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PHENIX study of the medium modifications of the away side jet in Cu+Cu collisions Jiangyong Jia, State University of new York at Stony Brook for the PHENIX Collaboration. Minbias point. T. Renk hep-ph/0607166.
PHENIX study of the medium modifications of the away side jet in Cu+Cu collisions Jiangyong Jia, State University of new York at Stony Brook for the PHENIX Collaboration Minbias point T. Renk hep-ph/0607166 • p0-h correlation function with flow background overlaid on top: the flow uncertainties is small even at lowest associated pT • Clear away side jet peaks. • Hint of broadening at pT<2 GeV/c in central Cu-Cu. • And shape becomes similar to p-p above 2 GeV/c. No or small modification of the away side jet shape! We extract the xE distribution of the associated hadrons in 0.2<xE<1.4, is an approximation of the fragmentation variable. • The Iaa as function of xE in near and away side. • Near side: no suppression, • Away side: small or no suppressions at xE ~0.2, significant suppression at xE>0.4 • Consistent with the fragmentation of softened jets, The low xE region might contributed by the radiated gluons. The spread indicates that modification is centrality dependent Jet absorption or fragmentation of softened jet Gluon bremsstrahlung Ratio of integrated yield in 0.4<xE<1 for near side, away side and single particle at pT>7 GeV/c (note Raa is constant at pT>4 GeV/c) Suppression is similar to R_AA albeit with large systematical errors. I.Vitev Phys.Lett.B630:78-84,2005 Motivation Two commonly used handles for high pT jet-medium interactions: IAA for away side jet suppression RAA for inclusive jet suppression Survived The probability of away side to survive Generated: Detected triggers Average path length is ~ 2R Average path length is ~ R Since it’s parent jet energy is determined by trigger jet. Away side suppression is independent of pt,assoc, • Due to trigger bias and steeply falling spectra, RAA predictions are not sensitive to assumptions in energy loss models. We need to combine the information from Iaa with Raa to better control the energy loss calculations • Surface bias lead to a stronger suppression of IAA than RAAin Cu-Cu. • Cu-Cu provide a better handle to study how the jet quenching turns on. • Large sample of high pTp0 triggered events (8 billon sampled events) Jet Shapes Jet Yields Conclusions • Away side jet shape is not changed but yield suppressed: Similar behavior observed by STAR in Au-Au nucl-ex/0604018 , two possible scenarios: • Tangential emission picture 2) Punch though due to fluctuation in expanding medium. • Hep-ph/0608133 (C, Loizides) hep-ph/0602045 (T. Renk)