Dali Project By: Alexis Oglesby
Info of Dali/ Section 1 Salvador Dali was a Spanish surrealist painter born in Figueres, Spain. Dali’s paintings are best known for their striking and bizarre images. Dali tambiendisfrutaron film, escultura, y fotographia. Dali was extremely imaginative and enjoyed attention-grabbing public actions. Dali’s painterly skills often attributed to the influence of Renaissance masters. His best known work, The Persistence of Memory, was completed in 1931. Dali esaunrecordabamuchahoy.
Early Life/ Section 2 Salvador Dali was born on May 11, 1904, at 8:45 AM. Dali’s older brother died nine months before Dali was born. When Dali was five, he was told by his parents that he was his brother’s reincarnation, a concept which he came to believe. El pintabacuadros de este en susobrasposteriores. Dali attended drawing school in 1916, and had his first public exhibition at the Municipal theater in 1919. In 1921, Dali’s mother died of cancer. Su padre se casa con suhermana de la difuntaesposa.
Achievements/ Section 3 Dali’s last great work was the construction of a theater-museum, which he dedicated his time to. Another one of his achievements is when he was awarded the Gran Cruz de Isabel la Catolica, which was the highest Spanish distinction. Dali tambienpublicovarioslibros y peliculas. Not only did Dali paint, he also sculpted and loved photography. Dali’s books were mostly about his past life. Una de susesculturasfueronllamado “Birdman.”
Later Life/ Section 4 Sadly, like many other artists, Dali became more famous when he died than when he was alive. Dali is best remembered as the creator of ‘soft watch’ paintings like “The Persistence of Memory.” Dali is also remembered for his extravagant personal appearance. Dali era conocidocomo un artistasurrealista. Opinions of Dali are inevitably skewed because of his unusual behavior and out of the ordinary artworks. Dali todaviaes un famosoartista.