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Questions to be asked

Explore the questions entrepreneurs ask to come up with new ideas, look beyond the obvious, and judge the values of outcomes. Learn how questions help sort out issues, plan for the future, and evaluate activities for success in the market.

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Questions to be asked

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Questions to be asked Unit 1 Topic 1.2.3

  2. Lesson Objectives • Must learn: Explore the questions that entrepreneurs ask • Should learn: How to come up with new ideas by asking questions • Could learn: to look beyond the obvious and ask ‘what if?’ and judging values of outcome

  3. Starter Take a piece of paper & pen. You will be given the name of an object. You have 30 seconds to think of as many uses as possible for that item. Do not discuss! • A cotton bud • A piece of tissue paper • A sponge • A loo roll insert

  4. The questions that entrepreneurs ask Questions help entrepreneurs to: • Sort out issues, explore alternatives and plan for the future • Identify what is working and should stay the same and what isn’t and needs to change • Continually evaluate their activities

  5. The Questions

  6. Plenary

  7. Homework • Think of a business idea. Then make a list of questions you would ask about that product or service to make sure it a success in the market.

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