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The Role of the Staff Officer

2011Fall District Meeting. The Role of the Staff Officer. Garrison Bromwell, DSO MT 13. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN. What’s the job of the staff officer Where does the staff get it’s power Who appoints the staff How should staff be trained Evaluating the staff How the staff works together.

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The Role of the Staff Officer

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2011Fall District Meeting The Role of the Staff Officer Garrison Bromwell, DSO MT 13

  2. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN 2011 Fall District Conference What’s the job of the staff officer Where does the staff get it’s power Who appoints the staff How should staff be trained Evaluating the staff How the staff works together

  3. QuestionWhat’s the job of all staff officers?

  4. ANSWER 2011 Fall District Conference TO SUPPORT THE MEMBERS

  5. APPOINTMENT CONSIDERATIONS 2011 Fall District Conference Staff officers serve at the elected officer’s pleasure. Should be a member for at least one year. Can hold elected and appointed positions simultaneously. Recommendation – not their own boss!

  6. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 2011 Fall District Conference Combining offices and/or functions? Vice or Chief of Staff – “read the mail”? Committees – Ad Hoc Groups Aviation, Legal, and State Liaisons are District Level only appointments.

  7. WHAT THE STAFF DOES….. 2011 Fall District Conference Flotilla staff = lead persons or first level supervisors Division staff = supervisors District staff = program managers & subject matter experts Some staff have tasks to accomplish beyond program management.

  8. SELECTING THE STAFF 2011 Fall District Conference What position do you need to fill? What qualifications are you looking for? Who do you know with those qualities? How complicated is the position? Could an assistant help?

  9. INTERVIEWING FOR THE STAFF 2011 Fall District Conference • What is the level of interest? • What is the prospect looking for ... Social or Service? • What has the member done so far • In the Auxiliary? • In other organizations or work? • Be sure to outline 'The next step’!

  10. APPOINTING THE STAFF 2011 Fall District Conference Do a formal appointment – letter – job description Source of job descriptions Notify the next staff level of the new staff appointment (e.g. DSO for a new SO, etc.) Update AUXDATA via ANSC 7006 Annual officer reports ANSC 7007 Conduct a swearing in ceremony

  11. DEVELOPING THE STAFF 2011 Fall District Conference Do not hand staff officers their job descriptions and expect them to take off! Explain the job Discuss the expectations Explain the paperwork Explain the goals

  12. DEVELOPING THE STAFF 2011 Fall District Conference • Help them get the training they need • Use available resources such as • Division, District and National officers • C Schools (Mandatory for IS) • Past officers in the position • Web resources • Training like this

  13. DEVELOPING THE STAFF 2011 Fall District Conference REVIEW the effectiveness of the staff Bridge should do routinely (quarterly?) Small corrections are easier than big ones Work with less than effective staff Replace if necessary Praise jobs well done

  14. HOW THE STAFF WORKS TOGETHER 2011 Fall District Conference There shouldn’t be any silos One staff member can’t do it all, each job or activity should be parsed out Creativity and collaboration are the keys If properly shared and worked no one position should be overwhelming Daren Lewis and I are covering communication in a later session

  15. The WEB of the staffGAME TIME!

  16. End of Session

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