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Fizz, Boom, READ!. Summer Reading Program 2014. Everyone can be amazed this year with The Library’s 2014 Summer Reading Clubs CHILDREN’S READING CLUB Birth through 12 years TEEN READING CLUB 13 through 17 years ADULT READING CLUB 18 and up. Quick Overview.
Fizz, Boom, READ! Summer Reading Program 2014
Everyone can be amazed this year with The Library’s 2014 Summer Reading ClubsCHILDREN’S READING CLUB Birth through 12 years TEEN READING CLUB13 through 17 years ADULT READING CLUB18 and up
Quick Overview • Children will read and log 10 hours to complete the Club. Completion earns them a certificate, prize book, entry into a drawing for a MEEP!X2 tablet, and admission to the Fun Festival August 30th. • Adults and Teens will read, listen to or watch 8 items to complete the Club. Completion earns them a Reader Reward booklet and entry into a drawing for a Kindle Fire and various gift cards and a ticket to the Fun Festival.
What’s different from 2013? • Logs need to be in earlier– August 23rd– for the prize drawings. Winners announced August 30th at the Fun Festival, attendance not required to win. • Adults and Teens are only asked to read 8 items • Only ONE adult and teen log per person will count as a drawing entry • Check out and Win! Prize drawing for baskets is based on circulation • Online adventure gives kids a different way to earn Festival entry
The Details: Registration • Participants of all ages can register on paper or online at http://www.dcls.org/src_2014_register/. Paper registration forms will be available in libraries starting June 1st and ending August 23rd. • Students will receive bookmarks indicating that children and teens may register early for the program beginning May 1st– ONLINE ONLY • When someone hands in a paper registration form : • ESA: Give form to the Summer PSA for entry online • Other Libraries: Send form to Programming & Outreach
Registration Children’s Reading Club(birth through twelve) When children register they should receive: • The Summer Reading Guide • The Summer Passport • A reading log • A Summer Reading Club Card • A SRC tattoo • A SRC sticker
Logging and PrizesChildren’s Reading Club Children must log on paper. Paper logs will be available in libraries starting June 1st. • Starting July 1 Children can turn in the 1st half of reading log for the “Explore Your Community” bag prize • August 1st to August 30th, children can turn in the 2nd half of the log for the prize book and completion certificate • 2nd half-logs and supplemental logssubmitted through 8/23 are an entry into the MEEP!X2 prize drawing
Summer Reading Club CardChildren’s Reading Club • Children (birth through twelve) receive a Summer Reading Club Card when they register for Summer Reading. This card, when completed is their “ticket” to get into the Summer Fun Festival being held August 30th at Fort Hunter. • To complete the Card children need to get six “stamps.” They get a stamp each time they check out books and/or each time they attend one of the special summer reading programs listed in the Summer Reading Guide (one stamp per day) • Regular Storytime and Discovery programming (found in the Passport) does not qualify for a stamp.
Summer Reading Fun FestivalChildren’s Reading Club There will be a Special Fun Festival at Fort Hunter for Children ages birth to twelve and their families on August 30. There are three “tickets” to the Summer Fun Festival. • Get all six stamps on the Summer Reading Club Card • Read for 10 hours and receive a completion certificate • Complete the Online Adventure at http://www.dcls.org/BOOM and print out the certificate.
RegistrationTeen and Adult Reading Club Teen Reading Club (ages 13 through 17) and Adult Reading Club (ages 18 and up) When anyone ages 13 and up that brings in proof of online registration or a paper registration, they receive: • A Summer Reading Club Guide • A teen/adult reading log • A lip balm
Logging and PrizesTeen and Adult Reading Club Teens and Adults can log reading on paper or online. If a teen or adult logs their reading on a paper form… When a participant submits their first paper reading log (a log that is printed in black and orange) they should be given: • A Reader’s Reward Coupon Book • A ticket to the Fun Festival where prizes will be drawn • And they are eligible for entry into the Kindle Fire and gift card drawings
Logging and PrizesTeen and Adult Reading Club Teens and Adults can log reading on paper or online. • If a teen or adult logs their reading online at http://www.dcls.org/SRC_2014_log/.… When the participant brings a completed Reading Log Email Confirmation to the library they should be given: • A Reader’s Reward Coupon Book • A ticket to the Fun Festival where prizes will be drawn • And they are automatically entered into the Kindle and gift card prize drawings because of their online logging
Reading Log FormsTeen and Adult Reading Club Whether a participant submits a paper log or an online reading log confirmation: • Complete the “staff only” section on the paper logs • or indicate the date, library and initials of staff member on the online reading log confirmation • ESA: Give form to the Summer PSA for entry online • Other Libraries: Send form to Programming & Outreach Please send all log forms to Programming & Outreach on a daily basis
Check Out and Win BasketsAll Reading Club Participants • This summer, there will be a prize basket drawing, with sixteen nearly identical baskets provided by multiple Friend’s groups. • Each time a patron checks out five items, they will receive a ticket. They must fill the ticket(s) out themselves and place them in the proper receptacle. • If a patron checks out ten items, then they receive two tickets, etc. • If they only check out seven items, then they receive only one ticket. • These winners will also be announced at the Summer Fun Festival, though they don’t need to be present to win. • Staff should remind users that to win the baskets they need to be registered for Summer Reading Club
Any questions? • Check the SRC Guide pages 1-5 • Ask any Youth Services Specialist or Assistant • Call Michele at P&O x 217 • Call Lisa H. at P&O x 218