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Enhancing Total Manufacturing Cost Efficiency for Optimal Production

Analyzing NdKavhla costs, reducing waste, maximizing resources for total cost optimization. Implementing strategies for substantial savings in manufacturing.

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Enhancing Total Manufacturing Cost Efficiency for Optimal Production

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Presentation Transcript

  1. uq¿ ksIamdok msßjeh .Kkh lsÍu¡ Total Manufacturing Cost

  2. lsishï NdKavhla ksmoùu i|yd fok ,o uq¿ úhou Total cost

  3. uq¿ ksIamdok msßjeh + m%d:ñlmsßjeh ksIamdokfmdÿ ld¾hh msßjeh = re' xxx re¡ xxx m%d:ñl msßjeh fmdÿld¾h msßjeh

  4. ksoiqka 01 ±j NdKav ksIamdokh lrk l¾udka;Yd,djl 2017 j¾Ifha m<uq ld¾;=fõ ksIamdok lghq;=j,g wod<j my; f;dr;=re Tnfj; imhd we;¡ wuq øjH úhoï f.ktafï l=,S jegqma - Rcq jl% Rcq øjH msßjeh Rcq fjk;a msßjeh re¡ 250"000 re¡ 20"000 re¡ 100"000 re¡ 80"000 re¡ 150"000 re¡ 75"000

  5. re¡ 20"000 re¡ 30"000 re¡ 10"000 re¡ 5000 jl% úhoï rlaIKh úÿ,s ì,a c, ì,a jßmkï nÿ • wjYH jkafka¦ • m%d:ñl msßjeh • fmdÿ ld¾h msßjeh • uq¿ ksIamdok msßjeh .Kkh lrkak¡

  6. ksIamdok msßjeh f,aLKh

  7. 01 jkm%Yakh ksjerÈmsßjehiólrKhf;darkak' 1' m%d:ñlmsßjeh ¬ jl% øjHmsßjeh } uq¿ msßjeh 2' m%d:ñlmsßjeh ¬ fmdÿ ld¾h msßjeh} uq¿ msßjeh 3' uq¿ Rcqmsßjeh ¬ jl% Y%umsßjeh } uq¿ msßjeh 4' uq¿ fmdÿ ld¾h ¬ RcqøjHmsßjeh } uq¿ msßjeh

  8. ksoiqka 02 —riúuk˜ ;,ler,sksIamdokwdh;kfha 2017 ckjdÍudihgwod< f;dr;=re my; ±lafõ¡ wuq øjH úhoï ksIamdokjegqmaweiqreïúhoï lïy,a l=,sh re¡ 80"000 re¡ 20"000 re¡ 4000 re¡ 11"000

  9. uqrlref.ajegqmaridhksli|yd úÿ,sì,a hka;% kv;a;= re¡ 7000 re¡ 1500 re¡ 1500 re¡ 5000 • wjYH jkafka¦ • m%d:ñl msßjeh • fmdÿ ld¾h msßjeh • uq¿ ksIamdok msßjeh .Kkh lrkak¡

  10. msßjeh f,aLKh

  11. ksoiqka 03 my; j.=j iïmQ¾K lrkak¡

  12. 02 jkm%Yakh uq¿ ksIamdokmsßjehiukaú; jkafka @ 1' uq¿ Rcqmsßjehydjl% øjHj,sks¡ 2' uq¿ Rcqmsßjehyduq¿ jl% msßjefhks¡ 3' uq¿ jl% msßjehydRcqøjHmsßjefhks¡ 4' uq¿ jl% msßjehyduq¿ msßjefhks¡

  13. uq¿ ksIamdokmsßjeh .KkhlsÍfïm%fhdack 01& NdKavhl ñ, ;SrKhlsÍugm%fhdackj;aùu¡

  14. 02& wkjYHmsßjehlmdyeÍug¡

  15. 03& tallhlmsßjeh .KkhlsÍugyelsh¡

  16. 04& ksismßÈwod< weia;fïka;= ielishyelsh¡

  17. 05& ;r.ldÍiucd;ShksIamdokj, msßjehiuÕiei|Su¡

  18. 03 jkm%Yakh uq¿ ksIamdokmsßjeh .KkhlsÍfïm%fhdackhlajkafka@ 1' ,dNh .Kkh l< yelsh 2' tallhlmsßjehfidhd.ekSugWmldÍfõ 3' Khg .ekqïy÷kd .ekSugyelsh 4' Khgúl=Kqïy÷kd.; yelsh

  19. mß.Klieliqu (- wd¾' ta' tka ' m%§ma l=udr fmd,ams;s.ucd;sl mdi, fmd,sms;s.u

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