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WHAT IS GOD LIKE? Part 3. WHAT IS GOD LIKE? HIS FAITHFULNESS. The immutability of God suggests another attribute-His faithfulness. If God cannot change, then it follows that His promises to us are unalterable.
WHAT IS GOD LIKE? HIS FAITHFULNESS The immutability of God suggests another attribute-His faithfulness. If God cannot change, then it follows that His promises to us are unalterable. The Hebrew writer demonstrates that we may rely on the promises of God because "that by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us." (Hebrews 6:18.)
The two immutable things which He names in this passage are the PROMISE and OATH of God. He concludes that since God changes in neither of these things, we may rely on His faithfulness.
The omnipotence of God further guarantees His faithfulness. Men make promises which they desire to keep, but often find themselves unable to carry them out. But there is nothing which God determines to do which He cannot perform. (See Romans 4:20,21.)
The omniscience and Holiness of God assure us that the promises God makes are not only sure, but that they are also right. In His Holiness God can do no wrong, and in His Omniscience God possesses the wisdom to know those things which are right.
Many other passages declare the faithfulness of God. "Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for He is faithful that promised)." (Hebrews 10:23.)
"But the Lord is faithful, who shall establish you, and keep you from evil." (2 Thessalonians 3:3.) "For I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day." (2 Timothy 1:12.)
Any man who begins to appreciate in a small way the nature of God must declare with David. "Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it." (Psalm 139:6.) God cannot be circumscribed by 'the words or thoughts of man because truly He is the great “I AM."
WHAT IS GOD LIKE? HIS FAITHFULNESS A. God is faithful. 1. Faithfulness never fluctuates with God, as it does with man; God Is eternally dependable. 2. In every direction, in our present society, we see unfaithfulness: a. Between husbands and wives. b. In business dealings. c. In the Lord's service. d. In social issues. e. In government.
3. It should give us courage to know that in an "unfaithful generation" we can lift our eyes to the faithful God of heaven who never changes (Deuteronomy 7:9; Psalm 36:5; 89:8; 1 Timothy 2:13).
B. Areas of God's faithfulness: 1 . In His testimonies and commandments - Psalm 119:138; 2. In keeping His promises - Hebrews l0:23. 3. In providing help in temptation - I Corinthians 10:13. 4. In preserving His people - I Corinthians l:9; I Thessalonians 3:24; 2 Timothy 2:19. 5. In disciplining His children - Hebrews 12:3-13; 6. In time of trouble - Job 5:19.
WHAT IS GOD LIKE? TRUTHFUL The Truthfulness of God; A. lying is the COMMON sin. 1. It is the easiest for a person to commit. a. It Is estimated that the average person tells approximately seventeen lies a day. b. Lying is found in every area of life: social, political, business, religious, literary, journalism. c. What was said of Ephraim could be said of Britain today - Hosea 11:12 "Israel surrounds me with lies and deceit, but Judah still trusts in God and is faithful to the Holy One.”
2. Society depends upon the truth; it is Impossible for it to hold together without it. a. Man must be able to have confidence in his fellow man. b. As never before, there is a real need for stressing truthfulness , c. In a society geared to lying, it is wonderful to know that there is One to Whom we can always turn for the truth = God!
B. God's truthfulness is His perfect knowledge of all truth and His never contradicting that truth. 1. God is the source of all truth. a. Anything that contradicts His nature is untrue. b. Psalm l46:5-6; Numbers 23:19.
2. In contrast to the truthfulness of God, Satan is pictured as a liar - John 8:44."For you are the children of your father the devil and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning and a hater of truth--there is not an iota of truth in him. When he lies, it is perfectly normal; for he is the father of liars." a. Therefore, those who lie are of the devil - John 8:31 ff b. Acts 5:3- a good example of Satan encouraging people to lie.
3. God has shown His truthfulness time and time again (Isaiah 25:1); a. To Adam and Eve - Genesis 2:1,6-17 (cf. 3:16-24). b. To Noah - Genesis 7-9. c. To Israel - Psalm 98:3; Exodus 23:23-31. c. To Israel -Psalm 98:3; Exodus 23:23-31; d. In sending a Saviour - Genesis 3:15 (cf. Galatians 4:4; John l :29). e. In keeping all His promises - Psalm 77:20; 2 Samuel 7:11. 4. Hebrews 6:17-18.
WHAT IS GOD LIKE? TRUTHFUL C. Since God is truthful and the source of truth, we are assured that we can know the truth in religious matters. 1. John 18:38 - Pilate's question has been answered in various ways: a. Truth is relative - may vary from person to person. b. Is pragmatic - anything that works or satisfies. c. Is unattainable. d. Is consistency with the facts.
2. John 8:32; (John 1:l7) a. Our quest for religious truth ends with God's Word - John 17:17; "Make them pure and holy through teaching them your words of truth." b. May we heed the words of Proverbs 23:23: "Get the truth and don't ever sell it; also get wisdom, discipline, and discernment. The Lord hates those who don't keep their word, but He delights in those who do."
WHAT IS GOD LIKE? GOOD The Goodness of God; A. God is perfect In His goodness. 1. In man, goodness fluctuates from time to time. a. Because of sin and weakness. b. Man is constantly trying to become good and remain good.
2. This is not true in regard to God's goodness. a. God, only, is perfect in His goodness (Mark 10:18 Psalm 52:1; 25:8) 3. The goodness of God refers to the perfection of His nature. a. God is originally good - good of Himself. b. God is essentially, infinitely, eternally and immutably good. c. He cannot be less good than He is.
Everything that God does is good; 1 . His creation (Genesis 1 :30-31). 2. His care of His creation (Genesis 8:22). 3. His protection of the righteous (Genesis 7:9). 4. His permitting sinners to repent (Romans 2:4). 5. His providing a Saviour for the lost (John 3:16). 6. His providing the Scriptures as a rule to guide and direct us (John l 2:48), Mark 13:31). 7. His longsuffering (I Peter 3; 20 2 Peter 3:9, 15) 8. His help in time of temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13: James l :1-7
9. We would do well to heed the words of Psalm 107:1-8 Romans 12:21 "Don't let evil get the upper hand but conquer evil by doing good." (also Nahum 1:7).
WHAT IS GOD LIKE? PATIENT A. God is a God of patience - Romans 15:5. 1. His patience is illustrated in His long suffering toward, man 2. It is sometimes difficult to distinguish "between God's mercy goodness, and patience. a. His patience is part of His goodness and mercy. b. Because God is the greatest goodness. He also has the greatest patience; patience must always be the companion of goodness, and the greater the goodness' the greater the patience.
c. God's slowness to anger (patience) is a branch from mercy - Psalm 114:8; 5. Only God has perfect patience in every Situation. a. He alone has the power to control Himself in bearing with the wicked and restraining His punishment of them. Nahum 1:3;
B. Patience in man l. Often, in man, patience is mistaken for cowardice, feebleness, or weakness. 2. Others find it a virtue of impossibility. a. How many homes, lives, opportunities have been lost because of impatience? b. How many wars could have been prevented if patience been exercised? c. How many marriages could have been salvaged if patience had existed?
C. In the Old Testament, "slow to anger" is used to denote God's patience and longsuffering. l . Nehemiah 9:1 7ff; Numbers l 4:11 -12 (notice verses 17-18). 2. God's patience caused Him to sustain great injuries without immediately avenging Himself. 3. God's justice is manifested in His patience toward Israel Acts 13:18; 4. Paul reminds us of God's longsuffering toward sinners - Romans 9:22 (cf. I Peter 3:20; 2 Peter 3:9).
WHAT IS GOD LIKE? HIS LOVE Probably no scriptural topic has been the basis of more sermons and essays than the love of God. A subject of such infinite depth can only be touched on here. It is extremely difficult to define love, but we shall describe it as the ardent affection which one holds for another which in the case of divine love reaches its highest form.
Love cannot be separated from the personality of God. Although we read that God is merciful and just, we are never told that He is mercy or justice. But John informs us, "God is love." (I John 4:8.) Therefore we know that the extent of His love is so great that His actions are motivated by this characteristic.
When we read in John 3:16 that "God so loved the world “ we conclude that the giving of His Son to save men was the result, not just of love, but of overwhelming love. Other attributes of God, such as His mercy, have their basis in this phase of His personality.
WHAT IS GOD LIKE? HIS LOVE The love of God is misunderstood by many. l. We have a tendency to equate His love with the love that we feel for one another: indulgent, changeable, sentimental, emotional, 2. As a result, some feel that God will allow and overlook many things which He has forbidden. a. "God will not send a person to hell because He is a God of love." b. This is a failure to understand, the relationship of God' s love with His Justice.
"God is love" - I John 4:8. 1. Note -This is NOT a characteristic of God; -this is what God is. 2. His love is not influenced as ours "by who or what we are. a. Romans 5:8; Acts 10:34-35. b. God's love has no boundaries or restrictions; it is universal (John 3:16)
c. While He hates sin, it was love for the sinner that motivated Him to send His son to die on the cross. (1) Ephesians 2:4; 2 Thessalonians 2:16; Titus 3:4; 1 John 4:9-10. (2) Jesus died for us "because He loves us” (Revelation 1:5). d. God's love is seen in the 0ld Testament "by His patience with Israel; only an Infinite God could continue to love a people who constantly rejected Him.
WHAT IS GOD LIKE? HIS LOVE God's love is contrasted with that of human beings in that it is always intelligent. Sometimes we are moved by blind passion or silly infatuation. Not so with God. His infinite wisdom always governs His love, and that love therefore always works for our best interests. The objects of God's love are many. He of course loves Christ. Jesus told his disciples" as the father hath loved me, so have I loved you" (John 15:9)
Because of that God sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him. Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins." (I John 4:9-10.) Further, those who accept Christ are adopted into the family of God. "Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God." (I John 3:1.)
Still another expression of divine love is that of repeated forgiveness. It was this which caused Hezekiah to sing, "But thou hast in love to my soul delivered it from the pit of corruption: for thou hast cast all my sins behind my back.“ (Isaiah 38:17.) Each time the Christian sins, and with a penitent heart asks forgiveness he may be assured that God will grant it.
WHAT IS GOD LIKE? HIS LOVE God. has always desired for man to love Him. l. Mark 12:30. a. Love for God is not optional. b. It is necessary if we are to be "blessed“ by God. 2. Our relationship with God must "be“ based on love. a. John 14:1 5-1 6. b. It is love which causes us to repent of our sins confess Jesus as Lord, be "baptized into His death, and live a faithful life”.
Not only must we love God, "but we must also love all others”. 1. We must love: a. Our enemies (Matthew 5:43-48), one another (I John 4:11). the brethren (I Peter l :22; I John 3:14), our neighbour (Matthew 19:19), husband /wife (Ephesians 5:22-23; I Peter 3:1-6), ourselves (Matthew 19;19). b. 1 John 4:7-8; I John 4:19.
2. Seven points on God's love: a. Uninfluenced (Deuteronomy7:7-8; 2 Timothy l :9). b. Eternal (Jeremiah 31 :3) c. Sovereign (Romans 9:15; Ephesians 1 :4-5). d. Infinite (Ephesians 2:4; John 3:1 6), e. Immutable (James 1:17-19? Romans 8:35-39). f. Holy (I John l ;5; Hebrews 12:6; Romans 5:21 ). g. Gracious (John 3:16; , Romans 8:32-39).
WHAT IS GOD LIKE? HIS LOVE The providence of God in caring for the saints is a blessing resulting from divine love. "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God." (Romans 8:28.) Even the chastening of God to make us do right is an expression of His love. "For whom the Lord loveth He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives." (Hebrews 12:6.)
God's love for us should cause us to love Him. "We love Him, because He first loved us." (I John 4:19.) This in turn will make us love our brother. "Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another." (I John 4:11.) And if we have the love for Him that we ought to have, we will obey Him. Jesus taught the disciples, "If ye love me, keep my commandments.." (John 14:15.)
This is important to understand We are challenged to OBEY God NOT because He is standing over us with a big stick threatening us (although there are obviously consequence of sin) Rather our MOTIVATION to OBEY is LOVE!!! WE OBEY BECAUSE WE WANT TO NOT BECAUSE WE HAVE TO
Finally, the promise of an eternal home as a reward for faithful service is a blessing stemming from God's love. Jesus promises "I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am, there ye may be also." (John 14:2,3.)