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High Needs Funding Update Peter Mucklow Director for Young People Education Funding Agency

High Needs Funding Update Peter Mucklow Director for Young People Education Funding Agency. Reflection on 2013/14. Outturn for 2013/14. 20k places in post schools provision 3,250 of these places were at ISPs Compares to 3,200 places in 2012/2013

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High Needs Funding Update Peter Mucklow Director for Young People Education Funding Agency

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  1. High Needs FundingUpdatePeter MucklowDirector for Young PeopleEducation Funding Agency

  2. Reflection on 2013/14

  3. Outturn for 2013/14 • 20k places in post schools provision • 3,250 of these places were at ISPs • Compares to 3,200 places in 2012/2013 • Total programme costs, element 2 funding and bursary funding for these places was £35.9m

  4. Transitional Protection • Reduction in LA-commissioned HNS placements compared to 2012/2013 academic year funded at 100% of the institution’s 2012/13 EFA average funding rate • Paid in two instalments in September 2013 and February 2014 • Will review full year recruitment data and inform ISPs of any adjustments/recoveries to be made between July and November 2014

  5. Transitional Protection • Protected 260 places in 28 ISPs costing £12.7m • 34 ISPs did not receive transitional protection • 30 ISPs increased their places between 2012/13 and 2013/14 and in total this equated to 310 places. • Places at 4 ISPs remained the same

  6. Key Issues • Understanding and communication between LAs and institutions • Large variation in LA readiness and approaches – limited use of national contracts or of cross-LA approaches • Delays with commissioning and contracting for places • Some LAs bore down on course duration, content and costs

  7. What we did in-year • Improved communications with the sector and LAs • Improved information on the EFA high needs funding page • Created high needs funding – additional information document • Adopted a national monitoring approach • Focussed on local intelligence • LA risk rating re contracting and commitment to funding places • Intervened • Territorial and national involvement with LAs • Brokering relationships between LAs and institutions

  8. Lessons for 14/15 • Set clearer expectations earlier to LAs • Clear timetables for contracting and payments • Need to continue national monitoring • Some LAs will not comply and if unreasonable we should use powers available to intervene

  9. Discussion /Questions

  10. Academic year 2014/15 and onwards

  11. Academic year 2014/15 • Places for 2014/2015 • Allocated 22 000 post-16 places to non-schools institutions • Allocated 3100 places to ISPs for the academic year 2014/15. • Exceptional submissions • Received 21 exceptional submissions from institutions • In the moderation, 67 additional places agreed and 29 places removed • In total 38 additional places at cost of £439k additional funding for element 1 and 2

  12. Academic year 2014 to 2015 • Top up funding • Much closer match between agreed LA student numbers post-schools and high needs DSG • Higher proportion of total high needs funding paid to institutions through place funding as numbers now more real • Transitional Protection • For 2014/15, Transitional Protection will be paid at 80% for each place not commissioned by LAs compared 12/13

  13. Setting expectations • Published expectations for LA decisions: • Decision on placement by 31 May; • Contract signed with institution by 30 June; • Student starts by 30 Sept; • First payment by 31 Oct (where monthly payment agreed). • We will keep the position under review and consider whether any further conditions of DSG grant should be made regarding timings for 2015 to 2016

  14. Academic year 2015/16

  15. Children and Families Act • Royal Assent to Children and Families Act • The Children and Families Act means, from September 2014, new regulations and a revised 0-25 SEN Code of Practice will be phased in • New rights for young people and their parents • Education Health and Care plan from September 2014 can name an institution

  16. Funding approach • Intention is a lagged system for most places based on data collected from 2013/14 and 2014/15. • Flags already included in ILR but clarification needed • Flags will be included in the school census from 2014 • Discussion around simplification of the system for ISPs • Opportunity for LAs and institutions to change pattern of places for expected substantial changes to provision • Transitional protection will not be paid for 2015/16

  17. Discussion /Questions

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