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Evolution and Biogenesis

Evolution and Biogenesis. Evolution: changes in one or more characteristics in a population over a period of time. All living thing come from other living things. Spontaneous Generation and Experiments. Spontaneous Generation From nonliving to living Fish Maggots Redi’s Expirments

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Evolution and Biogenesis

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  1. Evolution and Biogenesis • Evolution: changes in one or more characteristics in a population over a period of time. • All living thing come from other living things

  2. Spontaneous Generation and Experiments • Spontaneous Generation • From nonliving to living • Fish • Maggots • Redi’s Expirments • SG does not occur • Spallanzani’s Experiment • Microscope • Louis Pasteur’s Experiment • Swan-neck flask • Biogenesis Contest

  3. < Spallanzani Broth in flask > Kept open > boiled > Microorganisms found in neck of flask ^Pasteur

  4. Earth • 4 Billion • The First Organic Compounds • Ammonia, hydrogen gas, water vapor, and methane • Simple organic compounds

  5. Fossils • Remnant of an organism of a past geologic age. • Molds or outlines • Carbon Dating

  6. Carbon Dating Based of the half life of Carbon-14, a fossil bone was found to posses 0.625 mg of C-14. Compared to an identical fossil bone found today, which contains 20 mg of C-14. What is the age of the bone? Bone = .625 mg C-14 Current Bone = 20 mg C-14 20 mg = 0 10 mg = 5,715 5 mg = 11,430 2.5 mg = 17,145 1.25 mg = 22,860 0.625 mg = 28,575 Answer: Approximately 28,575 years old

  7. Aristotle • Created the concept of the “Ladder of Life” • Church members disbelieved and did not want to accept the theory • Little changes were possible

  8. Jean Baptiste de Lamarck • Species from the same family, have traits from a common ancestor • Believed that traits developed in one’s life, would be passed to their offspring. • The used traits, would be more developed and passed on.

  9. Darwin, Malthus, Wallace • Charles Darwin • Took observations while exploring the Galapagos Islands • The Origin of Species in 1859 • Thomas Malthus • Introduced survival of the fittest. • Alfred Wallace • Similar ideas to that of Darwin’s

  10. A Closer Look: Darwin • Descent with Modification • “The newer forms appearing in the fossil record are actually the modified descendents of older species.” • Modification by Natural Selection • States how evolution occurs and how survival of the fittest takes place • Survival of the Fittest

  11. Evidence of Evolution • Evidence includes: • Fossils and Molds • Comparative Anatomy • Homologous Structures- Similarities of bone structure in different species, shared from one ancestor • Analogous Structures- Serve identical functions, look some what alike • Vestigial Structures- Features that were useful to ancestors, but are now not of use • Embryological Evidence

  12. Patterns of Evolution • Coevolution • Two species related to each other will coevolve. • Convergent Evolution • Have similar phenotypes; ancestral types are different • Divergent Evolution • When the beginning species is completely different from the resulting species. • Artificial selection and adaptive radiation

  13. Genetic Equilibrium • Variations • Cause • Mutation • Evironmet • Hereditary • Random fusion of gametes

  14. Gene Pool • Total in population • Dominant allele = p • Recessive allele = q • p + q = 1 • Hardy-Weinberg Genetic Equilibrium • p2 +2pq + q2 = 1

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