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CCSSO’s State Consortium on Educator Effectiveness (SCEE)

CCSSO’s State Consortium on Educator Effectiveness (SCEE). National Summit Facilitator Orientation #2 Circe Stumbo and Deb Hansen, SCEE Consultants April 18, 2010. Welcome, Introductions, and Webinar Logistics. Poll—Background. Poll.

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CCSSO’s State Consortium on Educator Effectiveness (SCEE)

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  1. CCSSO’sState Consortium on Educator Effectiveness (SCEE) National Summit Facilitator Orientation #2 Circe Stumbo and Deb Hansen, SCEE Consultants April 18, 2010

  2. Welcome, Introductions, and Webinar Logistics

  3. Poll—Background

  4. Poll • Did you take part in last Thursday’s orientation webinar live or watch it afterward? Yes___ No, not yet___

  5. Webinar Logistics • Everyone is un-muted, so you can break in at any time • If you prefer, you can use the chat function to make a comment or ask a question • You may chat privately with individuals on the webinar

  6. Webinar Agenda • Welcome, Introductions, & Webinar Logistics • Association partnership • Content discussion: Major issues • Use of the collaboration site • Summit logistics • Next Steps and Q & A

  7. Association Partnership

  8. SCEE Association Partners • SCEE has welcomed business partners at a dues amount of $15,000 per year • As a courtesy to colleague associations, we invited select associations to partner with SCEE without the hefty dues charge • Why? • Associations will help to get the work done • A hope for common messages • In-kind support and reciprocal relationships

  9. SCEE Association Partners • Association partnerships include: • Participation in SCEE’s bi-monthly invitational webinars • Affiliate Membership access to the online SCEE collaboration site • One invitation to the annual invitation-only Summit (at association’s expense) • Associations are encouraged to partner with and support deep dive projects within SCEE

  10. SCEE Association Partners • We consider the Regional Comprehensive Centers to be association partners • Others: NGA, NEA, AFT, NCATE/CAEP, New Leaders for New Schools, New Teacher Project, PBS, New Teacher Center, Learning Forward, etc.

  11. Content Discussion: Major Issues

  12. Pre-Readings and Think-Abouts • Will be posted tomorrow • We are talking with team leads tomorrow to get them to think about where their teams will go during the breakouts • We will send links to materials that will give some basic background on your states and the issues

  13. Cross-Cutting Themes • Themes • Grounding in standards—Common Core, InTASC, ISLLC, professional development • Data systems and feedback loops • Connections/relationships to districts • Models, cases • Action steps, deep dive projects, collaboration

  14. Strand 6: Policy and Systems Change • We are talking about whole systems reform (see Michael Fullan’s article and April 12 webinar) • SCEE’s work is grounded in a vision for transformation (David Houle, Shift Ed) and the technical work should be grounded in standards for learning, teaching, and leading (InTASC standards will be released at the Summit)

  15. Strand 1: Preparation • What are the biggest issues related to preparation in your state(s)? • Some key topics • Range of preparation programs (IHEs, alternate routes, etc.) • Clinical experience • Program approval and renewal • Grounded in standards • Candidate assessment

  16. Strand 2: Teacher Evaluation • Teacher and leader evaluation will be combined for the first breakout • What are the biggest issues related to teacher evaluation in your state(s)?

  17. Strand 2: Teacher Evaluation • Some issues • Next generation of federal and state policies, including ESEA Reauthorization • Formative and summative data • How evaluation systems impact recruiting, hiring, induction, and pd • How you prepare evaluators • Data systems and feedback loops • Stakeholder engagement

  18. Strand 3: Principal Evaluation • Teacher and leader evaluation will be combined for the first breakout • What are the biggest issues related to teacher evaluation in your state(s)?

  19. Strand 3: Principal Evaluation • Some issues • Role of ISLLC • Research on leadership behaviors that impact student performance • Key design principles for valid and reliable evaluation systems • Early adopters (SAELP states) • How to increase collaboration with preparation programs, pd providers, and stakeholders

  20. Strand 4: Professional Development • What are the biggest issues related to professional development in your state(s)? • Issues: • Learning Forward’s soon to be revised standards • Connections among PD and the various standards and data from next generation assessment systems • New definition and vision for PD

  21. Strand 5: Tiered Licensure/ Developmental Continuums • What are the biggest issues related to developmental continuums in your state(s)? • Issues: • Stages in the learning (to teach/to lead) continuum • Residency programs, developmental continuum models • Role of tiered licensure systems/reforms in tiered licensure

  22. SCEE Collaboration Workspace

  23. Collaboration Site “To Do’s” • Sign up • Complete your profile (including a picture!) • Write objectives • Join your state team’s private Work Group • Post a comment to a blog or a discussion thread

  24. Summit Logistics

  25. Pre-Summit • Sign onto the collaboration site; join your state team Work Group • Hotel transfers to your name Tuesday • Submit bios and permissions to be recorded http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/507226/SCEE-Summit-Facilitators-Logistics

  26. At Summit • Please bring a laptop • Suggested Attire • Business casual Wednesday • Business attire Thursday & Friday • Business casual Saturday

  27. Next Steps andQ&A

  28. What we will send you • Registration list (sent just now, as of Friday) • Pre-Readings and Think-Abouts (tomorrow) • Additional ways to get to background information • Other…?

  29. Next Steps • FYI: Team lead webinar April 19, 2:00 – 3:00 pm EDT • Onsite Training April 27, 2:00 – 5:30 pm EDT • National Summit on Educator Effectiveness April 28, 8:00 am – April 30, 12:30 pm EDT

  30. Q&A • Questions? • Comments? • Suggestions?

  31. For More Information/Support • Collaboration site • www.ccsso.org/scee • Questions? • circe@westwinded.com • deb@westwinded.com • mandi@westwinded.com

  32. Thank you!

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