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Walsall Children and Young People’s Plan and the Core Strategies

Walsall Children and Young People’s Plan and the Core Strategies. Purpose To provide information on the new three year Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP) and Core Strategies To provide an opportunity for discussion on the CYPP and Core Strategies and feedback comments. Agenda.

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Walsall Children and Young People’s Plan and the Core Strategies

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Walsall Children and Young People’s Plan and the Core Strategies Purpose To provide information on the new three year Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP) and Core Strategies To provide an opportunity for discussion on the CYPP and Core Strategies and feedback comments

  2. Agenda • Walsall Children and Young People’s Plan • The suite of Core Strategies • Draft CYPP poster format • Key milestones • Key questions

  3. Walsall Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP) 2011-2014 • Explanation • What the CYPP is about • Context • The external impacts on our CYPP • Delivery • How we are going to all deliver the CYPP

  4. CYPP 2011-2014 Needs Assessment • Needs Assessment – analysing performance • Engaging stakeholders – Stakeholder Event October 2010 • Children and Young People – bespoke consultation

  5. CYPP 2011-2014 Priorities Key Priorities for the CYPP: • Promote higher aspiration in Walsall and further improve students’attainment, particularlyat key stages 4 and 5 • Reduce the number of Looked After Children through early intervention and support • Achieve better health outcomes for children and their families by improving the uptake of breastfeeding and reducing obesity and smoking • To improve post 16 education, training and sustained employment rates  for young people aged 16-25 , including those from priority groups, by ensuring access to quality and impartial information advice and guidance (IAG) and support for young people and their families

  6. CYPP 2011-2014 Approach • A3 CYPP – Poster format Outline key priorities and be available in schools, offices • Website which will form the additional components of the Plan

  7. The bookshelf

  8. The Suite of Core Strategies • Working Smarter: Service Quality • Health and Wellbeing • Vulnerable Children and Safeguarding • Aspiring and Attaining • Social Inclusion and Progression to Adulthood

  9. Working Smarter: Service Quality Scope This covers how we will focus on improving the quality of our services and deliver value for money during a period of significant budget challenges Supporting bookshelf strategies

  10. Working Smarter: Service Quality – impact • Equality and Diversity will be at the heart of everything we do • Improved service delivery through integrated working • Improved participation of local people influencing local decisions to ensure that the services to residents is right first time, every time • More efficient and economical use of resources resulting in less spend per capita • Service improvement from a service aware of its own performance and quick to address areas of under performance • Children and young people are engaged and can see the evidence their contribution makes to service delivery

  11. Health and Wellbeing Scope This covers the physical and emotional aspects of health and well-being of children and young people. It also includes how we will reduce the health inequalities that exist across our borough. Supporting bookshelf strategies

  12. Health and Wellbeing - impact • Reduced number of deaths during pregnancy and infancy (perinatal and infant mortality) • Reduced levels of obesity • Reduced numbers in teenage pregnancy • Quicker access to Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services and appropriate services to meet needs • Provision of prevention and specialist Substance Misuse intervention services • Short breaks offered to families with disabled children

  13. Vulnerable Children and Safeguarding Scope This covers how we will target early intervention with families to prevent situations getting worse and ensure safeguarding of the most vulnerable children and improve life outcomes for looked after children. Supporting bookshelf strategies

  14. Vulnerable Children and Safeguarding - impact • Reduced number of Children Looked After through earlier intervention and support • Children are safe and feel safe • Improved parenting skills • Children Looked After will experience clear benefits from being looked after • Identified groups of vulnerable children and young people will benefit from targeted support

  15. Aspiring and Attaining Scope This covers how we will improve aspirations and attainment levels of all children and young people especially those who experience challenges in their lives Supporting bookshelf strategies

  16. Aspiring and Attaining - impact • Learning needs identified earlier to ensure a swift response • Narrowed gap in attainment for individuals and groups vulnerable to underachievement • More schools will be judged good or better • Higher percentages of students will achieve level 2 and level 3 attainment levels

  17. Social Inclusion and Progression to Adulthood Scope This covers how we will improve access to opportunities in excluded communities and how we ensure that young people are supported to achieve their potential in work or further education. Supporting bookshelf strategies

  18. Social Inclusion and Progression to Adulthood – impact • Stronger educational foundations to help tackle family poverty • Improved and inclusive play facilities design and development with children and parents • Young People Not in Education Employment or Training (NEET) – increased diverse curriculum offer capitalising on ‘travel to learn’ strategy/improved application of ICT/increased apprenticeships • Improved links with colleges and specialist 14-19 accommodation in schools • Improved focus on locally available services through a multi-agency Information Advice and Guidance community • Improved offer in Positive Activities • More accessible disabilities services to families

  19. Delivery • You, with our strategic partners all play a part in the delivery • Children’s Workforce deliver the strategies and the bookshelf with strategic leadership, direction and ownership

  20. Delivery Service Plans

  21. Key milestones February 2011 – April 2011

  22. Key questions • Now you have seen this presentation, we would like your feedback on the following points: • Has this presentation helped? • Does it fulfill its purpose? • What changes if any do we need to make to the presentation to roll it out to partners? • What other opportunities are there for communications that we could take advantage of? • How will YOU and colleagues engage? • How do we make the CYPP happen?

  23. Questions For more information please visit http://www.walsall.gov.uk/index/children_and_young_people/information_for_professionals_childrens/cypp.htm Please contact Laura Wells on 01922 655813 or wellsl@walsall.gov.uk if you are unable to answer the questions on the previous slide or you have any other feedback.

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