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Milano, 12-13 Marzo 2014 Corso di Europrogettazione Gli strumenti implementativi Ing. Giorgio Franchioni (RSE). 15 Febbraio 2012 Click per titolo presentazione Click per inserire sottotitolo. Argomenti. Riferimenti Strumenti implementativi SME instrument Opportunità aperte in H2020 2014
Milano, 12-13 Marzo 2014 Corso di EuroprogettazioneGli strumenti implementativiIng. Giorgio Franchioni (RSE)
15 Febbraio 2012 Click per titolo presentazioneClick per inserire sottotitolo
Argomenti • Riferimenti • Strumenti implementativi • SME instrument • Opportunità aperte in H2020 2014 • Statistiche
TRL – Technology Readiness Level RESEARCH LEVEL
TRL – Technology Readiness Level INDUSTRY LEVEL
TRL – Technology Readiness Level MARKET LEVEL
SET Plan: Strategic Energy Technology Plan TECHNOLOGY PRIORITIES • The European Industrial Bioenergy Initiative • The European CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage Initiative • The European Electricity Grid Initiative • The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen (FCH) Joint Technology Initiative • The Sustainable Nuclear Initiative • Energy Efficiency – The Smart Cities Initiative • The Solar Europe Initiative • The European Wind Initiative The SET-Plan Steering Group (SET-Group) The European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) The SET-Plan Information System (SETIS) EIIs are joint large scale technology development projects between academia, research and industry
Key EU energy objectives • ENERGY EFFICIENCY OBJECTIVES • to hold 2020 energy consumption down to no more than 1474 Mtoe of primary energy consumption and 1078 Mtoe of final energy consumption1617; and • to hold 2030 energy consumption down to an appropriate level (which may be set as a function of the EU's economic performance) • LOW-CARBON EMISSIONS OBJECTIVE • to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions 20% below 1990 levels by 2020, and intends to achieve a further reduction to 80-95% by 2050 • renewables should cover 20% of the final energy consumption in 2020, and a large part of it by 2050, as identified in the Energy roadmap 2050 • a reduction of at least 60% of GHGs by 2050 with respect to 1990 is required from the transport sector, while by 2030 the goal for transport will be to reduce GHG emissions to around 20% below their 2008 level
KET: key enabling technologies La nanotecnologia consentirà di sviluppare micro e nano dispositivi e sistemi intelligenti, che porteranno cambiamenti radicali in settori essenziali quali l'assistenza sanitaria, l'energia, l'ambiente e la i processi produttivi. La micro e la nanoelettronica, compresi i semiconduttori, sono essenziali per tutti i beni e servizi che necessitano di un controllo intelligente in vari settori, che consentono di gestire con maggiore efficienza la produzione, lo stoccaggio, il trasporto e i consumi di energia elettrica attraverso dispositivi e reti intelligenti. La fotonica fornisce tra l'altro la base tecnologica per la conversione economica della luce solare in energia elettrica, importante per la produzione di energia rinnovabile, e una varietà di componenti e attrezzature elettronici, quali fotodiodi, LED e laser. I materiali avanzati agevolano il riciclaggio, riducono le emissioni di carbonio e il fabbisogno energetico e limitano la domanda di materie prime scarsamente presenti in Europa. La biotecnologia offre processi alternativi più puliti e sostenibili per la produzione industriale e agroalimentare. Essa consentirà ad esempio di sostituire progressivamente i materiali non rinnovabili, attualmente impiegati da varie industrie, con risorse rinnovabili http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=COM:2009:0512:FIN:IT:PDF ,
Research and Innovation Action (RIA) Action aiming at establishing new knowledge and/or to explore the feasibility of a new or improved technology, product, process, service or solution. For this purpose they may include basic and applied research, technology development and integration, testing and validation on a small-scale prototype in a laboratory or simulated environment. Projects may contain closely connected but limited demonstration or pilot activities aiming to show technical feasibility in a near to operational environment.
RIA conditions • Participants ≥ 3 legal entities from 3 MS/AC • Funding (100% dir + 25% Indir) • Duration: 36-48 months • EC contribution: 2.0 ÷ 5.0 M€ • collaborative research projects in FP7
Innovation Action (IA) • Action aiming at producing plans and arrangements or designs for new, altered or improved products, processes or services. • They may include prototyping, testing, demonstrating, piloting, large-scale product validation and market replication. • ‘demonstration or pilot’ aims at validating the technical and economic in an operational environment. • ‘market replication’ aims at supporting the first application - deployment in the market of an innovation that has already been demonstrated but not yet applied-deployed in the market due to market failures-barriers to uptake. • ‘First’ means new at least to Europe or new at least to the application sector in question. • Projects may include limited research and development activities.
IA conditions • Participants ≥ 3 legal entities from 3 MS/AC • Funding (70% dir + 25% Indir) • Duration: 30-36 months • EC contribution: 2.0 ÷ 5.0 M€ • Competitive Innovation (Pilot) Projects in FP7
Coordination and Support Action (CSA) Actions consisting of accompanying measures such as standardization, dissemination, awareness-raising and communication, networking, coordination or support services, policy dialogues and mutual learning exercises and studies, including design studies for new infrastructure and may also include complementary activities of strategic planning, networking and coordination between programmes in different countries No research
CSA conditions • 1 legal entity (depending from the specific topic requirements) • Funding (100% dir + 25% Indir) • Duration: 12-30 months • EC contribution: 0.5 ÷ 2.0 M€ • CSA in FP7
H2020 Pillar two objective This pillar aims to speed up development of the technologies and innovations that will support tomorrow's businesses and help innovative European SMEs to grow into world-leading companies.The goal is to make Europe a more attractive location to invest in research and innovation (including eco-innovation), by promoting activities where businesses set the agenda. It will provide major investment in key industrial technologies, maximize the growth potential of European companies by providing them with adequate levels of finance and help innovative SMEs to grow into world-leading companies
What a SME is To count as a "small and medium-sized enterprise" (SME), your organization must be engaged in an economic activity and must have: • fewer than 250 employees And • an annual turnover of no more than € 50 million and/or a balance sheet of no more than € 43 million Whether you count as an SME may depend on how you count your workforce, turnover or balance sheet. You must take account of any relationships you have with other enterprises.
H2020 support to SMEs • 4970 M€ -> Collaborative projects • 2675 M€ -> SME Instrument
SME instrument SME instrument is designed to promote competitiveness, growth and job creation of European SMEs through delivering innovations for the market place. SMEs will be supported to enhance their innovation capacity and innovation output with growth potential. As the SME instrument aims to bridge the gap between research and development and the commercialization of innovation, the funding of single company projects is possible. The projects need to have a clear European added value.
SME instrument Phase 1: the feasibility study should verify the technological/practical as well as economic viability of an idea which is innovative in its specific sectors. The activities could be: market analysis, IPR, risk assessment, partner search. The usefulness of the concept has to be detected into phase 1 and reached into phase 2. The proposal should contain an initial business plan based on the idea to be presented. The funding is a lump sum of 50.000 euro and the period covered by the first phase lasts 6 months. Phase 2: the activities of this phase are focused on innovation and demonstration actions such as testing, prototyping, piloting. The proposals should be based on an elaborated business plan that can correspond to the final business plan of the phase 1 or can be elaborated by other means. Funding: 70% Phase 3: in this phase the SMEs do not receive any funding from the Commission but can benefit from support measures and services which support them in receiving financial support. Successful beneficiaries could receive coaching and monitoring support in phase 1 and 2.
Eligibility • Support is available to for-profit SMEs individually or as part of a consortium of for-profit SMEs. Other partners – such as research providers or larger companies – can be involved as associates ("third parties"), but they are not eligible for funding. • Businesses outside the EU can get support provided they're based in a Horizon 2020 associated country. SMEs established in other countries can take part in projects as associates ("third parties"), for example as subcontractors, but they're not eligible for funding. • One project/proposal per business at a time. You can't submit a second application under the SME instrument if: • you are already taking part in a project (as lead applicant or partner) • you are part of a project going through the application process (from phase 1) But you can: • submit a second application under the SME instrument if your first application is rejected and • apply for funding under the SME instrument even if you are part of another Horizon 2020 project or application outside the SME instrument.
SMEINST-1-2014 • Space-SME-2014-1: SME Instrument • NMP-25-2014-1: Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs • BG-12-2014-1: Supporting SMEs efforts for the development - deployment and market replication of innovative solutions for blue growth • SIE-01-2014-1: Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system • IT-1-2014-1: Small business innovation research for Transport • SC5-20-2014-1: Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials • BIOTEC-5a-2014-1: SME boosting biotechnology-based industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainability
SIE-01-2014-1 • SIE-01-2014-1: Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system • Specific Challenge • Reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint by smart and sustainable use (including energy-efficient products and services as well as ‘Smart Cities and Communities’) • Low-cost, low-carbon electricity supply (including renewable energy as well as CCS and re-use) • Alternative fuels and mobile energy sources • A single, smart European electricity grid • New knowledge and technologies • Robust decision making and public engagement Participants can apply to phase 1 with a view to applying to phase 2 at a later date, or directly to phase 2 Funding (phase 2): 70% EC Support: 0,5-2 M€ Budget 2014: 34 M€
EE-14-2014: Removing market barriers to the uptake of efficient heating and cooling solutions • Market Uptake: TRL 8-9 • Individual heating and cooling: Innovative measures to accelerate the replacement of old, inefficient space heaters and packaged cooling systems with products having A+++ to A+ energy labels. • For industrial heating/cooling: ◦deploy effective heating/cooling solutions in industry that integrate demand and supply. ◦deploy renewable heating and cooling solutions in relevant industrial sectors (e.g. food and drink industries). recovery of heat from industry by putting stakeholders together, including activities aiming at supporting public acceptance of waste heat recovery projects. • Type of action: Coordination and Support Actions (100%) • EU funding between EUR 1.5 and 2 million • Deadline for submission: 2014-06-05 • €42,500,000
EE-16-2014: Organizational innovation to increase energy efficiency in industry • Market Uptake: TRL 8-9 • Energy management in SMEs and industry: Improve the availability of skilled energy auditors and energy managers and the diffusion of energy management systems and best practices. Develop instruments to ensure availability of updated, comprehensive and usable information on energy efficiency relevant for industries. Address the issue of access to finance for the actual implementation of energy efficiency upgrades. • Type of action: Coordination and Support Actions (100%) • EU funding between EUR 1.5 and 2 million • Deadline for submission: 2014-06-05 • €42,500,000
Fast Track to Innovation • Open to any legal entity - consortia of no more than 5 participants • Funding of innovation actions (close-to-market) • Proposals relating to any technology field under LEITs and Societal Challenges (bottom-up-driven logic) • Grant up to € 3 million (but no comitology) • Permanently open call with three cut-off-dates per year • Impact criterion given a higher weighting in evaluations • Time-to-grant: 6 months • It will be launched as a pilot action in 2015 • .