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WESTERN DEMOCRACIES. ARE THEY DEMOCRATIC?. LESSON 1. Parliamentary Democracy. How does it work?. We’ll Discuss. The idea of democracy. The activities of politicians, monarchs, lawmakers and others. The political system of the UK. We Must Understand These Words Without Translation.
Parliamentary Democracy. How does it work?
We’ll Discuss. • The idea of democracy. • The activities of politicians, monarchs, lawmakers and others. • The political system of the UK.
We Must Understand These WordsWithout Translation. • A minister, a cabinet, a department, a constitution, an opposition, a prime Minister, to coordinate, to control [kqn'troul], ceremonial ["serI'mounjql], monarch ['mOnqk], monarchy, democracy, parliament, policy, politician ["pOlI'tIS(q)n], democratic, parliamentary ["pa:lq'ment(q)rI], political
Remember • To appoint (назначать) the Prime Minister • To determine (определять) the government policy • To delay (откладывать) the bill • To revise (пересматривать) the bill, the programme • To examine (рассматривать) the programme, the bill, • To vote (on) (голосовать) the programme • To draft (составлять) the programme • To sign (подписывать) a bill • To pass (принимать) a new law • To rule (управлять)the country
To oppose (выступать против)the government policy • To make (составлять)laws • To discuss (обсуждать)the bill, the programme • To approve (одобрять) the government policy, the bill • To challenge (подвергать сомнению)the bill • To give (налагать) the royal assent (королевскую санкцию) • Legislative branch of power (законодательная ветвь власти) • Executive branch of power (исполнительная ветвь власти)
Responsible to\for (ответственный перед\за) • Majority (большинство) • To represent (представлять) • A representative (представитель) • To elect (избирать) • Elected (избираемый) • Non-elected (неизбираемый)
THE MONARCH appoints is the official head of state; has mostly representative functions THE GOVERNMENT The Prime Minister is the head of the government; is the leader of the party with the majority of seats in the House of Commons The Cabinet About 20 ministers; determines government policies Non-Cabinet Ministers Is responsible to appoints chooses chooses PARLIAMENT elect THE PEOPLE (all men and women over 18)
How Much Do You Know? • What political system does the United Kingdom belong to? • Where are its laws made? • What are the two chambers of the British Parliament? • What functions do the members of the House of Commons perform? • What are the functions of the House of Lords? • What do you mean by saying that 'her role is mostly ceremonial!’?
What about the government of Britain? Will you name its functions? • Can everybody become Prime Minister? • Who is the British government responsible to? • Which of the two chambers of the British Parliament is elected by the people? • Who can elect? • What branch of power does each of them represent? - the Monarch - the Government - Parliament
We’ll Discuss. • The legislative branch of power in the USA • The executive branch of power in the USA • The judicial branch of power in the USA • The system of checks and balances • The role of the head of state in the USA
We Must Understand These WordsWithout Translation. Federal, presidential ["prezI'denS(q)l], republic, administration, a secretary, Congress, the Senate, the Vice ['vaIs] President, the Cabinet, to veto, compromise ['kOmprqmaIz]
Remember • To balance – приводить в равновесие • Court - суд • To declare – объявлять, провозглашать • Extreme – крайний, крайность • Judge - судья • Judicial - судебный • to pass over – преодолевать (вето) • Supreme – высший, верховный • Unconstitutional - неконституционный • Institution - учреждение • To involve in - вовлекать
appoints approve elect THE PEOPLE all men and women over 18 elect
THE PRESIDENT The court can declare presidential acts unconstitutional. The President can veto laws passed by the Congress. Congress can pass laws over the President’s veto by a two thirds majority. The president appoints federal judges. The Senate must approve the President’s judicial appointments. THE SUPREME COURT CONGRESS The Court can declare laws unconstitutional
How Much Do You Know? • Is the power of the USA President inherited as the power of the monarch? • Which institution represents the legislative branch of power in the USA? • Is the head of the country elected directly by the people in the USA? • What system are all the branches of power in the USA involved into? • How does the system of checks and balances work?
We’ll Discuss. • The political system of Russia. • Institutions of legislative, executive and judicial branch of power in Russia.
We Must Understand These WordsWithout Translation. Federation, the Duma, assembly [q'semblI], to guarantee ["g1r(q)n'ti:]
Remember • To adopt - принимать • Peculiarity - особенность • The Chairman - председатель • To interact - взаимодействовать • The basic rights – основные права • To dissolve - распустить • Council - совет • Deputy - депутат
can veto laws THE PRESIDENT pass law by 2/3 majority guarantees the basic rights can dissolve the Duma appoints THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT THE FEDERAL ASSEMBLY The Chairman of the Government Ministers The Federation Council 2 representatives from each federal subject The Duma 450 deputies approves THE SUPREME COURT OF THE RF THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT OF THE RF THE PEOPLE all men and women over 18 elect elect
How Much Do You Know? • What political system does the Russian Federation represent according to the Constitution? • Who quarantines the basic rights of the people of Russia? • What branch of power is the President of Russian Federation involved in? • What functions does the Russian Federation President exercise according to the RF Constitution?
Список литературы Английский язык: Учеб.для 10-11 кл. общеобразоват. учреждений / В.П. Кузовлев. Н.М. Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудова и др. – М.: Просвещение, 2001. Английский язык: Большой справочник для школьников и поступающих в вузы / Е.М. Базанова, И.Ю. Баканова, О.Ю. Болтнева и др. – М.: Дрофа, 2004