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Critique of Liberal Party’s Website

Critique of Liberal Party’s Website. Analysis of Liberal party’s website in terms of its effectiveness to communicate with interested citizens and voters. A miyo H ydrai, J ohnny W u & O livia C hung MGTC42H3 – Professor Borins Tuesday, January 12 th , 2010. Self Advocacy + Home Page.

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Critique of Liberal Party’s Website

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  1. Critique of Liberal Party’s Website Analysis of Liberal party’s website in terms of its effectiveness to communicate with interested citizens and voters. Amiyo Hydrai, Johnny Wu & Olivia Chung MGTC42H3 – Professor Borins Tuesday, January 12th, 2010

  2. Self Advocacy + Home Page • Blogs and articles related to or about Michael Ignatieff • Latest news on the Liberals • Individual links for MP • Volunteer opportunities • Joining the Liberals

  3. Attack • Pop-up message attacking Stephen Harper • Headline stories related to Harper’s latest news • “What is Harper hiding?” • “Harper’s silence on MPs’ attacks against women unacceptable”

  4. Balance • Balance in terms of information • Headlining news • Michael Ignatieff’s point of view • News about the party • Team & leader each get individual tab

  5. Policy • Directs you for additional information regarding provincial and territorial associations (i.e. Liberal Ontario) • Policy resolutions for 2005, 2006, 2009 • Party bylaw in PDF documents for interested audience

  6. Election Readiness • “Our party will rebuild and renew in every riding across the country, we call this the 308 riding strategy. The National Election Readiness Committee will make sure that every voter counts.” • Section of webpage directed into addressing election readiness

  7. Scope for Citizen Initiative

  8. Social Networking • Twitter of Michael Ignatieff • Blog – can subscribe by RSS • Liberal TV • Facebook – almost all Liberal MPs have Facebook profile

  9. Technical Sophistication • Photo slideshows • Advanced search included • EnFamille – online forum • Not for everyday people/ usage • Professional and political terms

  10. Languages & Accessibilities • English & French • Large font (by default) to aid visually impaired

  11. Pros • Detailed information about Liberals • Simple, user friendly • Easy to navigate across site • Advanced search available • Consistent branding

  12. Cons • Delivery is not visually pleasing • Lacks visual • Requires higher level of sophistication of audience • Lots of text • Dull and unattractive

  13. Overall Rating • Unattractive • Overuse of text • Limited use of visual • Simple and user-friendly • Overall rating: 6/10

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