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Benefits. Guru. (not). Introduction Employment Support Allowance Incapacity benefit Reassessing peoples needs Appeals Premiums Housing Benefit DLA PIP. The DWP. ‘Who are they ?’. Council tax reduction. Housing Benefit. The Employment Service + Benefits Agency. AKA Dole Office

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Benefits Guru (not) • Introduction • Employment Support Allowance Incapacity benefit • Reassessing peoples needs • Appeals • Premiums • Housing Benefit • DLA • PIP

  2. The DWP ‘Who are they ?’ Council tax reduction Housing Benefit The Employment Service + Benefits Agency AKA Dole Office DHSS DSS The Social Labour exchange

  3. Personal Allowances(or basic entitlements) Employment and Support Allowance Time period Circumstance Weekly amount First 13 weeks Under 25 - £56.80 First 13 weeks 25 or over - £71.70 From 14 weeks Work Related Activity Group Up to - £100.15 From 14 weeks Support Group Up to - £106.50

  4. Reassessing people needs • 42% of New Claims Disallowed • Need support to complete – Knows you well • Worst possible day!!! • Can you set an alarm Clock without support? • Return form by asking date • Photo copy the form before sending relevant information . • Appeals – DWP guidance , first dispute the decision ask for reconsideration . Lodge an appeal submit medical evidence

  5. Claims and reconsiderationsand appeals • Claim 08000 556688 or • Download form via www.gov.uk • NB: Benefit may go down as well as up.

  6. Appealing to a tribunal • You Tube Video on ESA APPEAL • Produced by Ministry of Justice

  7. Premiums(or extra money to boost your income support council tax reduction or housing benefit) Employment and Support Allowance Carers Premium £26.35 Disability Premium Single £31.00 Couple £44.20 Enhanced Disability Single £15.15 Premium Couple £21.75 Severe Disability Single £59.50 Premium Couple £119

  8. Housing Benefit • No clear set amounts, lots of IFS BUTS MAYBES • Under 35 years – in shared accommodation – one rate approx. £67 each a week. • Over 35 years - rent divided by number of tenants • Couple is one bedroom rate - £117.92 per week • Single Person – One bedroom rate -£117.92 per week

  9. Applicable Amount • Example A single person support group ESA Personal allowance £106.50 If he receives DLA + Disability premium £31.00 If he receives Higher rate DLA care comp + Enhanced disability premium £15.15 And he lives alone, no one has claimed carers + Allowance for looking after him Severe disability premium £59.50 Applicable Amount = £212.15

  10. DLA Disability Living Allowance (DLA)

  11. Personal Independence Payment (PIP) • Introduced 10th June 2013 • Replaced Disability Living Allowance. • For people that are between 16 and 64 • How much benefit will I get. Standard level for whose daily living and mobility is limited. • Enhanced level for those whose mobility and daily living is ‘severely limited’

  12. How much benefit can I get

  13. More information • Disability Rights Handbook. • www.disbilityrightsuk.org • www.gov.uk/empoyment-support-alllowence

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