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Report to the College June 15, 2006

Report to the College June 15, 2006. Outline. Introduction Personnel Infrastructure and Equipment Financial Information Undergraduate Education Graduate Education and Research Integrated Planning Student Issues Alumni Issues Celebrating our Success. Introduction.

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Report to the College June 15, 2006

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  1. Report to the College June 15, 2006

  2. Outline • Introduction • Personnel • Infrastructure and Equipment • Financial Information • Undergraduate Education • Graduate Education and Research • Integrated Planning • Student Issues • Alumni Issues • Celebrating our Success

  3. Introduction

  4. The College at a Glance • Undergraduate (UG) enrolment (7 programs): 1,464 • UG degrees awarded (Fall ’04 + Spring ’05): 229 • Graduate (G) enrolment (8 programs): 343 • G degrees awarded (Fall ’04 + Spring ’05): 91 • Research funding (2004/05): $6.99M (UofS data) $12.05M (Research Report data) • Faculty positions (as of June 30, 2005): 82 (including 5 not funded from operating budget) • Staff positions (as of June 30, 2005): 60 (including 12 not funded from operating budget) • Operating budget (May 1, 2005 to April 30, 2006): $11.4 M • Building and facilities: 17,431 m2

  5. Personnel

  6. Faculty Retirements and Resignations • Dr. Saeid Habibi (ME) • Dr. Dennis Pufahl (C&GeoE) • Dr. Martin Roberge (ABE) • Dr. Spiro Yannacopoulos (ME)

  7. Faculty Appointments • Ms. Lisa Feldman, Assistant Professor(C&GeoE) • Dr. Carl McCrosky, Professor(ECE) • Dr. Yang Shi, Assistant Professor(ME) • Dr. Fang-Xiang Wu, Assistant Professor(ME)

  8. Faculty Tenure • Dr. Amin Elshorbagy, Assistant Professor (C&GeoE) • Dr. Ian Fleming, Associate Professor(C&GeoE) • Dr. Rajesh Karki, Assistant Professor (ECE) • Dr. Jitendrapal Sharma, Associate Professor (C&GeoE)

  9. Faculty Renewal of Probationary Appointment • Dr. Daniel (Xiaobong) Chen, Assistant Professor (ME) • Dr. Ramakrishna Gokaraju, Assistant Professor (ECE) • Dr. Christopher Hawkes, Assistant Professor (C&GeoE) • Dr. Aryan Sadaat Mehr, Assistant Professor (ECE)

  10. Faculty Promotion • Dr. James D. Bugg, Professor (ME) • Dr. Brian L.F. Daku, Professor (ECE) • Dr. Amin Elshorbagy, Associate Professor (C&GeoE) • Dr. Terrance A. Fonstad, Associate Professor (ABE) • Dr. Mel Hosain, Professor Emeritus (C&GeoE) • Dr. Rajesh Karki, Associate Professor (ECE) • Dr. Anh van Dinh, Associate Professor (ECE)

  11. Administrators Terms Completed in 2005/06 • Dr. Dennis Pufahl (C&GeoE); Head • Dr. Todd Pugsley (ChE); Acting Head • Dr. Kunio Takaya (ECE); Head • Dr. Hui Wang (ChE); Acting Chair, Division of Environmental Engineering

  12. Administrators Appointments • Dr. S. Lee Barbour (C&GeoE); Head; 2006 – 2008 • Professor David E. Dodds (ECE); Head; 2006 – 2010 • Dr. Greg Schoenau (ME); Acting Associate Dean; July 1 – December 31, 2006

  13. Support Staff Transfers / Retirements / Resignations • Wayne Fang, Systems Administrator (ECC) • Michelle Howe, Clerical Systems Worker (DO) • Kathryn Lee, Clerical Systems Worker (DO) • Jacquie Matthies, Clerical Systems Worker (ECE) • Meghan Mullis, Clerical Systems Worker (ECE) • Kurt Reifferscheid, Programmer (ECC)

  14. Support Staff Appointments • Lorrie Blackstar, Clerical Systems Worker (DO) • Tracey Gillies, Clerical Systems Worker (ECE) • Michelle Howe, Clerical Systems Worker (C&GeoE) • Kevin Jeffrey, Instrument Maker (Eng. Shops) • Kathryn Lee, Clerical Systems Worker (ECE) • Rob Merritt, Systems Administrator (ECC) • Meghan Mullis, Clerical Systems Worker (ECE) • Sergei Nazarenko, Department Assistant (ECE) • Darla Orth, Clerical Systems Worker (ECE)

  15. Support Staff Appointments (cont’d) • Brennan Pokoyoway, Technician (C&GeoE) • Rlee Prokopishyn, Technician (ECE) • Angela Schleicher, Electronics Technologist (ABE) • Janai Simonson, Clerical Systems Worker (ME) • Pamela Steinhauer, Clerical Systems Worker (DO) • Tao Wang, Media Programmer (ECC) • Stephanie Wong, Clerical Systems Worker (DO) • Peng Xu, Programmer (ECC) • Jaklin Zareah-Asari, Program Assistant (DO)

  16. Infrastructure & Equipment

  17. Infrastructure • IP links installed in classrooms 2B53, 2C01, and 2C02. • XTron interface installed in classrooms 1B79 and 2C02. • USRNet Project: upgrade of 477 network connections; installation of 202 new network connections, including 196 for research, and of 152 additional lines in graduate student offices. • Further development of the proposal for the expansion of the Engineering Building (e.g. partnership with the Office of the Vice-President Research, Mining Centre of Excellence project, etc.).

  18. Laboratory Equipment Capital Budget Allocation: • Approximately $80,000 distributed to departments and central services in 2005/06. • Additional allocations of about $120,000 (Indirect Costs of Research program). Engineering Advancement Trust: • More than $520,000 allocated to departments and central services in 2005/06.

  19. Financial Information

  20. Operating Budget (2005 – 2006) • Salaries and benefits: $10,994,197 • Non-salary expenditures: $439,467 TOTAL: $11,433,664 TOTAL (2004 – 2005): $11,094,089

  21. College Contingency Fund (2005 – 2006) ,Opening balance (May 1, 2005): $675,077 • Total revenues: $391,077 • Total Expenditures: $345,280 • Salary & benefits $215,518 • 2005/06 budget reduction: $0 • 2005/06 Fall-in recovery tax: $105,063 Closing balance (April 30, 2006): $720,874

  22. Operating Budget

  23. External Fund-/Friend-Raising “Thinking the World of Our Future” Campaign • Targeted initiatives: • Engineering Entrepreneurship Option: More than $1M received  objective met; • “CAPES II” initiative and “cooperative” academic programming for the northern mining sector: $1.5M from Cameco Corporation  objective met; • Ron and Jane Graham Centre for the Study of Communication: More than $4M received  objective met; • Increases in both the number and value of awards available to engineering students: Ten new undergraduate and one new graduate scholarships; • Promotion of the College’s expertise and R&D capabilities resulting in research funding to College faculty and increased awareness with regards to College’s capacity; • Financial support received from individuals and companies who had not given to the College in the past.

  24. Advancement Revenues

  25. Undergraduate Education

  26. Enrolment (Fall 2005 data) Discipline Enrolment Total Female First-year 466 71 Agricultural & Bioresource 65 13 Chemical 170 55 Civil 181 51 Electrical 181 16 Engineering Physics 68 7 Geological 59 7 Mechanical 274 17 Total 1,464 237

  27. UG Enrolment Trends

  28. UG Enrolment Trends

  29. Graduate Education & Research

  30. Enrolment (Fall 2005 data) Discipline Enrolment PGD M.Eng. M.Sc. Ph.D. Total Agricultural & Bioresource 27 12 39 Biomedical 219 5 17 Chemical 20 14 34 Civil & Geological 3 1 57 16 77 Electrical 6 1 62 20 89 Engineering Physics 9 2 11 Environmental 1 7 5 13 Mechanical 3 44 16 63 Total 11 7 235 90 343

  31. G Enrolment Trends

  32. G Enrolment Trends

  33. Research Funding

  34. Integrated Planning

  35. Integrated Planning Milestones • Submission of College’s Faculty Complement Plan Update to Vice-Provost (October). • Submission of a proposal for major capital project on the expansion and renovation of the Engineering Building (January). • Approval of the undergraduate program in computer engineering by PCIP and by University Council. • Approval of College’s Faculty Complement Plan Update by Vice-Provost (March).

  36. Student Issues

  37. Student Issues College Support for Student Activities • Third year implementation of the three-year agreement between the College and the Saskatoon Engineering Students’ Society (SESS). • Four categories of student activities: • Discipline-specific activities and representation (College to match departmental contributions) • College-wide activities and representation (departmental contributions optional) • Executive representation (for national or international student organizations) • Major events (e.g. WEC, CEC, CFES Congress, etc.) • All requests were prioritized by the SESS prior to submission to College / departments. • Renegotiation of the agreement with the SESS.

  38. Student Issues Other Highlights • 47th Engineering Scholarship & Award Ceremony (January). • More than 420 students recognized. • More than 550 scholarships and awards distributed. • More than $1.4M in scholarships and awards to students. • 323 students on the Dean’s Honour Roll. • Student teams from ME and ChE respectively won the Innovative Design and Student Paper Presentation competitions (March).

  39. Alumni Issues

  40. Alumni Issues • Reunion 2005. • Calgary Engineering Alumni: luncheon (September), golf tournament (May). • Leadership role of Calgary Engineering Alumni in the Thinking the World of our Future campaign. • C.J. MacKenzie Lecture: Dr. M. Bachynski (February). • Thorough Magazine (Fall 2005): 10,000 copies distributed to alumni and friends of the College; a research supplement will be included in the Fall 2006 issue. • Dean’s Fund: Endowment now stands at $620,000 (vs. goal of $1M); annual contribution of $12,500 to support student activities will be increased to $20,000 effective in 2006/07.

  41. College of Engineering Wall of Distinction New Inductee • C.J. Mackenzie Lecturer: Dr. Morrel Bachynski (EP 1952). Terms of Reference • C.J. MacKenzie Lecturer inducted each year: The 2007 Lecturer will be a ChE graduate and the event will be coordinated with Spectrum 2007. • Additional nominations to Organizing Committee (Dean, Associate Dean, College Development Officer, Coordinator of Personnel & Facilities, Chair of C.J. Mackenzie Distinguished Graduate Lecturer Committee) by alumni and faculty.

  42. Celebrating our Success

  43. U. of S. News Releases • Government of Saskatchewan provides ISF funding to U. of S. (Drs. D. Chen and Q. Yang (ME) – August). • Honorary and earned degrees recipients announced at U. of S. (Dr. D.-Y. Peng (ChE) – October). • Government of Saskatchewan provides matching ISF funding to U. of S. for CRC positions (Dr. Q. Yang (ME) – November). • Renewal of CRC positions at the U. of S. (Dr. A. Dalai (ChE) – April). • U. of S. capital campaign surpasses $100M (gift to College from Ron & Jane Graham – May). • Moose Jaw Asphalt and Gibson Energy Ltd. provide $100k in research funding to the College (May).

  44. Earned and Honorary Degrees • Dr. Ding-Yu Peng, P.Eng. (ChE): Earned Doctor of Science (2005 Fall Convocation). • Dr. Lotfi Zadeh (University of California, Berkeley): Honorary Doctor of Science (2006 Spring Convocation).

  45. Thank You!!! Mr. P. Adapa Research Coordinator Ms. B. Bitner Coordinator (Finance & Administration) Ms. L. Blackstar Clerical support Ms. L. Danbrook Development Officer Dr. R. Gander Assistant Dean Ms. M. Howe Clerical Support Ms. G. Jones Clerical support Ms. K. Lee Clerical support Ms. C. McKenna Coordinator (Academic Programs & Internships) Ms. P. Noble Clerical support Dr. M. Reeves Assistant Dean Ms. B. Rowe Dean’s secretary Dr. G. Schoenau Associate Dean Ms. P. Steinhauer Clerical support Ms. C. Teague Coordinator (Personnel & Facilities) Ms. S. Wong Clerical support

  46. Report to the College June 15, 2006

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