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EPSSA . 1 st meeting 2013/2014 academic year. Agenda. 1st part: Introductions Mentors and mentees update (ERICA) Plan for the academic year (HYOWON & RENATA) Information on Graduate Student Council & EDTHP alumni (KRISTINA) Information from treasurer (BRYAN) 2 nd part:

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  1. EPSSA 1st meeting2013/2014 academic year

  2. Agenda 1st part: • Introductions • Mentors and mentees update (ERICA) • Plan for the academic year (HYOWON & RENATA) • Information on Graduate Student Council & EDTHP alumni (KRISTINA) • Information from treasurer (BRYAN) 2nd part: • Developing relationship with advisor: “How my advisor became my mentor?” (SAKI and BRYAN)

  3. Mentors and mentees events So far: • Mentors and mentees are matched • Training for mentors In planning phase: • Mentors will contact mentees until the end of the week • Mentors/Mentees event – Doodle poll! • During next week, TBD

  4. What we planned? • Every month – one theme • September (Building relationships) • October (Proposals) • November (Special event – “Difficult Dialogues”) • December (End of semester) • January (Publishing) • February • March (New students weekend, Students Research Symposium, Spring Break, CIES) • April (AERA, Bill Boyd Awards, Big Name Speaker)

  5. Other Initiatives • Faculty-Student Research Initiative • Will need students to interview faculty to find out faculty’s interest in collaboration • Graduating Students Marketing • Targeted towards those graduating, the department will profile you on the website if interested.

  6. Where you can find information? • EPSSA website: • http://www.clubs.psu.edu/up/epssa/ • EPSSA Facebook • Education Policy Studies Student Association (EPSSA) • EPS Socialities • epssapsu@google.com - listserv • Monday Minutes • How would you like to be connected??

  7. Graduate Student Council and EDTHP alumni Graduate Student Council • The council will be a way to share our concerns with the Dean and others in the College of Ed and connect with other grad students in the College of Ed. EDTHP Alumni Group • This group will be a way of developing mentoring relationship with our Alumni.

  8. Membership dues and information • Due date: October 10th(Business meeting) • 2014 AERA conference, Philadelphia (April 4th – 7th 2014) • EPSSA – UPAC ($ 5.000,00) • distributed to all EPSSA members who are going, and who are eligible) • Department • All students who present at the conference are eligible • Social events • If EPSSA is sponsoring – reserve space, co-fund food, but no alcohol is allowed to be purchased (from your pocket)

  9. Invitation to the 1st EPSSA social event • September 27th • Champs (1611 North Atherton) • We will reserve tables and order appetizers • Cata Bus – V bus • Enough parking space too!

  10. Invitation to the 1st EPSSA brownbag • Tomorrow, September 13th • Rackley 303, 12:00 – 1:00 pm Dr. KaterinaBodovski & Dr. Mindy Kornhaber “On mentoring and mentorship – personal stories”

  11. Relationship with advisors and faculties • Saki • Bryan

  12. Thank you!! epssapsu@gmail.com

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