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Developing the Role of Access Officer in the HSE

Developing the Role of Access Officer in the HSE. “Accessible Public Services – The Way Forward” Tuesday 12th June 2007 Tullamore Court Hotel. National Disability Strategy. 6 Sectoral Plans Multi-Annual Investment in Disability Services Disability Act 2005 EPSEN Act 2004

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Developing the Role of Access Officer in the HSE

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  1. Developing the Role of Access Officer in the HSE “Accessible Public Services – The Way Forward” Tuesday 12th June 2007 Tullamore Court Hotel

  2. National Disability Strategy • 6 Sectoral Plans • Multi-Annual Investment in Disability Services • Disability Act 2005 • EPSEN Act 2004 • Citizens Information Act 2007

  3. Disability Act 2005 • 7 Parts • Part 1 - Preliminary and General • Part 2 - Assessment of Need, Service Statements and Redress • Part 3 - Access to Buildings, Services and Sectoral Plans • Part 4 - Genetic testing • Part 5 - Public Service Employment • Part 6 - Centre for Excellence in Universal Design • Part 7 - Miscellaneous

  4. Disability Act 2005- Part 3 • Access to public buildings • Access to services • Access to services supplied to a public body • Access to information • Sectoral plan of Minister for Health & Children

  5. Department of Heath & ChildrenSectoral Plan • Implementation of Part 3 in the Health Services: List of specific actions(25-46) • Action 30: Commencement of an audit of existing public buildings with regard to their accessibility to persons with disabilities • Action 31: Access will be put in place and an appropriate training programme for Access Officers will be developed and delivered to ensure consistency across the health system • Action 32: An audit of services will be planned and undertaken to establish how integrated service provision is and to identify and put in place a plan of action designed to ensure accessibility • Action 35: Provide guidance and protocols to service areas on ensuring that all client communications are accessible

  6. Department of Heath & ChildrenSectoral Plan cont • Arrangements for Monitoring & Review • National Disability Advisory Committee established • Provide a forum to inform policy at national level in relation to services for people with disabilities • Form part of the overall monitoring mechanism in relation to the implementation of the National Disability Strategy • Advise the Minister for Health and Children on progress in the implementation of the Disability Act within the health services

  7. Disability Legislation Implementation Overseeing Group (DLIOG) • A parallel Advisory Committee to monitor and oversee the HSE’s compliance with the actions arising from the Disability Act. • Established DLIOG • Representative of all service domains/functions in the HSE – Estates, Human Resources, Population Health, Shared Services, Communications, PCCC, NHO • Representation from NDA

  8. Disability Legislation Implementation Overseeing Group (DLIOG) • Ensure a unified and consistent approach to implementing Part 3 of the Act • Main Terms of Reference • To function as a resource to the system, offering technical support and advice in relation to the actions outlined in the Department of Health and Children’s Sectoral Plan. • To monitor compliance with the Act and Sectoral Plan and oversee that tasks are carried out in line with agreed timeframes. • To link with other external agencies for the purpose of facilitating implementation of the actions outlined in the Sectoral plan.

  9. Developing role of Access Officer • New Post of National Specialist in Accessibility • Reports to Consumer Affairs Division

  10. Developing role of Access Officer cont • Duties of National Specialist in Accessibility • Develop guidelines to support activities to achieve compliance with Part 3 of the Disability Act 2005 • Arranging the provision of support, guidance and advice in relation to implementation of Part 3. • Linking with stakeholders within the HSE and external agencies such as the NDA, voluntary service providers, advocacy groups, and others for the purpose of facilitating implementation. • Consulting with relevant bodies including persons with disabilities to inform proposals for access developments.

  11. Developing role of Access Officer cont • Duties of National Specialist in Accessibility • Facilitating the dissemination of information for staff on the duties placed on HSE under Parts 3 & 5 specifically in relation to disability awareness training; how ‘accessibility issues’ can impact on roles and functions; and legislation training. • Establish a strategic approach to actions on accessibility • Agree actions on accessibility to be included in annual service and business plans. • Liaising with Access Officers throughout the HSE to support them in their role.

  12. Developing role of Access Officer cont • Issues Arising • Ensuring and assuring compliance with legislation • Consistent with Best practice

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