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The company also offer a secure collection and processing of documents in the most secure manner and hired should be able to collect and securely process any confidential paper or media material.
Questions To Be Asked To a Document Destruction Canberra Company Source Source: : document document- -destruction destruction- -ca canberra medium.com/@hannasmith2317/questions medium.com/@hannasmith2317/questions- -to to- -be be- -asked nberra- -company company- -1c7b14f4f4c5 asked- -to to- -a a- - 1c7b14f4f4c5
Modern day business environment is really competitive and businesses have to take several steps to stay ahead and protected at the same time. One such step is maintaining its privacy and in this regards, nothing can help you in a better manner than secure document destruction Canberra company. However, for this it is important to find a company that is reliable and meets all confidentiality and security requirements. The next characteristic is that the company should also offer a secure collection and processing of documents in the most secure manner. The company hired should be able to collect and securely process any confidential paper or media material including: Business records Personnel records Medical/health records Contracts and tenders Office files Archive files Videotapes, CDs, DVDs and microfiche Other than these, the shortlisted company should also collect and process any products of a confidential nature. Hiring such a company could be tricky, but once you have shortlisted some of them, you can place the following questions before them to judge their reliability and quality. Ques. How big are the bins and how much do Ques. How big are the bins and how much do they hold? they hold? Companies engaged in the task of document destruction Canberra often have bins with the capacity of 240+ litres.
This can be easily understood by the fact that each of these bins can hold the equivalent of 6 standard archive boxes, or one 4 drawer filing cabinet. Ques. What can go into the document bins? Ques. What can go into the document bins? You can use these bins to dispose anything you want, but as per the specifications given by the experts of your mobile document shredding Sydney company. Paper, of course, can go into the bins as well as manila folders. Here, a thing to surprise you is that you can even throw staples, paperclips and rubber bands and this means that you’ll not have to filter your documents for these things before dumping. Ques. What cannot go into the document bins Ques. What cannot go into the document bins? ? Some paper based products that you should avoid dumping in these bins are - cardboard, newspapers and magazines.
Some other things that you need to keep away from these bins are - bulldog clips, plastic, food, DVD’s, CD’s, floppy disks, X-Rays, photos, hard drives, etc. Ques. Is there a minimum amount of bins that we need to order? Ques. Is there a minimum amount of bins that we need to order? Mostly document destruction Canberra companies offer no limits whatsoever on the number of bins you can hire for your establishment. You can order one bin or multiple bins and the number could be based on your requirements as well as the budget. Ques. How long can we keep the bin/s for? Ques. How long can we keep the bin/s for? Companies involved in secure document destruction Canberra say you can keep the bins for a maximum 4 weeks onsite without incurring further charges. Some other questions that you can place before the shortlisted companies Some other questions that you can place before the shortlisted companies are are – – Ques. Ques. Do we have to keep the bins for the full 4 weeks? Ques. Ques. Can we fill the bins and have them removed on the same day? Ques. Ques. Is this service pre-paid? Ques. Ques. Do you have media bins? (DVD’s, CD’s, floppy disks, X-Rays, photos, hard drives etc.) Ques. Ques. Do you collect archive boxes as they are?