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Dr. Barry Wellar Professor Emeritus, University of Ottawa President, Wellar Consulting Inc. Distinguished Research Fell

Dr. Barry Wellar Professor Emeritus, University of Ottawa President, Wellar Consulting Inc. Distinguished Research Fellow, Transport 2000 Canada wellarb@uottawa.ca http://wellarconsulting.com/ PowerPoint slides for 2009 Wellar GeoSkills Lecture Laboratory for Applied Geomatics and

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Dr. Barry Wellar Professor Emeritus, University of Ottawa President, Wellar Consulting Inc. Distinguished Research Fell

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  1. Dr. Barry Wellar Professor Emeritus, University of Ottawa President, Wellar Consulting Inc. Distinguished Research Fellow, Transport 2000 Canada wellarb@uottawa.ca http://wellarconsulting.com/ PowerPoint slides for 2009 Wellar GeoSkills Lecture Laboratory for Applied Geomatics and Geographic Information System Science University of Ottawa January 27, 2009

  2. Context Slide 1 Geography Awareness Week 2008: GeoSkills Showcase www.cag-acg.ca/files/pdf/GAW/GeoSkills_Final.pdf

  3. Context Slide 2 Geography Awareness Week 2008: Applied Geography Showcase www.cag-acg.ca/files/pdf/GAW/Applied_Final.pdf

  4. Table 1:A Selection of Terms and Concepts that Underlie GeoSkills as the Focus of a New Approach in Applied Geography Education and Training Source: After Wellar, (2005): ccge.org/ccge/english/geoLiteracy/docs/symposium_june2005_media_wellar.pdf

  5. Figure 1: Geography, GeoSkills, and the Driving Forces Behind Data, Information and Knowledge Activities

  6. Message from the 2007 and 2008 Websites, Geography Awareness Week The skills involved in geographic teaching, research, and applications are numerous, diverse, and rapidly changing as universities, colleges, schools, governments, businesses, and other organizations introduce new and different methods, techniques, technologies, and practices to support and promote thinking about and doing geography.

  7. One-Stop Googling for GeoSkills? I Don’t Think So!! Examination of GAW 2007 and 2008 websites reveals that becoming informed about the education, training, and work experiences associated with geographic skills is a daunting task. As demonstrated by the GAW 2007 and 2008 websites, these skills are not “under one roof”. Rather, they are developed, taught, and used in Canada’s universities, colleges, and schools, by governments at all levels, by businesses in all parts of the country, as well as by advocacy groups, the media, and other organizations.

  8. Types of GeoSkills? Perhaps There Are More than You Might Think • Cartographic • Geographic field methods • Geographic research methods • Geographic research techniques • Geomatics • Geoprocessing • Geostatistics • Geotexting • GIS applications • GIS science • GIS technology • Remote sensing • Spatial analysis • Visualization

  9. Types of GeoSkills? Perhaps There Are Way More than You Might Think (What about the combinations?) • Cartographic & Geographic field methods • & Geographic research methods • & Geographic research techniques • & Geostatistics • & GIS science • & Remote sensing • & Spatial analysis • & Visualization

  10. Types of GeoSkills? Perhaps There Are Way, Way More than You Might Think (What about the other combinations?) • Cartographic & Geographic field methods & GIS technology • & Remote sensing • & Spatial analysis • Etc. • Etc. • Etc.

  11. Sources of GeoSkills • Conferences • Courses • Demonstrations • Labs • Lectures • Lesson plans • Practical experience • Projects • Publications • Seminars • Training sessions • Videos • Workshops Given that there are a number of types of GeoSkills, it follows that there are a number of ways of acquiring GeoSkills, which is demonstrated by this indicative list of sources. It is important that GeoSkills programs in applied geography education and training are organized around a framework which takes these sources into account in curriculum design.

  12. Recognizing GeoSkills in Applied Geography Education and Training Programs The ways of acquiring GeoSkills are created by professors, technologists, technicians, engineers, scientists, researchers, etc., many of whom have achieved the accreditation of GISP (Geographic Information System Professional). Within the university environment, it appears fair to suggest that more thought needs to be given to properly recognizing and rewarding the teaching, research, and service performance of faculty members who contribute their GeoSkills expertise to applied geography education and training programs through the following ways: • Conferences • Courses • Demonstrations • Labs • Lectures • Lesson plans • Client-driven, practical • experience • Projects • Publications • Seminars • Training sessions • Videos • Workshops

  13. GeoSkills Showcase Sampler Geography Awareness Week 2008 The GeoSkills Showcase is an ideal venue for organizations to demonstrate how they combine geographic text, numerics, and graphics in their processes or products. And, it is an ideal venue for providing a range of materials that are informative and instructive to beginners and newcomers to the field, as well as to people with advanced training and experience as designers, instructors, and users of these skills. A selection of title pages from publications, as well as from presentations at conferences, workshops, public meetings and other venues has been assembled for the GeoSkills Showcase Sampler, Geography Awareness Week 2008. The complete presentations can be viewed by accessing the website URL that is included with each title page. www.cag-acg.ca/files/pdf/GAW/GeoSkills_Final.pdf

  14. From NASA Satellite Images (1966) to Google Earth (2008): Geography, Geomatics and GIS Have Come a Long Way Dr. Barry Wellar Professor Emeritus University of Ottawa wellarb@uottawa.ca PowerPoint Slides for an Invited Lecture Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society Ottawa Chapter Thursday, April 24, 2008 National Research Council, Ottawa, Ontario Source URL: www.geomatics.uottawa.ca/WellarPresentstheTriple.htm

  15. Sustainable Transport Best Practices and Geography: Making Connections Dr. Barry Wellar Professor Emeritus, University of Ottawa Distinguished Research Fellow Transport 2000 Canada wellarb@uottawa.ca http://wellarconsulting.com/ Text of the Fleming Lecture Organized by the University of Washington 2007 Annual Meeting Association of American Geographers San Francisco, CA, April 17-21 Source URL: http://people.hofstra.edu/geotrans/tgsg/events/AAG%202007%20Fleming%20Lecture%20Final.pdf

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