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Culture in a box. POLAND. WARSAW – capital city. POLISH CURRENCY – 10 ZŁOTYCH which literally means „golden”. FOLK CULTURE. KONIAKOWSKIE LACE – handmade. HUSSARS.
Culturein a box POLAND
St Andrew Day – 29/30 November in Poland is the day of mysterious parties with the candles and future telling games. The most spectacular is pouring liquid wax into water. The shape which formed as the wax solidified is then illuminated to throw it’s shadow on the wall. The shape of the shadow gives the opportunity for unlimited interpretation, which is fun for all participants.
ŚMIGUS DYNGUS – WET MONDAYheld on EasterMonday. The festival is traditionally celebrated by boys throwing water over girls.
All Saint’s Day on Novemberthe first.On this night, cemeteries are visited and candles and flowers placed on graves as the living say prayers for the deceased.
TheDrowning of Marzanna on the first day of spring (21st March) The Marzanna, symbolizing winterand all evil is drowned in a river, pond, lake or simply ina big bucket of water - itis a chance to „kill” winter and welcome spring.
EASTER BASKET – ŚWIĘCONKABaskets containing a sampling of Easter food are brought to church to be blessed on Holy Saturday.
CHRISTMAS EVE The Wigilia feast begins at the appearance of the first star. There is no red meat served but fish, usually carp. The supperincludes many traditional dishes. It is followed by the exchange of gifts. The supper begins with the breaking of the opłatek (hollywafer). Everyone at the table breaks off a piece and eats it as a symbol of their unity with Christ. They then share a piece with each family member.
NATIVITY SCENE – SZOPKAat the Main Market Square, Cracow during szopka tournament on thefirst Thursday of each December
PALM SUNDAY - thelastSunday of Lent beforeEasterpeoplebringpalms to church to be blessed.
HONEY CAKE (gingerbread) – PIERNIK TORUŃSKI producedsincethe Middle Agesin a city of Toruń. An icon of Poland’s national cuisine.
KRÓWKI literally„little cows” arePolishfudge, semi-softmilktoffeecandies.
POLSKA WALCZĄCA - symbol of Poland Fighting (Warsaw Uprising)
Hand-kissinga gesture indicating courtesy, politeness, respect, admiration or even devotion by a man towards a woman
Kapusta kwaszona – sauerkrautOgórek kiszony – pickledcucumber
BIGOSknown as a hunter's stew, is a traditional meat stew withcabbageFLAKIknown as Polishbeeftripe