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Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs). Outline. Re-introduction to phytoplankton and HABs Hypoxia and disruptive blooms Toxic microalgae Regional Case Studies. “Phytoplankton” is a messy word. Literally = errant or wandering plant Often called “algae” or “microalgae”
Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) Outline • Re-introduction to phytoplankton and HABs • Hypoxia and disruptive blooms • Toxic microalgae • Regional Case Studies
“Phytoplankton” is a messy word • Literally = errant or wandering plant • Often called “algae” or “microalgae” • Any single-celled organism (usually protists or bacteria) in aquatic systems that performs photosynthesis • They aren’t plants (but it helps to call them that) http://www.artinsteel.co.uk/ userimages/diatom01.jpg http://ux.brookdalecc.edu/staff/ sandyhook/taxonomy http://farm3.static.flickr.com/
Phytoplankton are a Functional Group • Grouped by what they do, not who they are • Ex. – Mammals are a taxonomic group, put different function (grazers, scavengers, predators) • Many problems with this grouping as well • Some live on the bottom – “microphytobenthos” • Some are predators and don’t always do photosynthesis • Some are parasites • Incredible genetic and functional diversity
Global Importance • 45-50% of global primary productivity (fixing carbon into food) • Production of oxygen • Responsible for large fraction of global carbon burial (deep ocean) • Base of almost every aquatic food web • Role in C cycle gives • them a key role in • climate change SeaWiFS/ORBIMAGE fishweb.ifas.ufl.edu www.surrey-arg.org.uk/ http://assets.nydailynews.com
“HAB” is also a messy word • Bloom = domination by one species/group or a rapid, dense proliferation of phytoplankton (a poor definition) • “Harmful” for several possible reasons • Produce toxins • Hypoxia(low oxygen) • Exclusion/Shading - disruptive to other phototrophs • Physically harmful -obstruct fish gills, form large mats or foams serc.carleton.edu serc.carleton.edu
…and covers a wide taxonomic range • Toxic or otherwise harmful species across many taxa • Variety of physiology, ecology, and toxicology to consider • Beware of broad explanations or solutions for HABs Falkowski et al 2004
HABs are not new… • Believed to be one or more of the Biblical Seven Deadly Plagues (Ehrenkranz and Sampson, 2008) • Red tides and toxic fish noted by Spanish explorers in 1600-1700s Florida (Tester and Steidinger 1997) • Many human mortalities from HAB shellfish poisoning in last 300 years (Lewitus et al. 2012) • Toxic bloom in California, 1961 inspired “The Birds” (Bargu et al. 2012) • A local “jubilee” of seafood is a hypoxia event • Many other historical accounts indicate hypoxia and toxic algae events The Daily Telegraph
…but they are on the rise • Global increase in HABs was previously under debate • Strong scientific consensus that HABs are increasing due to • anthropogenic influence (Heisler et al. 2008) • Increased eutrophication (nutrient pollution) • Climate change • Invasive species • Strong link between local nutrient pollution and increases in HABs Parsons et al. 2002 Anderson et al. 2002
Climate change likely to exacerbate HABs, particularly cyanobacteria • Phytoplankton growth generally increases with temperature • Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) more likely to dominate due to high termperature tolerance • Many toxic cyanobacteria, also can be ecologically unfavorable (poor food source for higher trophic levels) • Warming implicated in many cyanobacteria HAB problems world wide (Ex. Lake Taihu, China) Paerl et al. 2011 Paerl et al. 2011
Invasions may also play a role in HAB expansion • Some HABs linked to ballast water exchange (Hallegraeff, 1998) and known HAB species found in many ballast water surveys (Burkholder et al. 2007; Doblin et al. 2007) • HABs that form resting stages (cysts) or can survive long periods of darkness are prime candidates for ballast water invasion • Bio-fouling on ships may also be an important source of invasive species (Lopez-Rodas et al. 2010) physicscentralcom Safety4sea.com
Hypoxia • Profound ecological and economic consequences • Eutrophication implicated in the global rise in hypoxic zones (Diaz et al. 2001) • Hypoxia formation actually relies on several factors: • Physical processes (i.e. wind and mixing) • Nutrient inputs to supply phytoplankton growth • Sufficient phytoplankton growth and export to bottom waters • Sufficient bacterial decomposition in bottom waters to deplete oxygen Longislandsoundstudy.net
Hypoxia and Fisheries Decline • In addition to sporadic fish kills, hypoxic zones drive down overall fisheries production (finfish and shellfish) • Louisiana Dead Zone – Causes and estimated fisheries loss of 470 million pounds of seafood (Conservation and economic loss) • Most costly effect of eutrophication/ over abundance of phytoplankton www.cop.noaa.gov Hugo Ahlenius, UNEP/GRID-Arendal
HABs can be dispruptive by excluding other species Usac.org.uk • Dense blooms due to eutrophication can shade other important • Made worse by overfishing/loss of key grazers • Coral reefs • Macroalgae such as kelp News.fiu.org • Particularly damaging to seagrass • Microalage and macroalgae have caused much of seagrass die-off (Duarte 1995; Hauxwll et al 2003) due to shading • Eutrophication can shift overall production from benthos to water column. Loss of benthic production enhances resuspension making seagrass recovery harder (Olesen 1996)
…or by being a poor food source • Some species are harmful by displacing better food sources • Cyanobacteria lack essental fatty acids (e.g. sterols) give them poor nutritional quality for zooplankton (Martin-Creuzberg et al. 2008) and bivalves (Basen et al. 2012) • Toxic cyanos such as Microcystisproduce colonies near zooplankton and reduced grazing Wikipedia Wikipedia
…or both! • Aureococcusanophagefferens – The Brown Tide • Blooms originated due to eutrophication • Tiny cells were a poor food source for bay scallops and grazers. Dense blooms out-competed other phytoplankton • Like seagrass problem, shifting biomass from benthos (microphytobenthos growing on bottom) to water column • Destablizes sediment, more resuspension • Dark environment perfect of Aureococcus(adapted to low light) • Persistent blooms wiped out bay scallop industry in New York Newswise.com MacIntyre et al 2004
Alternate Stable States • In a stable state, ecosystem can receive some amount of disturbance, but will tend to return to natural state • If disturbed enough, dominance of stable state species is lost • Conditions shift to favor a new stable community Tipping Point Stable State Two Stable States • In reality, ecological disturbance changes the shape of the curves • Process can be irreversible on short time-scales (human time) www.theshallowresearcher.com
Toxin-producing HABs • Large mortalities of fish or shellfish • Mortalities of wildlife such as birds or marine mammals • Direct toxic effects to humans • Human poisonings through contaminated seafood • Large economic impacts due to monitoring, medical costs, fisheries closures • Challenge: Aside from understanding HAB ecology and toxin production, must also assess trophic transfer, biotransfomation , and pharmacology of toxins ADPH
Most toxin producers are dinoflagellates • Most ecological, human health, and economic costs are due to dinoflagellate HABs • Pose unique challenges for HAB research • They are mixotrophic (act as plants and animals), more difficult to describe ecology • Some cause harm at very low concentrations, hard to detect • They have enormous genomes, difficult for full sequencing Comenius.susqu.edu bewiki.kenyon.edu
With some important exceptions Pseudo-nitzchia– the toxic diatom Microcystis– colony forming cyanobacteria that produces neuro- and hepatotoxins wikipedia Prymnesiumparvum – Small prymnesiophyte that produces parvotoxins, plagues aquaculture systems Gulfbase.org
Variety of toxins and diseases • Saxitoxins– Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP) • Alexandrium(a dinoflagellate) and some cyanos • Major problem in Northeast U.S. and Pacific Northwest • Brevetoxins – Neurotoxic Shellfish Poisoning (NSP) • Caused by Karenia(dino) • Major problem for wildlife, tourism, and fisheries in Florida • Ciguatoxins – Ciguatera Fish Poisoning (CFP) • Gambierdiscus (dino) • Only in tropics, poorly understood • Most common disease due to HABs, 2nd most common illness due to fish • Domoic acid – Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP) • Pseudo-nitzschia (diatom) • Global problem for wildlife and shellfish • Okadaic acid – Diarrheic Shellfish Poisoning (DSP) • Emerging problem in Gulf of Mexico and Pacific NW Whoi.edu All structures – Botana 2008
Pseudo-nitzschia • Diatom that occurs in temperate waters worldwide, dominant community member • Major bloom former in northern Gulf of Mexico • Produces domoic acid, accumulates in prey species and poisons their consumers. • Similarities in bloom conditions • Pulses of nutrients • Mixing • Upwelling, estuaries, oceanic fronts • Appears to have a ruderal (weedy) growth strategy (MacIntyre et al. 2011) AP Texas PWD
A persistent threat to fisheries and wildlife • First human poisonings raise attention • 1987, Prince Edward Island, CA • 3 killed, ~10 brain damaged, ~100 sickened • Consumption of domoic acid contaminated blue mussels • Causes many shellfish closures in Pacific Northwest AP • Poisonings since in wildlife • Frequent sea lion mortalities (Scholin et al. 200) • Bird mortalities (Work et al. 1993) • Possible whale and dolphin illnesses (Twiner et al. 2009; Fire et al. 2011 • Found in commercial fisheries in GOM (Liefer et al. 2013; Del Rio et al. 2012) Liefer et al. 2013
Gambierdiscus and Ciguatera • Ciguatera Fish Poisoning (CFP) is the most common illness due to phycotoxins; 25,000 – 500,000 cases per year. • Seafood containing ciguatoxins (CTXs), lipophilic Na-channel activating toxins • Ciguatoxins originate from gambiertoxins, produced by species of Gambierdiscus, benthic dinoflagellate • Common in shallow tropics. Florida Keys, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and USVI • Endemic in regions like USVI, Puerto Rico, parts of South Pacific (>5% of population likely has had it) Maria Faust - NMNH Maria Faust - NMNH University of Guam
Complex trophic transfer of Ciguatera Amberjack Highest toxin concentrations, most toxic congeners, mobile vectors of an immobile toxin source Queen Triggerfish White Grunt Red Hind Mesopredators/ large herbivores Gastropods Crustaceans Parrotfish Surgeonfish Biomagnification Increasing Ciguatoxicity Biotransformation Variety of primary consumers Epiphytic Gambierdiscus Inter- and intra-specific variation in gambiertoxin production and composition Turf Algae Macroalgae High variation in substrate types and selection
Kareniabrevis • The infamous “red tide” • Forms mono-specific blooms in Gulf of Mexico, mostly in Texas and Florida • Human poisonings are rare, usually from recreational harvest in closed areas • A major threat to Florida wildlife noaa.gov Hu et al. 2006 whoi.edu
A wide-ranging threat • One of the only HABs directly toxic to humans – waves will break Kareniacells, toxin gets in the air. Causes respiratory problems in humans • Toxin has caused large fish kills in western Gulf of Mexico • Widespread 2005 bloom killed things at all trophic levels (Landsber et al. 2009) ADPH Fowl River ADPH
Karenia red tides and endangerd/protected species • Several large dolphin die-offs (Twiner et al. 2012 and others) • Dolphins consume small planktivorous fish (like menhaden) that graze on toxic bloom • Can be very quick process • Manatees (Bossart et al.1998), including 829 last year • Florida manatee population already highly endangered and declining • Est. population = <10,000 • Some events (ex. 2005 bloom) killed everything in some locations (invertebrates, finfish, sea turtles, sharks) • Risk to endemic species Florida FWC Florida FWC
Conservation Implications of HABs • Impact of hypoxia and toxic blooms to already dwindling fisheries • Shifts in sensitive ecosystems (ex. Seagrass, corals) to algal dominance due to eutrophication and reduction of grazing fish • Threats to endangered/protected species, particularly those endemic to a small region (ex. Florida Manatees) • Loss of Confidence? • Effect on conservation interest as seafood resources are lost • Effect on conservation interest if eco-tourism is lost
Coping with HABs • Reminder: HABs and hypoxic zones have occurred naturally, inherent aspect of many ecosystems • Most of the HAB problems are highly complex • Phytoplankton communities are incredibly diverse and unstable • A wide variety of nutrient sources for eutrophication • Toxin production varies with conditions • Some toxins must accumulate and transform to have impacts • Three key approaches to HABs (and most conservation issues) • Mitigation • Monitoring • Prevention
HAB Mitigation • Biological Treatments • Macroalgae extracts (allelopathy) • Chemical Treatments • Clays • Copper sulfate • Physical disturbance • Boat mixing • Turbines • All of these options and other proposed ones have key drawbacks • Ecosystem effect difficult to predict • Costly • Long-term effectiveness? WHOI
HAB Monitoring • The only option for many HABs • Dinophysis -> DSP at low abundances • Gambierdiscus -> Ciguatera while being rare and not blooming • Monitoring and seafood safety • No known illnesses from Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning since 1987 • Automated monitoring prevented a DSP outbreak in Texas during a shellfish festival (2011) • Challenges • Better understanding of ecology, toxin production • Require highly skilled labor, technology • Blooms are “cryptic” • Expanding monitoring in undeveloped nations cop.noaa.gov baynews9.com
HAB Prevention • “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” – especially true for HABs • Addressing the key causes • Eutrophication • Climate Change • Species Invasion • Reducing eutrophication seems most likely to happen and most effective • Maintaining natural filters • Wetlands • Dissipating river outputs • Agricultural nutrient reduction • Run off buffers on farms • Fertilization methods • Human Development • Impermeable surfaces • Waste water treatment Less of this Less of this More of this!