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The Stormi Giovanni Club pgs . 110 - 125 Prereading Activities. The Stormi Giovanni Club pgs . 110 -125. How do people adapt to new places ?. A. Please watch and listen to the Concept Talk (Day 1). Read , write , and answer the following questions :.
TheStormi Giovanni Clubpgs. 110 - 125 PrereadingActivities
TheStormi Giovanni Club pgs. 110 -125 How do peopleadapttonew places ? A. Pleasewatch and listen totheConcept Talk (Day 1). Read, write, and answerthefollowing questions: What are somereasonspeoplemovefromone place toanothertolive? 2. How do peopleusuallyfeelwhentheymoveto a new place? Whatdifficulties do peoplehavetryingtomake new friends in a new place? Whatchanges can peoplemake in theirlives in ordertomakeiteasierforthemselvestomeetpeople in a new place?
TheStormi Giovanni Club pgs. 110 -125 B. 1.Identify and understandthestory’sgenre and record it in your notebook. 2. Writedownthestory’stitleonthefirstpart (reading ) of your notebook. 3. Skimthroughthestorypages and writedownyourpredictionin your notebook.
TheStormi Giovanni Club Generalize C. Watch and listen tothe «generalize» video. (Day 1) . 2. WatchthePower Point presentationongeneralizationstakenfrom Mrs. Melissa Vilamaa fromWetumpkaIntermediateSchool. 3. SolveReader’s and Writer’s Notebook pg. 280. Theanswerkeywill be providedforyouduringclass time and will be postedonthe WIKI.