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The new ( socialLY active) Brand Ambassadors

The new ( socialLY active) Brand Ambassadors. Presentation speakers. Moderator. Deirdre Bannon VP, Product, Nielsen Social. Roni Karassik Sr. Campaign Research Manager, Microsoft. Berj Kazanjian SVP, Ad Sales Research, MTV. Jed Meyer Global Research Director, Annalect. #Consumer360.

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The new ( socialLY active) Brand Ambassadors

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  1. The new (socialLY active) Brand Ambassadors

  2. Presentation speakers Moderator Deirdre BannonVP, Product, Nielsen Social RoniKarassikSr. Campaign Research Manager, Microsoft Berj KazanjianSVP, Ad Sales Research, MTV Jed MeyerGlobal Research Director, Annalect #Consumer360

  3. people Tweet about TV a lot 361 million Tweets in January–April 2014 sent by 17 million authors Source: Nielsen. January-April 2014. Twitter TV activity is captured from three hours before, during and three hours after an episode’s initial broadcast, local time. Twitter Brand data is collected on a 24 hour basis. #Consumer360

  4. They ALSO Tweet a lot about BRANDS 215 million Tweetsin January–April 2014 sent by 17 million authors Source: Nielsen. January-April 2014. Twitter TV activity is captured from three hours before, during and three hours after an episode’s initial broadcast, local time. Twitter Brand data is collected on a 24 hour basis. #Consumer360

  5. Social brand ambassadors do both In an average month: 64% Brand Authors TV Authors of brand authors also tweet about TV 78% of Tweets about brands are sent by this group Source: Nielsen. January-April 2014. Twitter TV activity is captured from three hours before, during and three hours after an episode’s initial broadcast, local time. Twitter Brand data is collected on a 24 hour basis. #Consumer360

  6. Tv authors send 3x brand tweets Compared to authors that tweet only about brands TV AND BRAND AUTHORS BRAND-ONLY AUTHORS Source: Nielsen. January-April 2014. Twitter TV activity is captured from three hours before, during and three hours after an episode’s initial broadcast, local time. Twitter Brand data is collected on a 24 hour basis. #Consumer360

  7. TV authors HAVE twice the INFLUENCE Compared to authors that tweet only about brands 665 followers per author TV + Brand Brand only 1,265 followers per author Source: Nielsen. January-April 2014. Twitter TV activity is captured from three hours before, during and three hours after an episode’s initial broadcast, local time. Twitter Brand data is collected on a 24 hour basis. #Consumer360

  8. Some categories rely more on social tv 86% 83% 83% 82% 73% 69% 78% • of tweets about brands are sent by • TV authors • But, this varies by category. Source: Nielsen. January-April 2014. Twitter TV activity is captured from three hours before, during and three hours after an episode’s initial broadcast, local time. Twitter Brand data is collected on a 24 hour basis. #Consumer360

  9. Brands are taking note of social tv Media Planning Sponsorship Engagement Creative Measurement #Consumer360

  10. Social as a complement to TV RatingS Media Planning and Buying High Program A Program C Twitter TV Audience Program B National TV Ratings #Consumer360 Low Low High

  11. Evaluating program affinity Media Planning and Buying Number of TV authors that tweeted about the brand Likelihood of authors to tweet or retweet about the brand #Consumer360

  12. Brands are taking note of social tv Media Planning Sponsorship Engagement Creative Measurement #Consumer360

  13. Microsoft: measuringcampaign effectivenessthrough social TV

  14. Can we leverage social TV activity to understand the relative impact of TV campaigns? ” RoniKarassik, Senior Campaign Manager, Microsoft

  15. Three questions we set out to answer What is the value of advertising in more social programs? Can we use social activity to identify placements with the best brand fit? How can we optimize creative for social impact? #Consumer360

  16. Shows with similar tv ratings vary socially Highlighteddrama seriesepisodes had similar TV ratings, but varied social engagement Twitter TV Authors Microsoft Campaign Episodes National TV Ratings (P2+) Source: Nielsen Social Brand Tracking and SocialGuideIntelligence, Microsoft primetime campaign Analysis, 11/4/13-3/9/14. All shows were included in media schedule excluding “Super Bowl XLVIII” and “The 56th Annual Grammy Awards”. With a min 5000 TV tweets. Shows were selected where authors tweeted about both the brand and the word “commercial”.

  17. more Social shows, more ad mentions Placements in more social episodes led to 5x • mentions of Microsoft commercials compared to less social episodes • More social episode = >100K TV Authors Source: Nielsen Social Brand Tracking and SocialGuideIntelligence, Microsoft Campaign Analysis, 11/4/13-3/9/14. All shows were included in media schedule excluding “Super Bowl XLVIII” and “The 56th Annual Grammy Awards”. With a min 5000 TV tweets. Shows were selected where authors tweeted about both the brand and the word “commercial”.

  18. Some genres performed better than others Index of Microsoft Tweets per TV Author (Excluding sports) Sports programs—driven by the Olympics—spurred the most Microsoft Tweets per TV Author (3x compared to comedy) Comedy Special Drama Reality Source: Nielsen Social Brand Tracking and SocialGuide Intelligence , Microsoft Campaign Analysis, 11/4/13-3/9/14. Chart includes all shows that were included in media schedule with at least one TV author that tweeted about Microsoft.

  19. Campaign Exposure increased brand activity Pre/post campaign analysis: 41% increase in Tweets about Microsoft from the population exposed to campaign. Source: Nielsen Social Brand Tracking and SocialGuideIntelligence, Microsoft Campaign Analysis, 11/4/13-3/9/14. #Consumer360

  20. creative could be optimized for social Certain creative worked better to drive social discussion Exposure to emotional creativedrove TV authors to send 5X as many Microsoft tweets per person than exposure to rational creative. Source: Nielsen Social Brand Tracking and SocialGuideIntelligence, Microsoft Campaign Analysis, 11/4/13-3/9/14. All shows were included in media schedule. #Consumer360

  21. Social TV can drive a creative spark Microsoft’s latest Xbox One campaign features Aaron Paul Highly Social Program Breaking Bad (AMC) reached 6.0Mpeople on Twitter on average each new episode in September 2013 Microsoft and Xbox Affinity Breaking Bad authors were 1.8Xmore likely to tweet about Microsoft and 2.2Xmore likely to tweet about Xbox than general TV authors in the past 6 months. Microsoft Authors In the second half of 2013, 486,000people sent Tweets about Microsoft and Breaking Bad Source: Nielsen. 9/1/13–5/25/14, Most social series ranked by Average Unique Audience; New/Live episodes on broadcast and cable networks. Microsoft Affinity H22013; Xbox Affinity 12/9/13–6/8/14.

  22. recap: reaching social brand ambassadors Social TV is only half the equation. Brand activity completes the picture. Social TV Authors are valuable to brands. Social TV data complements TV data to support media planning and buying. Social TV activity can be used to measure impact of TV campaigns. #Consumer360

  23. Presentation speakers Moderator Deirdre BannonVP, Product, Nielsen Social RoniKarassikSr. Campaign Research Manager, Microsoft Berj KazanjianSVP, Ad Sales Research, MTV Jed MeyerGlobal Research Director, Annalect #Consumer360

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