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WORLD INNOVATION made by Cleanwater Systems GmbH

WORLD INNOVATION made by Cleanwater Systems GmbH. „ Bacteria-free water is vital. Therefore , water hygiene cannot be compromised .“. INTRODUCTION. Drinking Water Hygiene.

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WORLD INNOVATION made by Cleanwater Systems GmbH

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  2. „ Bacteria-freewateris vital. Therefore, waterhygienecannotbecompromised.“ INTRODUCTION DrinkingWater Hygiene • Wetrustthatthewaterweusefromthefaucetissafeandthat the water system built into the building produces perfectly clean water • Tests showthatwaterfrombuildingsandhouseholdsisoftencontaminated • Almost all citieshave a highlevelofbacteria in thewater • Many bacteria found in water systems, such as Legionella and Pseudomonas, are extremely dangerous for humans to consume • In theworstcase, infectedwatercanresults in death Legionella in drinking water was found in a hotel in 1976 (USA). Two hundred people became ill, and thirty suffered death. REFRIGERATOR WATER FILTER

  3. „Even if water might appear clean, it can still contain disease-causing bacteria.” T33 WATER FILTER T33 RefridgeratorWater Filter • Improvementofthewaterqualityfromthewaterdispensorandice-cubemaker • Cleansthewaterfromrust, chlorine, andsediment • Preventsdeposits in thewaterlineofyourrefrigerator • Withhelpfromthe nano-ceramic filter, all bacteria will becompletelyremoved • Onlywith a Clean Water Systems filter will yourhigh-qualityside-by-siderefrigeratorbeusedsafely, allowingyoumaximumbenefit. REFRIGERATOR WATER FILTER

  4. ADVANTAGES YourBenefits • Safe, clean wateris vital for not onlydrinkingandfoodpreperation, but also fordailyhygiene. • *Depending on additional waterpollutionandbacteria REFRIGERATOR WATER FILTER

  5. PERFORMANCE Performance • 100% (99.999%) removalofbacteria in waterlike Escherichia coli,Staphylocccusaureus, Salmonella typhi,Vibriocholerae, Legionellapneumophila • Inhibitstheregrowthofbacteria • Significant and sustainable reduction of heavy metals such as Pb2+, Cd2+,Cr6+, As3+, etc. • Removalofsediments • Certified @ DIN 58355-3 and ASTM international D3863 REFRIGERATOR WATER FILTER

  6. DATA SHEET Data Sheet T33 standard filter housing (exterior) Unique nano-ceramic REFRIGERATOR WATER FILTER

  7. SUMMARY Summary The Cleanwater Systems filter allowsfor a simple and quick replacement. REFRIGERATOR WATER FILTER

  8. Our filters have been tested by the renowned Max Planck Institute, confirming the high-quality, and have received certificates from an independent national hygiene institute in accordance with recognized international standards. QUALITY Continuous Quality Control • Cleanwater Systems GmbH standsforleadingproducts in thefieldofwaterfiltration. • Weuse innovative nanotechnologycombinedwithexisting filter carriersystemstoachievethebest filter quality. • Ourdevelopmentsensurethatourprocessesforwaterfiltrationalwaysusethelatesttechnology. • Certified @ DIN 58355-3 and • ASTM international D3863 REFRIGERATOR WATER FILTER

  9. COMPANY PROFILE Our Products • Ourproductsaredesignedtomeetthefollowingobjectives: • Best-possibleresults • Simple and intuitive handling • Noadditionofchemicalsorenergyrequired • Lowest-possibleunitcosts (corruptionprotection) • Almostanyproductionquantitiesavailable Cleanwater Systems hasdeveloped: REFRIGERATOR WATER FILTER

  10. 1. Emergency Water Filter2. OutdoorWater Filter3. Household- /Hotel- /Office- Water Filter4. Refrigerator Water Filter COMPANY PROFILE ProductOverview 1. 2. 3. 4. REFRIGERATOR WATER FILTER

  11. Thankyouforyourinterest! • Cleanwater Systems GmbH • Biegenstraße 21 • 35037 Marburg • Germany • Tel.: +49 (0)64 21 - 30 99 163 • Fax: +49 (0)64 21 - 30 99 164 • info@cleanwatersys.com • www.cleanwatersys.com REFRIGERATOR WATER FILTER

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