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HP DNA is a natural marine biopolymer extracted from wild salmon milt, known for its antioxidant properties and anti-asthenic effects. It is highly polymerized deoxyribonucleic acid that protects cells and improves physical and mental well-being. Clinical studies demonstrate its efficacy in combating fatigue and improving overall health.
HP DNA Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid
HP DNA Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Definition Marine Biopolymer characterized by Its source Its special method of extraction Its determined physico-chimical properties
HP DNA Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Origin Natural hydrosoluble substance extracted from the milt of wild salmon By non-denaturating technology • protecting the superstructure of polymer • preserving its physiological activity
HP DNA Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Aspect White-cream fibers measuring several centimeters
HP DNA Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Solubility Relatively soluble in water Making a gel with low concentration (1.0 to 3.0 %) insoluble in • alcohol • ethanol • the other oganic solvents
HP DNA Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Metabolism • half-life of 72 hours at rat • elimination after 96 hours:fecal (62,8 %) and urinary (19,4 %) • hepatic degradation in mononucleotides • biliary elimination • the intestine seems to retain polymerized parts of DNA and to be rapidly saturated in part of low molecular weight • the lymphatic tissue seems to accumulate polymerized parts of DNA then to release them rapidly in venous blood
HP DNA Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Pharmacovigilance Followed by laboratory Sterlin-Winthrop from 1985 and 1990 • administration almost without secondary effects • excellent clinical tolerance (superior to 90 %)
HP DNA • Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Antioxidant Properties (1) • It retards and diminishes the formation of dienes conjuges (joined paired),notably by its antiradical activity vis-à-vis the hydroxyl radical (OH°–)
HP DNA • Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Antioxidant Properties (2) •The capturing of this highly reactive radical by HP DNA accompanies the formation of a stable product, the 8-hydroxy-guanosine (8-OHDG), and avoids the formation of a new free radical and thus terminates the process of peroxydation. => HP DNA protects the cells against extra cellular oxidative aggressions.
HP DNA Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Antioxidant Properties (3) • protector effect against lipoperoxydation
HP DNA Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Antioxidant Properties (4)
HP DNA • Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Anti-asthenia effect(1) Open clinical study : HP DNA 8OO mg/j during 30 days • 44 asthenic adults (having no less than 15 of the 60 asthenia symptoms present) compared to 32 normal adults (having less than 15 of the 60 asthenia symptoms present) • 62.7 % of the physical asthenic symptoms • 40 % of the mental asthenic symptoms • The scores observed in the treated asthenic patients directly approached those patients seen as normal • 58 of 60 of asthenia symptoms • many of the most debilitating symptoms • action on asthenia by HP DNA globally is positive in 52.4% of the cases
HP DNA • Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Anti-asthenia effect (2) Open multi-centered study: HP DNA 800 mg/day during 15days • 688 adults (445 women and 243 men) •spontaneous asthenia showed during the interrogation/isolated or associated with a non evolutionary benign organic pathology Treatment by HP DNA: • Behaviour Rating Scale (61 criteria) - 64.5 % for physical asthenia, - 57.0 % for mental asthenia • improvements more intensively marked when more severe symptoms • global efficacy of the treatment evaluated by researchers in 79.1% of the cases
HP DNA • Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Anti-asthenia effect (3) Amélioration de l’asthénie physique
HP DNA • Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Anti-asthenia effect (4) Improvement of psychic asthenia
HP DNA • Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Anti-asthenia effect (5) Open study • HP DNA 400 mg/day +ascorbic acid 1 g/day during 15 days • 6876 patients Patients did not receive another anti-asthenia treatment (70 % of cases) • fatigue at night (a reduction of more than 50% of the intense symptoms) in 82.5 % of cases • fatigue in the morning in 82.9 % of cases • difficulty concentrating in 76.9 % of cases • trouble sleeping in 75 % of cases • trouble with appetite in 80 % of cases
HP DNA • Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Anti-asthenia effect (6)
HP DNA • Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Anti-asthenia effect (7) Open clinical trial : ADN-HP 800 mg/day during 1 month • 24 persons of more than 50 years with asthenia of which 16 had anorexia and 8 were chronic alcoholics
HP DNA • Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Anti-asthenia effect (8) Treatment by HP DNA • patients general state in 70 % of cases and mental state in 63% of cases
HP DNA • Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Effect on basic arthralgies (1) Multicentric clinical study, in a double blind • 116 patients suffering from chronic spinal problems (for a period of more than 1 month) • HP DNA 800 mg/day during 30 days versus placebo Treatement by HP DNA • 43.6 % intensity of the pain, quantified on the numeric scale of Huskinson (versus 25.4 % with placebo) • 32.6 % degree of functional discomfort (handicap) (versus 25.4 % with placebo) • 43. 3 % importance of the limitation of passive mobilization of the spine (versus 26.9 % with placebo)
HP DNA • Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Effect on basic arthralgies (2)
HP DNA • Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Chondrostimulating activity (1) Open study • 2960 persons affected by arthrosis, with an average age of 61.1 years old • ADN-HP 400 mg/day + complex of vitamins (B + E) • during 1 or 2 months Treatment by HP DNA • at the end of the first month of treatment: pains in 89.5 % of cases – 21 % were completely relieved – 68.5 % were partially relieved physical performance in 83.6 % of cases
HP DNA • Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Chondrostimulating activity (2)
HP DNA • Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Chondrostimulating activity (3) In double blind study • 67 persons affected by arthrosis with average disability of the knees and hips • HP DNA 400 mg/day + complex of vitamins (B + E) • versus diclofénac (anti-inflamatory, non-steroid) • during 42 days
HP DNA • Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Chondrostimulating activity (4) Treatment by HP DNA • 39 % pain (versus 35 % with diclofénac)
HP DNA Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Chondrostimulating activity (5) Treatment by HP DNA • 16.1 % degree of impotence (versus 26,1 % with diclofénac)
HP DNA • Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Consolidation of dental joints (1) Study : with a traditional local method • 108 patients affected by periodontal pathology, • HP DNA 1600 mg/day during 3 months With administration of HP DNA • the index of dental mobility to a high of 45.7% • ………………………… to a low of 22.5%
HP DNA • Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Consolidation of dental joints (2) Success treatment for : • 56 % of patients treated by HP DNA and local treatment • 7 % only of patients treated with a traditional local method
HP DNA • Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Effect on physical performance (1) Study on mice • HP DNA 200mg/day + ascorbic acid 500 mg/day during 5 days => amelioration of a swimming test
HP DNA • Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Effect on physical performance (2) Study on dog • HP DNA 400 mg/day ± ascorbic acid 1 g/day • before standard exertion • 50 % the frequency of heart exertion with HP DNA+ vit. C • the recuperation time after exertion: – 50 % with HP DNA alone – 83 % with HP DNA + vitamin C • elevation of cortisolemie 50 minutes after exertion: – 71% with HP DNA alone – 100 % with HP DNA + vitamin C
HP DNA • Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Effect on physical performance (3) Study on men • 30 athletes with an average age of 20 years old • HP DNA 800 mg/day + vitamin C 2000 mg/day during 21 days
HP DNA • Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Effect on physical performance (4) Effect of the association (1) • recuperation index, calculated by the Ruffier-Dickson Test
HP DNA • Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Effect on physical performance (5) Effect of the association (2) • maximum oxygen intake (VO2 max) evaluated using the Cooper test
HP DNA • Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Regenerative action on intellectual development in regard to psychomotor and biometrics of subjects with mental defects Double blind study: HP DNA 200 - 600 mg/day versus placebo during 3 months 256 children between the ages of 6 and 21 years with average to profound mental defects The children have benefited by gaining mental age in cases of: • Exogenous defects with an IQ* > 40 • A real age understanding of between 8 and 14 years * intellectual quotient
HP DNA • Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Immunostimulating activity (1) In mice without spleens 4 weeks before, when injected intra-peratonial 0.03 to 0.3 g/kg with HP DNA for 10 days • resistance vis-à-vis a parasitic infection ( time augmented for surveying the animal traits with regard to the evidence) • capacity of the lymphocytes to divide and produce interleukine 2 In vitro, HP DNA exerted a mitogene effect on the splenocytes of naturally immune-depressed mice.
HP DNA • Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Immunostimulating activity (2) Study with patients: • 66 subjects with leucopenia (leucocytes < 3000) • a treatment with HP DNA (800-1200 mg/day for 3 weeks) was effective in 77% of the cases, and the majority just after the first week of treatment
HP DNA • Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Regenerative action vis-à-vis the cicatriciels process In mice, after the realization of experimental wounds, the administration of HP DNA accelerated the cicatrisation: • by proliferative activity • by the number of polypoid epidermal cells In rats, one hour after the administration of 325 mg/kg of aspirin, the taking of HP DNA (10 to 50 mg/kg per os) • prevented the apparition of gastric ulcers from aspirin
HP DNA • Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Powerful radioprotective activity Survival level after irradiation proportional to polymerization degree of injected heterologous DNA At rats • 24 hours after a lethal irradiation of 1000 rœntgens after injection of 300 g of HP DNA => definitive survival At animal, the administration of HP DNA • bone marrow aplasia (anemia and leucopenia) experimental radio-induced • decrease of spermatogenesis secondary to irradiation
HP DNA • Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid Potential Applications => To stimulate immunity => To accelerate the cicatrization => To restore the general state => For physical and psychic asthenia => To improve cognitive performances • intellectual quotient • memorization => To improve physical performance • VO2 max • recuperation time => To treat basic arthralgies and arthrosis => To reduce the secondary effects of radiotherapy
HP DNA Highly Polymerized Deoxyribonucleic Acid HP DNA, a marine DNA highly polymerized with a strong antioxidant power, with potential applications in health… For asthenia, arthrosis, immunodeficiency, troubles of cicatrisation,…