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Clean Water Act Section 319(h)/Section 205(j) Planning and Implementation Grants: An Overview to the Program. IDEM Office of Water Quality NPS/TMDL/IR Program. Acronyms/Abbreviations Big Picture IDEM Watershed Planning & Assessment Branch Grantee Responsibility Grant Agreement
Clean Water Act Section 319(h)/Section 205(j) Planning and Implementation Grants: An Overview to the Program IDEM Office of Water QualityNPS/TMDL/IR Program
Acronyms/Abbreviations Big Picture IDEM Watershed Planning & Assessment Branch Grantee Responsibility Grant Agreement Watershed Coordinator Engaging the Public Progress and Reporting Planning Projects Implementation Projects Resources Contact Outline
AFO - Animal Feeding Operation BMP - Best Management Practice CAFO – Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation CNMP - Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan CWA - Clean Water Act FFY - Federal Fiscal Year GA - Grant Agreement GIS - Geographic Information System IDEM - Indiana Department of Environmental Management IDNR - Indiana Department of Health IFA - Indiana Finance Authority ISDA - Indiana State Department of Agriculture MS4 - Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System NPS - Nonpoint Source NRCS - Natural Resources Conservation Service PM - Project Manager QAPP - Quality Assurance Project Plan SRF - State Revolving Fund SWCD - Soil and Water Conservation District TMDL - Total Maximum Daily Load WMP - Watershed Management Plan WSS - Watershed Specialist U.S. EPA - United States Environmental Protection Agency Acronyms/Abbreviations
Amendment to CWA in 1987 Establishment of Section 319 Nonpoint Source Management Program Authorized through CWA History of CWA § 319 www.gwpthailand.org www.depweb.state.pa.us gisweb.cityofdenton.com
U.S. EPA oversees the program on behalf of Congress Congress demands accountability All projects must report results to IDEM Water quality Social indicators IDEM accountable to U.S. EPA Annual Report submitted to U.S. EPA Grant Program Principles
Goal is to remove waterways from the 303(d) list Program priorities include: Watershed management planning in areas with waterways on 303(d) list Implementing IDEM approved WMPs Planning or implementation in areas with an approved TMDL Statewide and regional projects Indiana’s NPS Program
Assist with project proposal eligibility Process invoices, reports, and cost-share documentation Conduct quarterly site visits with grantees Answer 319 related questions IDEM/State resources Budget, scope, schedule changes Grant agreement language interpretations NPS Program - Project Managers
Review and comment on WMP drafts to prepare for IDEM approval Assist with stakeholder meetings when WSS not available Assist with other Grantee needs GIS mapping Gathering IDEM data BMP approval NPS Program - Project Managers
Quality Assurance Project Plan Manager QAPP guidance and approval Quality control for accountability projects Helps groups develop monitoring strategies NPS Program - Technical Staff
Geographic Information Systems Specialist Assists groups and IDEM staff with mapping Assists in determining if measurable water quality improvements occurred Grant Solicitation Coordinator Oversees incoming proposals and performs initial review Assists with maintaining program budget NPS Program - Technical Staff
Team Leader Final review of all invoices, grant language, project closeouts Assists in reporting to U.S. EPA Special projects Section Chief Oversees all NPS/TMDL staff Makes decisions on grant agreement questions, BMP eligibility, and policy NPS Program - Supervisors
Grants completed Load reductions Phosphorus – 286,735 lbs Nitrogen – 478,966 lbs Sediment – 144,585 tons Unique partnerships Improved water resources NPS Successes
Necessary to have a plan for tackling water quality problems in your watershed Tool that compliments zoning, compliance, and ordinances Aids in grant approval from various funding sources Why Write a Watershed Management Plan?
Why Implement a WMP? srwqis.tamu.edu
Assist others working toward same goals MS4 SWCD NRCS Towns and municipalities Why Implement WMP?
Local Stakeholders Someone who is involved in or affected by the actions that take place in the watershed Ensure the plan is representative of their community Help to successfully implement WMPs Partners - The Key to Success
Watershed Management Partners Towns MS4s Counties • SWCDs • NRCS • ISDA • ISDH • IDNR • IFA-SRF • Lake Assoc. • Colleges • IDEM
Who’s Who in the IDEM Watershed Assessment & Planning Branch?
319(h) and 205(j) grants for projects to reduce nonpoint source water pollution Types of projects Watershed planning Watershed implementation Education/outreach Research Nonpoint Source Grant Program
The amount of a pollutant that a waterbody can receive and still meet water quality standards A report of pollutant sources and needed reductions Required by the Clean Water Act to address water on the 303d List Total Maximum Daily Load Program
CWA 305(b) - assess water quality and report to USEPA, Congress CWA 303(d) - compile list of impaired waters Product - Indiana Integrated Water Monitoring and Assessment Report Integrated Report Program
Assist with project proposal questions Focus on sustainability of groups Financial, Technical, Managerial Toolkit Development Help to ensure your project’s needs are met Resource for issues outside of 319 Grant Agreement (will still be an asset while executing your 319 Grant) Lead IDEM liaison at stakeholder meetings Watershed Specialists
Two key programs – 401 Water Quality Certification Program State Isolated Wetlands Program IDEM works closely with IDNR/USACOE Regulated: the placement of dredged or fill material into Waters of the U.S. and non-exempt Waters of the State Some BMPs require permits Wetland Regulatory Program
Your proposal was judged against dozens from across the state Your unique ideas and partnerships set you apart IDEM/U.S. EPA chose you for funding, but we can’t guarantee project success Why Was Your Group Chosen?
Hire and supervise a watershed coordinator Four Main Responsibilities 1 Ensure the project incorporates the public Adhere to grant agreement language and requirements 3 Keep up to date on project progress & reporting 4 2
Tasks Watershed management plan development Develop and implement a cost-share program Design QAPP and monitoring program Conduct an education/outreach program Submit quarterly progress reports and a final report Typical Grant Agreement
Term (2)* All work must be completed within term of grant Design and Implementation of Project (3) Grantee is solely responsible for the completion of grant agreement (GA) Monitoring reviews by the State (4) Project manager will conduct quarterly site visits with the grantee *Numbers mirror sections in the grant agreement boilerplate. Grant Agreement Boilerplate
Payments (5) All payments are made in arrears upon submission of required documentation Funds will be forfeited for tasks/work not complete by the GA end date, or not expended in accordance with the GA 10% and up to 15% of the grant funds will be with-held until the final report is submitted Grant Agreement Boilerplate
Access to Records (6) Keep records for 3 years after grant completion (in case of audit) Assignment (7) Prior approval by the State for subcontracts/agreements required Work will not be reimbursed until the subcontract is approved Grant Agreement Boilerplate
Changes in Work (12) All changes must have prior approval from the State Minor change in scope/budget Major change in scope Grant Agreement Boilerplate
Products (13) Include this statement as listed in the GA on all products developed under this Grant Agreement “This project has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement (enter assistance agreement number) to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Environmental Protection Agency, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.” Include on written, distributed materials See IDEM Project Manager for your project’s assistance agreement number. Signs, billboards, PSAs, etc., should say "Funds provided by IDEM Section 319 Program." Grant Agreement Boilerplate
Progress Reports (23) Progress reports are required to be submitted quarterly and with each invoice Use Progress Report Form Grant Agreement Boilerplate www.in.gov/idem/5157.htm#owq_watershed
IDEM monitors: percentage of work completed vs. percentage of budget spent percentage of budget spent vs. percentage of in-kind match met Grant Budget
Proposal budget Cannot purchase equipment not outlined in original proposal without prior approval Grant Budget
Provides a tentative outline for deliverables Firm dates for: WMP drafts Progress reports Schedule for Task Completion
IDEM Creates GA Sponsor GA Review/Meet w/ IDEM PM Variable 1 month GA Executed! Timeframe for Grant Agreement Execution IDEM Revises and Finalizes GA 4+ months 3 Weeks 2-3 mos. IDEM state signature process Variable Sponsor receives GA for signature
Ensure the project incorporates the public Adhere to grant agreement language and requirements Four Main Responsibilities 1 3 Hire and supervise a watershed coordinator Keep up to date on project progress & reporting 4 2
Role: Coordinate and facilitate meetings Create meeting agendas Collect, analyze, and present data Coordinate volunteer efforts Public relations coordinator Write WMP Develop/promote cost-share program Investigate potential cost-share sites Watershed Coordinator
Necessary skill set: Communication: Speaking AND writing Technical knowledge: Water quality and landuse data BMPs Applicable policies and regulations Flexible schedule Familiarity with watershed management principles Attention to detail Watershed Coordinator
Three Choices for WS Coordinator Employee of Watershed Group or Organization 1 Watershed Coordinator Subcontract position to an Individual 2 3 Subcontract to an Environmental Consulting Firm
Pros Will focus on the project as much as you desire him/her too Likely very familiar with the area More accessible to you than a subcontractor If from the area, the public may relate to him/her better Cons Hard to find someone with the needed technical skills Hard to find someone with the needed communication skills Few employees want to be grant funded Steep learning curve in watershed management Pros and Cons of Hiring an Employee
Pros Likely not full time, so the expense is less Likely very familiar with the area More accessible to you than a subcontractor in another city If from the area, the public may relate to him/her better Cons Hard to find someone with the needed technical skills Hard to find someone with the needed communication skills May not be able to devote the time to the project that you desire Steep learning curve in watershed management Pros and Cons of Subcontractingan Individual
Pros and Cons of Subcontracting an Environmental Consulting Firm Pros Plenty of technical expertise Many firms have worked on 319 grants before Large resources to devote to your project Very familiar with environmental regulations that impact watersheds Cons Expense Increased travel costs can limit on-the-ground work Can be unfamiliar with project area Not always easy for the public to relate to a consultant
Adhere to grant agreement language and requirements Hire and supervise a watershed coordinator Four Main Responsibilities Ensure the project incorporates the public 1 3 Keep up to date on project progress & reporting 4 2
Who are stakeholders? Local decision makers Citizens Ag/urban representatives Drainage board Health department Stakeholders • Business interests • Schools/universities • Neighborhoods • Outdoor groups • Parks department • Builders/developers
Composed of Key Stakeholders Attendance Participation Understanding the process Steering Committee Coordinator cannot do all the work!