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Donald W. Reynolds School of Journalism & Center for Advanced Media Studies Cassie Clauser . Topher Cuellar . Alex Hinman . Jam i e Picollo . Jordan Yoder. 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS:. P. 3 Problems P. 4 Goal P. 5 Audience P. 6 Key Messages P. 7 Objectives P. 8 Strategies
Donald W. Reynolds School of Journalism & Center for Advanced Media Studies Cassie Clauser . Topher Cuellar . Alex Hinman . Jamie Picollo . Jordan Yoder 1
TABLE OF CONTENTS: P. 3 Problems P. 4 Goal P. 5 Audience P. 6 Key Messages P. 7 Objectives P. 8 Strategies P. 9 Tactic #1 Partnerships – Wine to Water P.10 Tactic #1 Continued – E-Mail to Doc Hendley P.11 Tactic #2 Partnerships – Rita Tateel P. 12 Tactic #3 Partnerships – Cross Promotion P. 13 Tactic #4 Brand P. 14 Tactic #5 #Branding P. 15 Tactic #6 Online Packet P. 16 Tactic #7 YouTube.com Channel P.17 Tactic #8 “Splash Mob” P. 18 Tactic #8 Continued – “Splash Mob” Incentive P. 19 Tactic #9 YouTube.com Instructional Video P. 20 Yearly Timeline P. 21 Positioning Statement 2
PROBLEMS: • Not targeting an audience • No clear brand • Not communicating effectively with participants • No clear message • No clear date 3
GOAL: • “TO CREATE AN EVENT DATETHAT GIVES ADVOCATES A PLATFORM TO SHARE THEIR MESSAGES AND ENGAGESCHOREOGRAPHERS TO PROMOTE THEIR WORK." Global Water Dances is a promotional dance organization used to raise awareness for water issues. The purpose of communication in this campaign is to establish the Global Water Dances’ event and brand it. We suggest partnering with other water advocacy groups, so that Global Water Dances will help a cause and allows us to spread the brand. A benefit would be gaining recognition as the “go-to” vehicle for other water organizations to spread their messages and help build another network of artists concerned with water issues. 4
AUDIENCE: Global Water Dances currently targets choreographers. We found for successful communication, we have to reach two target audiences. Water Advocates & Choreographers When speaking to our audiences, we plan to communicate our message in a way which resonates with them so both our messages can intertwine. Because we will be addressing two audiences, we have developed different messages to personalize our communication with each. 5
KEY MESSAGES: Global Water Dances becomes a tactic for organizations to tell their own stories. When speaking to our water advocates audience, key message is: “Use Global Water Dances as a channel to bring awareness to your cause.” When speaking to our choreographers, our key message is: “Join Global Water Dances and the community to raise awareness for water issues through dance.” The purpose of our messages is to establish and spread the Global Water Dances brand. 6
OBJECTIVES: Advocacy organization partnership Make the advocates ambassadors Enable choreographers to promote themselves 7
STRATEGIES: Create keynote partnerships Brand the day (August 20) as 8.2.0 Connect participants Showcase the event using social media outlets 8
TACTIC 1 PARTNERSHIPS: Global Water Dances’key strategy is to partner with an established water advocacy organization because Global Water Dances is a vehicle that helps spread their message. Involve Doc Hendley, founder and president of Wine To Water. Doc’s dream, and now the goal of Wine to Water, is to quench the thirst of the needy in a way that sets them apart from the rest of the world. “When the idea came to me to start Wine To Water the only real world job experience I had was tending bar...So I started raising money to fight this water epidemic the best way I knew how, by pouring wine and playing music.” Doc Hendley, President/Founder Wine to Water 783 West King Street Suite F PO Box 2567 Boone, NC 28607 828.355.9655 9
TACTIC 1 CONT. PARTNERSHIPS: • SAMPLE CONTACT EMAIL: • TO: doc@winetowater.org • FROM: Global Water Dances • SUBJ: WINE TO WATER & GLOBAL WATER DANCES • BODY: • Dear Doc, • Global Water Dances is a promotional dance organization who partners with other water issue advocacy groups to spread their message to the community through dance. • We would like to extend an invitation to Wine to Water as our key partnership for our event on August 20, 2015. • Feel free to contact us for additional information about our organization and how we can help spread your message. We look forward to partnering with you in the future. • Sincerely, • MayleeHardenbergh • director.gsp@gmail.com 10
TACTIC 2 PARTNERSHIPS: We suggest partnering with a celebrity endorser and at least one organization that supports the clean water effort. Involve Rita Tateel, celebrity expert, influencer, and booking agent with over 25 years of experience. She has served as director of a speakers bureau for a national non-profit, president of a celebrity booking agent, and for the last 24 years, as Founder and President of The Celebrity Source. Rita Tateel, The Celebrity Source 8033 Sunset Blvd. Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90069 323.651.3300 11
TACTIC 3 PARTNERSHIPS: We will cross promote with our partners by posting each other’s logos on our websites, having links to our websites on each other’s pages, and tagging each other in social media posts. We also aim to have choreographers spread our message on their social media outlets. 12
TACTIC 4 BRAND: We created the event date 8.2.0 to represent a water molecule, H20. "H" being the eighth letter in the alphabet matching August, being the eighth month of the year. From this date, we created a Global Water Dances logo to resemble an element on the periodic table. This logo can be used in all forms of communication. 13
TACTIC 5 #BRANDING: Hashtags used on Twitter allow people to talk about trending events and read other posts that have used the same hashtag. We will use the hashtag,“#GWD820”in all of our Twitter communication to get theevent trending. “Excited for Global Water Dances this year! #GWD820” “Check out our website to find out where you can participate locally for Global Water Dances #GWD820” “Where’s your nearest Global Water Dance location? #GWD820” 14
TACTIC 6 ONLINE PACKET: We will create an online recruitment packet explaining the next steps for choreographers and dancers for the 8.2.0 event. This packet will include the time, date, location, and information about our partners with links to their websites. It will be available to download after participants sign up on our website. 15
TACTIC 7 YouTube.com CHANNEL: • https://plus.google.com/u/0/getstarted/getstarted?fww=1&continue=https%3A%2F%2Fplus.google.com%2Fu%2F0%2Fme • Username: GlobalWaterDances@gmail.com • Password: MLGWD820 16
TACTIC 8 "SPLASHMOB": We will have an online contest for choreographers to create a "Splash Mob” uploaded to Global Water Dances' YouTube.com channel by March 22 (National Water Day). A YouTube.com channel allows participants to upload their entry videos so a winner can be chosen. The winner of this competition will be featured in our YouTube.com instructional video. This will spark initial interest for choreographers to get involved on 8.2.0. 17
TACTIC 9 CONT. “SPLASH MOB” INCENTIVE “SvayRieng is the poorest province in Cambodia. In poor communities, clean drinking water is the most important need. Along with our partners, KoneKmeng, we drill shallow wells using locally made drill rigs, testing the water to ensure quality. Access to clean water not only reduces sickness and improves health, but it enables families to raise healthier fish, chickens, and vegetables for food and income. The overall standard of living is improved, children have a greater chance to pursue an education, and ultimately the cycle of poverty is broken.” The winner of the “Splash Mob” contest will have a shallow well donated on their behalf. ($500 value) 18
TACTIC 9 YouTube.com INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO: We will create a YouTube.com instructional video featuring the winners of the "Splash Mob" video competition. The video will teach participants the dance step-by-step for Global Water Dances' 8.2.0 event. This video will be available to participants after signing up on our website and downloading the online recruitment packet. This video will help all participants learn the dance prior to 8.2.0. 19
YEARLY TIMELINE: August 20: Global Water Dances 8.2.0 event March 22: "SplashMob" video deadline April – August: Spread logo, brand, and hashtag (#GWD820) Create YouTube.com instructional video Establish partnership with organization Recruit choreographers 20
Global Water Dances is a promotional dance organization who partners with other water issue advocacy groups to spread their message to the community through dance. 21