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Colombia’s National Biodiversity Policy and National Biotrade Program. MINISTERIO DE AMBIENTE, VIVIENDA Y DESARROLLO TERRITORIAL Greening trade for Biodiversity Conservation NAGOYA, October 19 th 2010. 1 st place. 2 nd place. 3 rd place. 4 th place. Mammals ( 471). Birds ( 1865).
Colombia’s National Biodiversity Policy and National Biotrade Program MINISTERIO DE AMBIENTE, VIVIENDA Y DESARROLLO TERRITORIAL Greening trade for Biodiversity Conservation NAGOYA, October 19th 2010
1st place 2nd place 3rd place 4th place Mammals (471) Birds (1865) Reptiles (524) Amphibians (698-733) Plants (41,000) • We have 10% of the world’s biodiversity, excluding marine organisms. • However we don’t really know what we have or its productive potential. 2
National BiodiversityPolicy National BiotradeProgram Law 165 National approval of the CBD 1992 1994 1996 1998 2001 - 2006 2008 – 2010 …
INTEGRATED BIODIVERSITY AND ECOSYSTEM SERVICES MANAGEMENT HUMAN ACTIVITIES Asentamiento Production Extracction Consumption Activities to control the use of biodiversity DEMAND Use and Modification HUMAN WELFARE Health Security Basic Materials for our quality of life Good social relations Liberties and options to progress Activities to sustain biodiversity offer OFFER BIODIVERSITY ECOSYSTEM STRUCTURE ECOSYSTEM FUNCTION ECOSYSTEM SERVICES POVERTY REDUCTION RISK LOSS AND ECOSYSTEM TRANSFORMATION INTRODUCTION OF SPECIES POLLUTION OVER EXPLOITATION CLIMATE CHANGE
Biotrade framework Mandato Principios de Biocomercio Enfoques CBD Objectives Conservation Sustainable use (Addis Abeba principles) Benefit sharing Ecosystems Focus P1. Conservatión P2. Sustainable use Adaptative management CDS – ODM Sustainable development objetives CITES, UNCCD, RAMSAR P3. Benefit sharing P4. Socioeconomic sustainability Value chain OMC – Doha Barriers to trade P5. Legal compliance Ownership P6. Respect stakeholder rights National legislation Constitution 1991, Law 99of1993 National Biodiversity Policy,PNP&CS, Laws, decrees y resolutions P7. Clarity over land ownership and resource access Competitiveness Alta Consejería Presidencial para la Competitividad y las Regiones República de Colombia Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo República de Colombia Ministerio de AmbienteVivienda y Desarrollo Territorial República de Colombia
Value Chain Current State Information, benefits Benefits Knowledge, environmental responsibility Ideal State Participative planning of the value chain Information, costs, benefits and environmental responsibilities Benefits Added value
Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y TurismoRepública de Colombia A public-private partnership, aimed at developing world-class sectors. The program intends to develop and execute business plans aimed at boosting economic growth as well as generating skilled jobs. The strategy encompasses both, established and emerging sectors. Stimulating the development of ESTABLISHED SECTORS into world class performers Promote the development of world class performers of NEW AND EMERGING sectors
Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y TurismoRepública de Colombia Today, 12 different sectors are executing and developing their business plans leading to become world class performers NEW ESTABLISHED SECTORS NEW AND EMERGING SECTORS AGRIBUSINESS SECTORS Textile, Apparel, Fashion and design Health Tourism Cocoa, Sweets and Chocolates Electric energy, products and services Cosmetics and personal care Products Shrimp Production Graphic Communication Industry Cattle Livestock BPO & O Palm oil and oilseeds Auto parts Software & IT
Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y TurismoRepública de Colombia By 2019, these 8 world-class sectors will multiply their 2008 revenues by 3,4 times and their exports by 7,7 2032 2019 TODAY 2012 2008 1.112.600 313.000 773.100 1.988.700 Jobs 2,5 X 3,6 X 6,4 X Total sales 69.100 20.126 39.670 215.800 US$ Millions 2,0 X 3,4 X 10,7 X Exports 18.090 34.023 4.397 126.462 4,1 X 7,7 X 28,8 X US$ Millions
La diversidad biológica es vida La diversidad biológica es nuestra vida
GRACIAS! FELIPE GÓMEZ VILLOTA MSc Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial Viceministerio de Ambiente Dirección de Ecosistemas Calle 37 No. 8 – 40, Piso 4, Edificio Anexo Bogotá, D.C., Colombia Teléfonos (+571) 3323400 / 34, Ext. 2340 – 2341Telefax (+571) 3323457 fgomez@minambiente.gov.co