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Learn how to use Stata's data management abilities to pre-format data and send it to Google API Charts to create interactive maps and 3-dimensional pie charts. This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions and examples.
Centre for Employment Research Creating fancy maps and pie charts using Google API charts Lionel Page and Franz Buscha
Introduction • These ado files use Stata’s ability to easily interface with the internet and contact: chart.apis.google.com • Google chart API (Application Programming Interface) allows users to dynamically create charts and maps by sending a pre-programmed URL to Google • Google then returns a PNG-image which, with a bit of luck, is a useable piece of information!
Google charts API • Stata’s unique and powerful data-management abilities make it a good complement in order to pre-format data and then send it to Google and allow it to compile this data into a different array of graphs/figures. • How does Google API work? http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chs=250x100 [size]&chd=t:60,40 [data]&cht=p3 [type]&chl=Hello|World[labels]
GMAP • Here we present gmap which allows users to create .png using Google API chart In its current state (v1.1) gmap accepts the following command line: gmaplocation statevarvaluevar{if} [, color(# [#]) graph file(filename)] Width(numlist) Height(numlist)] The parameter location can take the following values: africa, asia, europe, middle_east, south_america, usa, world. For each specific region, statevar must contain the States' identifiers from the list of codes from Google.
Example of GMAP • The following picture will be saved in your local directory gmapusa states value, color(yellow green) graph h(100) w(200)
Considerations • Only have 1 colour gradient at the moment • Different shades of one colour • Transition from one colour to another • Google allows multiple gradients • I.e, from green to black to red • This ‘should’ allow specific colours across regions • E.g. Cons/Labour/Libdems (Blue, Red, Yellow) • v.1.2
GPIE • Here we present gpiewhich allows users to create 3 dimensional pie charts In its current state (v1.0) gpieaccepts the following command line: gpielabelvarvaluevar {if} [, color(#) dim2 graph file(filename)]
Example of GPIE • The following picture will be saved in your local directory:. Alternatively, gpie label values, color(yellow) dim2
Useage and Limitations • Google API charts is aimed at web-based developments such as blogs and websites and therefore offers little in terms statistical analysis • gmap should be seen as a informational and explorative tool • Limited to 250,000 API calls per day • No labels! • Maximum picture size is 440x220 pixels • Country labels must be in ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code • Only United States supports state level mapping • Please findittmap(Pisati, 2004, SJ) for more complicated thematic mapping futures using Stata’s graphics engine