energy Facilities Contractors Group December 10, 2009
FEMP’s Role In Federal Energy Management Government Wide MISSION : FEMP facilitates the Federal Government’s implementation of sound, cost-effective energy management & investment practices to enhance the nation’s energy security & environmental stewardship FEMP SavesFederal Energy: 50+ Trillion BTU or almost 25% of ALL Federal Improvement FEMP is a service, not a research organization FEMP has strategic reach into ALL Federal Agencies • FEMP activity is demand driven,based on: • Total USG investment levels in energy efficiency/renewables • Actions of other agencies FEMP expands impact of USG investments: • Reduces transaction costs & time to deployment • Accelerated U.S. Government adoption of EERE technologies FEMP PERSPECTIVE:The Federal Government has an energy management challenge, and a science & technology challenge
FEMP’s Services & Stakeholders IMPACTIn FY 2009, FEMP facilitated 23 ESPC-funded projects for a total investment of $432.7 million IMPACTOver 3,000 attend the GovEnergy Annual Workshop & Tradeshow – cosponsored by DOE, GSA, DOD, EPA, VA, &HHS IMPACTFEMP’s GIS Mapping program facilitated 60 fueling stations impacting over 1,000 Federal vehicles with about 22 stations in development Federal Stakeholders Private Sector Partners FEMP’s Federal Customers Other Federal Partners Energy Service Companies, Utilities, Equipment Manufactures & Vendors, Architects & Engineers, Building Energy Management Services, Building Auditors, Alternative Fuel Providers, Trade & Industry Associations Applied Technology Services Provides technical support services across the Federal Government, enabling agencies to meet their energy efficiency & renewable energy goals Decision Support Services Improves the quality of DOE & inter-agency planning, reporting & communication processes Project Transaction Services Facilitates the use of alternative financing mechanisms across the Federal Government
Federal Energy Management: Goals Performance Federal Goal-Subject Facility Energy Intensity: Actual vs. Goals Possible Goal Failure! “Despite significant progress by agencies in certain areas, findings indicate that for the Federal Government as a whole, the rate of progress is decreasing and attainment of long-term goals is in jeopardy under a business-as-usual approach.” Richard Kidd, Acting DOE SAO to SAO Meeting - February 17, 2009
President Obama Signing E.O. 13514 The Secretary Committed: How Can We Deliver? Secretary Chu joins the President on October 5, 2009, for the signing of Executive Order 13514 – Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy & Economic Performance Secretary Chucommits DOE expertise & leadership
GHG Reduction is integrating metric for agency performance Budget & “Sustainability” linked & scored by OMB Opportunities exist for DOE to: Lead by example on our facilities/fleets Accelerate deployment of our expertise to other agencies – become critical enabler for Federal success writ large E.O. 13514: Impact The new executive order presents DOE with new challenges & opportunities:
Other E.O. 13514 Goals The new executive order also requires agencies to meet sustainability targets, including: • Achieve 30% reduction in vehicle fleet petroleum use by 2020 • Achieve 26% reduction in potable & 20% reduction in industrial, landscaping, & agricultural water consumption by 2020 • Comply with new EPA stormwater management guidance • Achieve 50% recycling & waste diversion by 2015 • Requires that 95% of all applicable procurement contracts will meet sustainability requirements • Requires 15% of buildings meet the Guiding Principles for High Performance and Sustainable Buildings by 2015 • Design all new Federal buildings which begin the planning process by 2020 to achieve zero-net energy by 2030 • Pursue cost-effective & innovative strategies, such as highly reflective & vegetated roofs
DOE Requirements/Milestones • Prepare GHG target tool (done) • Designate Senior Sustainability Officer 11/5/09 • Complete top down DOE-wide GHG inventory • Submit scope 1 & 2 target goals for 2020 * 1/4/10 • Submit to CEQ/OMB recommended GHG reporting guidance • Issue guidance on Federal fleet management 4/5/10 • Participate in recommendations for addressing vendor & contractor GHG emissions • Submit DOE’s Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan, in concert with 2012 budget submission* • Submit scope 3 target goals for 2020 6/2/10 • Provide electronic GHG reporting capability • Submit to CEQ input on agency adaptation actions 10/5/10 • Complete bottom up DOE-wide 2010 GHG inventory 1/3/11 * Scored & approved by OMB & CEQ Green: FEMP-Specific Tasks Yellow: New DOE Requirements
GHG Emissions Reductions: Scope 1 & 2 By January 4, 2010: Complete top down DOE-wide inventory of scope 1 & 2 emissions Establish target for reduction of DOE’s scope 1 & 2 emissions by FY20 relative to FY08 baseline In setting the target, DOE shall consider reductions associated with: Reducing energy intensity in DOE buildings, Reducing use of fossil fuels by: Increasing use of renewable energy, Using low GHG-emitting vehicles, Reducing DOE’s fleet consumption of petroleum products by 2 % annually, through FY 20 (based on a FY 05 baseline).
Establish DOE GHG Target FEMP-developed agency GHG targeting tool: Target selection has cost implications….
Plan to Reduce GHG Emissions By June 2, 2010, submit a Strategic Sustainability Plan that shall: • Demonstrate how DOE will achieve goals & targets in Section 2 of the E.O., including DOE’s GHG reduction targets • Be integrated into DOE’s strategic planning & budget process • Identify DOE activities, policies, plans, procedures & practices that are relevant to DOE’s implementation of the E.O. & develop new ones where necessary • Identify specific DOE goals, a schedule, milestones, & approaches for achieving results; & quantifiable metrics for agency implementation of the E.O. • Incorporate actions for achieving progress metrics identified by OMB & CEQ
GHG Emissions Reductions: Scope 3 By June 2, 2010: Complete DOE-wide inventory of Scope 3 Establish target for reduction of DOE’s scope 3 emissions by FY20, relative to FY08 baseline Prepare and implement Strategic Sustainability Performance (SSP) Plan in coordination with appropriate DOE offices & organizations. The SSP Plan shall: Take into consideration environmental measures Outline planned actions to make available information about DOE’s progress & performance on a public website Evaluate climate change risks and vulnerabilities Identify opportunities for improvement in annual updates
FEMP Website For more information, go to: FEMP Website www.femp.energy.gov