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Structured approach for developing professional literacy in renewable energy field through team teaching. Examples and steps detailed in 7-step process. Enhancing critical thinking and understanding of environmental issues.
Projekt OBOGATENO UČENJE TUJIH JEZIKOV IIProgram profesionalnega usposabljanja učiteljev JEZIKOVNO OBOGATENI KURIKUL: Razvijanje strokovne pismenosti v TJ Delavnica 2: predstavitev primerov dobre prakse Srednja šola tehniških strok Šiška Ljubljana, 4. april 2013 Mirja Mrovlje Pečnik, SŠTS Šiška in Amresh Torul, ZRSŠ Operacijo delno financira Evropska unija iz Evropskega socialnega sklada ter Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost, kulturo in šport. Operacija se izvaja v okviru Operativnega programa razvoja človeških virov v obdobju 2007-2013, razvojne prioritete: Razvoj človeških virov in vseživljenjsko učenje; prednostne usmeritve: Izboljšanje kakovosti in učinkovitosti sistemov izobraževanja in usposabljanja.
Developing professional literacy and team teaching at SŠTS Šiška Four examples of good practices: I. Renewable Energy II. Sensors III. Computer Science IV. Globalisation
RENEWABLE ENERGY – creating a course book Renewable Energy LET'S GO GREEN! Structured approach to the development of professional literacyin the field of renewable sources of energy Renewable Energy LET'S GO GREEN! Student's Book
Do teachers work too much? Renewable Energy LET'S GO GREEN! Renewable Energy LET'S GO GREEN! Students‘ Book Student's Book
Developing material Renewable Energy LET'S GO GREEN! 7 steps: 1. Needs analysis 2. Defining goals and objectives 3. Choosing authentictexts 4. Developing teaching/learning materials 5. Trying out thematerials 6. Evaluation 7. Revision Students‘ Book
We are becoming the center for the education about the alternative sources of energy in Slovenia
2. Defining goals Students: • Developpingprofessional literacy in FL • Learning content through a foreign language andvv • Developping4 skills: reading, speaking, listening and writing • Developpingcritical thinking • Understanding environmental issues • Learning about the good environmental solutions abroad
3. Choosing authentictexts • Project team brainstorming • The role of the professional consultant • The importance of setting the time for the team meetings in the timetable
4. Developing teaching/learning materials • The project team brainstorming • One of the teachers takes it over and consults the team at the meetings • The common structure and layout: a video, an authentic text, comprehension check, problems solving, vocabulary and/or grammatical exercises, critical thinking, writing abstracts
5. Trying out thematerials • The Slovene teachers of FL try out the material in two different classes each. • The FT tries out the material in 4 different classes with two different teachers.
6. The evaluation • The teachers evaluate the material and the teaching approach at their regular weekly meetings. • The teachers immediately change and/or correct the material. • Students give their feedback (discussions, questionnaires, tests).
7. Revision • The material is revised, printed and bound. • It has an e-version which has to be updated regularly.
Electrical Engineering students learn about sensors Their colleagues, Mechatronics students, show them how sensors work in practice. Parallel team teaching: - Slovene teacher of FL teaches a half of the class (sensors, professional literacy) - The second half of the class and the FT visit a Mechatronics workshop - The Mechatronics students had learned about sensors before - Ss in the Mechatronics WS demonstrate the operation of sensors - Ss ask questions, the Mechatronics students and the FT answer Project work Mechatronics students created a video – FT was their mentor.
III. Computer Science • 2 different examples: • HTML and web page design • Decision Support Systems (DEXi)
Example 1: HTML and Web Page Design • Team teaching (Comp. Science / ENG) • Peter Krebelj • Amresh Torul • 5th grade (TR/5A) • 1 lesson per week
FOCUS • Theory • Overview of HTML terminology (ENG / SLO) • Web design principles • Practical (coding and testing) • support from 2 teachers • authentic situation • HTML comments in English
RESULTS • Website • better in quality • English content • Learning experience • Importance of English in Engineering • holistic approach to education • using search engines efficiently • Vocabulary • SLO / ENG
OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE FUTURE • Websites completely in English • English language for the web • sections of a website • Documentation and reports • content and writing techniques • presentations in English • abstracts in English
Example 2: Decision Support Systems (DEXi) • 5th grade (TR/5A) • “Ghost” teaching • Uroš Kolar (Computer Science) • Amresh Torul (English) • Team teaching • Polona Petrovčič (English) • Amresh Torul (Eng / Computer Science)
DEXi: SOFTWARE FOR DECISION MAKING • Theory • Decision support systems • Practical (scanario) • rate something (e.g. cars, computers,…) • choose criteria and set weights • test with data • analyse results (charts and graphs)
ENGLISH LESSON • Professional text about DEXi • review of previous lesson • discussion, comprehension and vocabulary • Team teaching • Combining language and content • Supporting each other • Grading in Computer Science
IV. International and school project – Globalisation Video: Lunch Times • 7 EU countries • 5 subjects (Slovene, English, History, Sociology, IT) • 12 teachers (5 of them acting) • Students from the 1st to the 5th grade • Shown in Berlin and received the Videomanija award
Two months of team work • Students read, learn, discuss about globalisation in different classes, with different subject teachers. • 4 groups of students (and teachers mentors) take over the tasks: - the script - the costumes and props - organization - shooting and editing the video
What have we learnt about TT in this project? • The preparatory phase is extremely important. • Good motivation and fun connect people naturally. • We had to move to the location and stay together for 10 hours to record the video. • Being and working together connects people! “The nice thing of team work is that you always have others on your side.” Margaret Carty