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Outline. Objective: Give an overview of motivation, and some detail, for the development of high-order methods in scientific applicationsIntroductionArchitecture / Algorithm CouplingAccuracyStabilitySolversApplications will be interwoven throughout. Motivation: Spectral Element Simul
1. Paul Fischer
Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory
2. Outline Objective: Give an overview of motivation, and some detail, for the development of high-order methods in scientific applications
Architecture / Algorithm Coupling
Applications will be interwoven throughout
3. Motivation: Spectral Element Simulation Examples
transitional boundary layers
heat transfer enhancement [M. Greiner (UNR)]
convection dynamics in deep atmospheres [A. Deane (U.Md)]
pattern formation in nonequilibrium flows
[H. Greenside (Duke), M. Paul & M. Cross (Caltech)]
vascular flows [F. Loth (UIC), S. Lee (MIT), H. Bassiouny (UofC)]
MHD [F. Cattaneo, A. Obabko, R. Rosner (UofC)]
4. Heat Transfer in an fcc Lattice of Spheres at ReD = 30,000 void-centric view
Max temperature fluctuation:
~ 14 x mean temperature change.
E=1536 elements of order N=14
10 hours on 64 nodes for 1 flow-through time
sphere-centric view
5. Transition for Pulsatile Flow in a Model Stenosis Calculation by Sonu Sam Varghese, Steve Frankel, Purdue.
6. Spatial Discretization: Spectral Element Method (Patera 84, Maday & Patera 89) Variational method, similar to FEM, using GL quadrature.
Domain partitioned into E high-order quadrilateral (or hexahedral) elements (decomposition may be nonconforming - localized refinement)
Trial and test functions represented as N th-order tensor-product polynomials within each element. (N ~ 4 -- 15, typ.)
EN 3 gridpoints in 3D, EN 2 gridpoints in 2D.
Converges exponentially fast with N for smooth solutions.
7. PN - PN-2 Spectral Element Method for Navier-Stokes (MP 89)
8. Local Spectral Element Basis in 2D
9. Architecture / Algorithm Considerations
10. Ubiquitous Loosely-Coupled Network of Processor/Memory Units Paralellism easy: SP = h P S1 h = O(1)
even for P? 10,000.
Reasonable communication requirements
Difficulty is getting good single processor performance: S1
Moores Law: CPU speed doubles every 18 months
11. Moores Law: Measured Performance: 19862000
12. Ubiquitous Loosely-Coupled Network of Processor/Memory Units Paralellism easy: SP = h P S1 h = O(1)
even for P? 10,000.
Reasonable communication requirements
Difficulty is getting good single processor performance:
Moores Law: CPU speed doubles every 18 months
Memory speeds double every 120 months
? Growing processor-memory gap.
On current machines, 10% of peak is considered reasonable.
13. Ubiquitous Loosely-Coupled Network of Processor/Memory Units Paralellism easy: SP = h P S1 h = O(1)
even for P? 10,000.
Reasonable communication requirements
Difficulty is getting good single processor performance:
Moores Law: CPU speed doubles every 18 months
Memory speeds double every 120 months
? Growing processor-memory gap.
On current machines, 10% of peak is considered reasonable.
Need algorithms that re-use data, i.e. FLOPS >> # memory accesses
14. Work vs. Memory Examples #ops #mem ratio
Vector-Vector: a = a + c b 2n 2n 1
Matrix-Vector: x = Ay 2n2 n2 2
Sparse Mat-Vec: x = Asy 2mn mn 2
Matrix-Matrix: W = AU 2n3 2n2 n
Amortize cost of accessing A over n vectors
15. Matrix-Matrix Product Performance on Cached-Based Architectures Time for A*B vs A+B for N=10 is:
2.0 x on DEC Alpha,
1.5 x on IBM SP
Examples of data re-use via matrix-matrix products in PDE operator evaluation (kernel of iterative solvers)
17. Example 1: Spectral Element Derivative Evaluation Local tensor-product form (2D),
allows derivative to be evaluated as matrix-matrix product:
In Rd: (N+1)d points/element, O(Nd+1) ops/element
Similar complexities hold for all SE operations
18. Example 2: Derivative Evaluation for p-type or DG Triangles (Teng, Hesthaven, Warburton,
) Standard: uxe = Dxe ue , e = 1,
, E
O(E p4 ) memory references for O(E p2) gridpoints
Modified: uxe = rxe Dre ue + sxe Dse ue
For triangles, metrics rxe and sxe are constants
Dre ue , Dse ue are matrix-matrix products on canonical triangle
O(E p2 ) memory references for O(E p2) gridpoints
In 3D, savings is more significant
19. Example 3: Block-Jacobi Preconditioning for Triangles / Tets
20. Summary: Architectures
It is possible to construct high-order methods having memory-access demands identical to standard low-order schemes.
The extra work of the high-order methods can be (potentially) covered by the processor-memory performance gap.
21. Motivation for High-Order Accuracy
22. High-Order Methods for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations Reynolds number Re ~ 1000 - 2000
small amount of diffusion
highly nonlinear (small scale structures result)
High-order methods yield savings for simulations featuring
long time-integration
minimal physical dissipation (Re>>1, no turbulence modeling)
DNS (direct numerical simulation)
LES (large eddy simulation)
Chaotic systems
23. Exponential Convergence
24. Excellent transport properties, even for non-smooth solutions
25. Long-time integration: 1-D periodic convection
26. Relative Phase Error for h vs. p Refinement: ut + ux = 0 h-refinement p-refinement
Fraction of accurately resolved modes is increased only through increasing order ( N or p )
27. Example Applications of High-Order Methods
28. Scattered Field Solution of Maxwells Equations Calculation by Jan Hesthaven & Tim Warburton USEMe
Computed in the time domain
Discontinuous Galerkin in space: 250,000 tets, p=4
29. Anisotropic Diffusion in Plasma Fusion Reactors For the next generation fusion codes, the DOE Center for Extended Magnetohydrodynamics Modeling (CEMM) at PPPL has posed three challenging model problems to test new discretizations.
As part of SciDAC funded research, we have tackled the first of these.
30. Anisotropic Diffusion in a Tokamak (PPPL Challenge Problem) k || = 109 k =1
31. Anisotropic Diffusion in Plasma Fusion Reactors Because of the high-degree of anisotropy, this problem is more like a (difficult) hyperbolic problem than straightforward diffusion.
32. Stability of High-Order Methods
33. Stability Considerations Stability for nodal bases essentially comes from use of Gauss-type nodal distributions avoids Runge phenomenon
This has been generalized to tets / triangles by
Hesthaven points based on steady-state charge distributions
Wingate & Taylor Fekete points that minimize det Vandermonde matrix
Other stability issues also arise, because there is little numerical or physical dissipation in the numerical systems
Problem usually stems from spurious eigenvalues and can be controlled by:
Bubble functions
Hyperviscosity or spectrally vanishing viscosity
34. Filter-Based Stabilization
At end of each time step,
Interpolate u onto GLL points for PN-1
Interpolate back to GLL points for PN
Results are smoother with linear combination: (F. & Mullen 01)
Preserves interelement continuity and spectral accuracy
Equivalent to multiplying by (1-a) the N th coefficient in the expansion
u(x) = S uk fk (x) (Boyd 98)
fk (x) := Lk(x) - Lk-2(x)
35. Numerical Stability Test: Shear Layer Roll-Up (Bell et al. JCP 89, Brown & Minion, JCP 95, F. & Mullen, CRAS 2001)
36. Error in Predicted Growth Rate for Orr-Sommerfeld Problem at Re=7500
37. Filtering permits Red99 > 700 for transitional boundary layer calculations
38. Navier-Stokes Time Advancement:
Iterative Linear Solvers
39. Navier-Stokes Time Advancement Nonlinear term: explicit
k th-order backward difference formula / extrapolation
characteristics (Pironneau 82, MPR 90)
Stokes problem: pressure/viscous decoupling:
3 Helmholtz solves for velocity
(consistent) Poisson equation for pressure (computationally dominant)
40. PN - PN-2 Spectral Element System Matrices for Stokes (MP 89)
41. Consistent Splitting for Unsteady Stokes(MPR 90, Blair-Perot 93, Couzy 95) E - consistent Poisson operator for pressure, SPD
Stiffest substep in N-S time advancement
Most compute-intensive phase
42. Pressure Solution Strategy: Epn = gn
Projection: compute best approximation from previous time steps
Set p* = S gi p n-i, projection onto L previous time steps
Choose gi such that || Dp ||E = || p n - p* ||E is minimized
Cost: 2 matvecs in E per timestep, L+2 vectors of storage
Multilevel preconditioned CG or GMRES to solve
E Dp = gn - E p*
43. Initial guess for Axn = bn via projection ( A=E, SPD)
44. Initial guess for Epn = gn via projection onto previous solutions || pn - p*||E = O(Dtl) + O( etol ) (Chan & Wan, 95)
Results with/without projection (1.6 million pressure nodes):
Similar results for pulsatile carotid artery simulations 108-fold reduction in initial residual
45. Pressure Solution Strategy: Epn = gn
Projection: compute best approximation from previous time steps
Multilevel preconditioned CG or GMRES to solve
E Dp = gn - E p*
46. Two-Level Overlapping Additive Schwarz Preconditioner for Pressure Solve
47. Overlapping Schwarz + SEM: Fast Local Solvers Exploit local tensor-product structure --
A is separable in canonical domain
Fast diagonalization method (FDM) (Lynch et al 64)
Local solve cost is ~ 4d K N(d+1)
48. Convergence Rates Schwarz theory says that convergence rate depends only on d/H (H=element size), and not on number of elements or local order N.
In practice, however, d ~ N-2
Recent work (Lottes & F. 04a, 04b) indicates that N-dependence is diminished if AC-1 is replaced with a multigrid V-cycle (at nominal cost) using weighted additive Schwarz smoothing.
Convergence rate is strongly dependent on element geometry particularly aspect-ratio.
49. Two-Level Additive Schwarz Performance Iteration count deteriorates in presence of high-aspect ratio elements
Nonconforming discretizations eliminate unnecessary elements in the far field and result in better conditioned systems.
50. Navier-Stokes Case Study:
Blood Flow in Arteriovenous Grafts
51. A Study of Transition in Arterio-Venous Grafts Provides a port for dialysis patients to obtain high flow rates and avoid repeated vessel injury
PTFE plastic tubing surgically attached from artery to vein
short-circuit of high to low pressure results in very high flow ratestransitional flow
Failure often results after 3 months from occlusion (intimal hyperplasia) forming downstream of attachment to vein, where flow is turbulent
52. In Vitro Validation Transitional Flow, Arteriovenous Graft
54. Spectral Element Simulation of Transitional Flow in an Arteriovenous-Graft Model, Re=2912
Experimental/Numerical Comparison at Re=2912
56. Canine In-Vivo Model of AV Graft NIH RO1, PI: Bassiouny
57. Canine In-Vitro Model Now Id like to tell you about computational simulation we did. First of all, I need to tell you how we got mathematical model. We used CT images to reconstruct the actual graft geometry. Here you see the picture of plastic cast and you see schematic pointing to the different locations showing CT images for those geometry. Now Id like to tell you about computational simulation we did. First of all, I need to tell you how we got mathematical model. We used CT images to reconstruct the actual graft geometry. Here you see the picture of plastic cast and you see schematic pointing to the different locations showing CT images for those geometry.
58. Canine Graft Pulsatile Flow Simulation Sang-Wook Lee, UIC In vivo: turbulence is observed
CFD does not indicate turbulence:
Frequency peak ~30 Hz, not 200-300
Re too low ~ 1200
Re in arterial side is ~ 2400
points to arterial flow as possible controllable source of turbulence
59. Where is Turbulence Coming From ? Suspected that turbulence is generated at arterial anastomosis and sustained through the graft and into the PVS
60. Simulations of Full Graft Geometry Arterial Anastomosis ? PTFE graft ? Venous Anastomosis
61. Simulations of Full Graft Geometry Arterial Anastomosis ? PTFE graft ? Venous Anastomosis
62. Where is Turbulence Coming From ?
Turbulence generated at arterial anastomosis is not sustained through the graft and into the PVS
Recent detective work by students David Smith and Sang-Wook Lee in the UIC Biofluids Lab points to flow-reversal in the DVS as a probable source of turbulence.
This conjecture is supported by data from concurrent numerical simulations (Lee) and in-vitro LDA measurements (Smith).
63. Where is Turbulence Coming From ?
Three simulations with steady inlet conditionsat ReG = 1200
100, 85, and 70% flow through PVS
70% case shows strong turbulence, despite the fact that ReDVV = 950
64. Coherent Structures for 70/30 Split @ ReG = 1200
65. Conclusions Highlighted several considerations in the development of high-order methods for transport applications
Architectures processor/memory gap
Accuracy minimal dispersion
Stability filtering
Solvers multilevel Schwarz methods
66. Future Directions Expect to see further development of high-order methods as new physical problems are addressed.
Recent areas include
Vascular flows
Electromagnetics, Hesthaven & Warburton (Brown, UNM)
MHD codes: LANL, PPPL, ANL / U of C
Compressible aero codes: D. Mavriplis UWY, D. Darmofals group MIT
Atmospheric models: NCAR
Geophysics, etc.,
68. Conclusions Hex-based SEM can be effectively used for transitional flow problems in moderately complex domains
Avoid severe mesh distortion impact on accuracy and conditioning
Gordon-Hall generally sufficient to blend local element distortion
Sub-parametric mappings and / or over-integration can be important for treating first-order derivative terms (i.e.,
div u , u.grad u )
PDE-based approach to mesh generation can be employed to generate high-quality meshes (dates back to aero-industry)
73. Vascular Flow Simulations Pulsatile carotid artery simulations:
~ 3 million grid points (K = 3000 elements of order N = 10)
20 hours / 256 processors for single cardiac cycle (temporal scales span ~ 3 decades)
Fast turn-around time is required for clinical relevance and for large patient-population studies ? fast solvers are important
74. Challenges in Vascular Flow Simulation Automated mesh creation based on medical image data is needed.
Boundary conditions must be deduced from ultrasound data.
The correct flow-split must be imposed in bifurcating geometries.
Strong turbulence can wreak havoc at outflow boundaries.
Modeling issues:
Non-Newtonian at certain sites?
Role of wall compliance?
75. Performance: pressure solve -- Epn=gn Project solution onto previous solutions (~ 6 orders of magnitude residual reduction for carotid simulations)
p* = Sk bk pk
Solve remaining perturbed problem with conjugate gradients, preconditioned by the two-level additive Schwarz method of Dryja and Widlund (87).