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Green Roof Design

Green Roof Design. Amanda Kuhnley. Gaia Principle. Ancient Greece – holistic approach Gaia – primordial Earth goddess James Lovelock Gaia hypothesis (1979)

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Green Roof Design

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Green Roof Design Amanda Kuhnley

  2. Gaia Principle • AncientGreece – holisticapproach • Gaia – primordial Earthgoddess • James Lovelock • Gaia hypothesis (1979) • A complexentityinvolving the Earth’sbiosphere, atmosphere, oceans, and soil; the totalityconstituting a feedback or cybernetic system whichseeks an optimal physical and chemicalenvironment for life on thisplanet

  3. Gaia Foundation • Founded in 1994 • Development of models for sustainablesocieties • Holisticapproach to living • Reflecting nature and MotherEarth • Gaia principle (Gaia, 2007)

  4. Malta Energy Situation • Total reliance on fossil fuels • Minimal exploration of alternative fuels • Increase in oil prices left no other option than increase in electricity prices • 40% total energy consumed in EU • 2/3 in residential homes • 70% - heating and cooling – inefficiency of homes • Significance of EPBD (Warren, 2002)

  5. Energy Performance Building Directive (EPBD) • Reduce the consumption of energy in buildings in such a way that it will inspire more energy efficiency without impairing the level of thermal comfort of the occupants • Malta is a full member of the EU and must follow the provisions set up (Buhagier, 2006).

  6. Introduction • Buildings change the flow of energy and matter • Increasesoundinsulation • Increasefireresistance • Increaselongevity of roof membrane • Reduceenergyrequired for indoor climate control • Mitigatestorm water runoff

  7. Introduction • Otherpotentialbenefits • Green-spaceamenity • Habitat for wildlife • Air-qualityimprovement

  8. History of Green Roofs • Ancient roof gardens • Hanginggardens of Babylon • Intensive - investment http://www.skepticworld.com/ancient-monuments/

  9. Green Roofs in Germany • 1970’s • Technologywasquicklyembraced • Interdiscipinaryresearch • Incentivesintroduced • Promote green-roof technology • Improveenvironmental standards • Building lawrequirements • Green roofing in urban areas

  10. Green Roofs in Germany • Success • 13.5 million square meters per year • 14% all new flat roofs willbe green • Marketincrease - sloped green roofs • Accessible green roofs – driving force behindneighborhoodrevitalization http://www.santamonicapropertyblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/green-roof-in-norway.jpg

  11. Extensive Green Roofs • Modern modification of the roof-garden concept • Shallowersubstrates • Requireless maintenance • More strictlyfunctional

  12. Extensive Green Roof

  13. Simplest Design • Insulation layer • Waterproofing membrane • Layer of growing medium • Vegetation layer http://www.sierraclubgreenhome.com/cms/wp-content/uploads/green-roof-1.bmp

  14. Green Roof Vegetation • Challenges • Moisture stress, extremedrought • Extremetemperatures • High light intensities • High wind speeds • Adaptations • Compact growth • Evergreenfoliage • Succulantleaves • Water storagecapacity

  15. Green Roof Vegetation • Thermal properties – monocultural types • Maximizing Performance – diverse functional types (Kolb, 1993)

  16. Ecosystem Services Provided • Storm-water management • Energy conservation • Urban habitat provision

  17. Storm-Water Management • Make use of existing roof space • Preventrun-off • Store water duringrainfall • Rate of runoff • Depth of substrate • Slope of roof • Type of plant community • Rainfall patterns (Dunett, 2004)

  18. Storm-Water Management • Plan Bleu – Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development (2008) • increasing the storage and production of water from other sources through incentives aimed at encouraging the construction of rainwater harvesting cisterns and the introduction of grey water recycling facilties in households (Sapiano, 2008) • Establishes tax-rebate for water savings appliances • Could green roofs fall under this rebate?

  19. Energy Conservation • Reduce heat flux • Promoting evapotranspiration • Physically shading the roof • Increasing insulation and thermal mass (Gaffin, 2006) • Other technology

  20. Urban Habitat Provision • Discussion on biodiversity • Invertebrate and avian communities • Humans • Aesthetic and psychological benefits • Food production – economic and educational benefits • Reduce sound pollution • Absorb sound waves and preventing inward transmission

  21. Optigreen

  22. Blurring the line betweenlandscape and building…

  23. Blurring the line betweenlandscape and building… • Loremipsumdolorsitamet, consectetueradipiscingelit. Vivamus et magna. Fuscesedsemsed magna suscipitegestas. • Loremipsumdolorsitamet, consectetueradipiscingelit. Vivamus et magna. Fuscesedsemsed magna suscipitegestas.

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