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Rise of Fascism. Mussolini & Hitler. Fascism. As a result of the post-WWI economic & political problems, U.S., Britain, France, & Scandinavia maintained democratic gov’ts Others turned to various totalitarian rulers to strengthen their country and economy. What does fascism mean?. Fascism.
Rise of Fascism Mussolini & Hitler
Fascism • As a result of the post-WWI economic & political problems, U.S., Britain, France, & Scandinavia maintained democratic gov’ts • Others turned to various totalitarian rulers to strengthen their country and economy
Fascism • Fascism—new, militant political movement that emphasized loyalty to state & obedience to ruler • What fascism promised • Revive economies • Punish those responsible for hard times • Restore national pride • Repair damage of Treaty of Versailles
Fascism • Characteristics • No clearly defined theory • Preached extreme nationalism • Believed that nations must struggle • Pledged loyalty to authoritarian leaders • Leaders wore uniforms, had salutes, held rallies
Fascism • Fascism & Communism Comparison • Both ruled by dictators w/ 1 party rule • Both thought state was supreme • Neither practiced democracy • Fascist believed each class had its place; communists believed it should be a classless society • Aristocrats v. workers • Fascists were nationalists, communists were internationalists
Mussolini’s Rise to Power • Benito Mussolini’s Rise • Fascism was fueled by disappointment over Treaty of Versailles • Rising inflation & high unemployment contributed to social unrest • Middle & upper classes feared a communist revolution • Mussolini founded Fascist Party in 1919 • Promised to revive economy, provide strong leadership • Began attacking socialists & communists on streets • October 1922…30,000 fascists marched on Rome to demand King Emmanuel III name Mussolini Prime Minister • Fearing a civil war, King appointed him new head of gov’t
Mussolini’s Rise to Power • Il Duce’s Leadership (Mussolini) • Abolished democracy & outlawed all parties but fascists • Secret police jailed opponents • Gov’t forced radios and publications to broadcast fascist doctrines • Strengthened Italy’s economy • Became model of fascism to come
Questions • How did Mussolini maintain power in Italy? • How did Mussolini gain power in Italy? • Why was Mussolini able to gain power in Italy?
Hitler Controls Germany • Hitler before Nazis • Little known political leader born in Austria in 1889 • High school drop-out, failed artist, WWI German soldier…won 2 Iron Crosses for Bravery • Moved to Munich after war to join a right wing political group…later to become Nazis
Hitler Controls Germany • Hitler & the Nazis • Overturn Treaty of Versailles and stop communism • Munich group was known as National Socialist German Worker’s Party (Nazi) • Favored policies of middle class • Adopted swastika, hooked cross • Means “well-being” in Sanskrit…ancient good luck symbol • Formed private militia called stormtroopers or “brownshirts” • Hitler became der Fuhrer, the leader, of Nazi Party • Tried to seize power in Munich, similar to Mussolini, in 1923 • Failed & was arrested for treason, serving 9 months of a 5 year sentence
Hitler Controls Germany • Hitler & Nazis • Wrote Mein Kampf, “My Struggle” in prison, mapping out his beliefs and goals for Germany • Declared “Aryan”, blond-haired & blue eyed, the master race • Non-Aryans were inferior sub-humans • Was outraged by Treaty of Versailles, vowed to regain lands lost by it • Declared that Germany was overcrowded, vowed to gain space by conquering E. Europe & W. Russia • Revived Nazi Party in 1924 • Depression takes hold w/ Germans turning to Hitler to gain control
Hitler Controls Germany • Hitler Becomes Chancellor • Nazis had become largest political party by 1932 • Conservatives believed he was easily controllable • Asked President Paul von Hindenburg to name him Chancellor…gaining power legally • Called for new parliamentary elections hoping to gain majority control • Reichstag burns down a few days before…Nazis blamed Communists • Fear of Communism gave Nazis majority • Hitler had Enabling Act passed • Granted him dictatorial powers for 4 years • Hitler banned all other political parties, having opponents arrested • Created SS, protection squad loyal to only Hitler • Gestapo, secret police, shocked w/ brutal force into obedience
Hitler Controls Germany • Hitler takes control of Economy • Bans labor unions, gov’t control of labor & business • Put Germans to work building factories, highways, weapons, serving in military • Decreased unemployment
Hitler Controls Germany • Der Fuhrer • Hitler became totalitarian, controlling everything • Used propaganda…radio, press literature, films • Burned books • Churches couldn’t criticize • Children joined Hitler Youth programs • Heavily influenced by Social Darwinism
Hitler Controls Germany • Campaign against Jews • Anti-Semitism—hatred for Jews • Jews represented less than 1% of population but were blamed for all of Germany’s ills • Jew were stereotyped as the evil bankers causing all the economic problems • Nuremburg Laws, 1933 • Nazi laws depriving Jews of their rights, sparking violence • Kristallnacht—Night of Broken Glass—Nov. 9, 1933, Nazi mobs attacked Jewish homes, stores, churches
Other Dictators Worldwide • Dictators arose in Czechoslovakia, Soviet Union, Spain, Austria • World split into democracies & totalitarians
Questions • Why did a movement like fascism, and leaders like Mussolini and Hitler, come to power during a period of crisis? • Compare and contrast Hitler & Mussolini. Their rise to power, their way of governing, their control mechanisms, their economic reforms. • Compare and contrast fascism & communism. • Which countries maintained democracies? Lost?
Questions • Who was Il Duce? • Who was Der Fuhrer? • What was Kristallnacht? • How did Hitler & Mussolini maintain power? • What was Mein Kampf about?