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LDSG CEC UX Study Test Plan Objective

LDSG CEC UX Study Test Plan Objective. To understand internal users’ impressions and expectations on using LDSG applications by program, function and theater in terms of finding learning and development offerings

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LDSG CEC UX Study Test Plan Objective

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  1. LDSG CEC UX Study Test PlanObjective • To understand internal users’ impressions and expectations on using LDSG applications by program, function and theater in terms of finding learning and development offerings • This is achieved by understanding users’ impressions and expectations using the application for: • General learning programs (e.g. New Hires), • LDSG Function-specific navigation and • Function-specific learning programs.

  2. LDSG UX Study Test PlanMethod • Recruit 10 internal participants from 3 functions (Sales, Engineering, ROB) plus a New Hire across the GEOs (Americas, EMEAR, AJPC) • Task-based approach in which the study is divided into three phases; • Tasks phase - Tasks are given to the user with the intention of accomplishing them using the CEC site and using “think-aloud” protocol. The moderator shall assist the user if they’re having difficulties by posing questions such as “What do you think will happen if you click this link?” • Question & Answer phase – Provide opportunities for the moderator to ask questions from the participant regarding their experience with the product and completing the tasks. • Difficulty Ratings Survey phase – Post-test survey given to participant to gather their feedback on the applications they interacted with. • Each session will be 90 minutes long

  3. LDSG UX Study Test PlanStakeholder Questions to be answered in the UX Study • What are users’ expectations when it comes to specific learning programs attributed to each role (engineering, sales, services, ROB) • What are users’ expectations when it comes to general learning programs regardless of function (e.g. New Hire training) • Do they know that there is a separate ‘Learning and Development’ link on the left nav attributed for each function • What are expectations and impressions of US and non-US users and how do they identify themselves with respect to learning about a function-specific learning program? Where do they go first to find out about a specific learning program for their function? • What’s important to users on the CEC site that we can leverage over to WebEx Social? • What are their expectations for the navigational schema on the CEC site regardless of LDSG navigation or main-level functional navigation and what do they expect to change? • What are the users’ impressions and expectations regarding the marketing content-heavy LDSG pages versus the CEC pages? • What are the users’ impressions and expectations of the navigational hierarchy of the left-nav menu with submenu items and the tabbed menu in the body of some pages?

  4. LDSG UX Study Test PlanDependent Measures • Time-on-task • Assists from moderator • Success rate (or failure rate) • Subjective comments through think-aloud protocol • Task ratings after each task and their expectations, impressions and usefulness of the application with respect to the task (given at end of each task) • Overall ratings for all the tasks and their expectations, impressions and usefulness of the application with respect to all of the tasks (given at end of test)

  5. LDSG Usability Study Tasks Across all tasks, the moderator shall look for 1) whether user clicks on main-level function link or LDSG-function link when starting the task, 2) whether they navigate to the LDSG function homepage and 3) is able to accomplish the specific task while on the LDSG function site Engineering • Task 1: Find a learning roadmap that’s established for your role and select a specific learning program offering that you’re interested in from within the learning roadmap • Task 2a: Find a listing of all upcoming learning programs within a specified time period that’s specific to your role. • Task 2b: Now, select a specific learning program offering from the listing that’s specific to your role • Task 3a: Let’s say that your colleague was at a recent community learning event and he spoke very highly of it. He tells you it’s part of a recurring series of events and you should check it out. Since the event has already ended, the content for past events is available online, you want to find a listing of informal learning assets in the collaboration space. • Task 3b: Now, you want to select a specific informal learning asset from the collaboration topic. • Task 4: Find a listing of management track learning programs which are for employees with little or no management experience and select a specific learning program offering from that listing. • Task 5: Select a specific learning program from a list of courses not part of a learning roadmap • Task 6: Find a learning plan specific to your role but where you can improve your professional skills in business and select a specific offering from this learning plan • Task 7:Let’s say that you’re a new hire. Find a learning program that provides a personalized approach from the list of offerings.

  6. LDSG Usability Study Tasks, Continued Sales • Task 1a:Let’s say that your mid-year review is coming up and you would like to improve your skills specific to your role. Find a learning plan that interests you and that is specifically established for your role and your region • Task 1b:Now that you’ve found a list of learning programs specific to your role, you would like to improve a particular skillset within your role. Find and select the particular skillset area from the set of skill sets and select a specific offering from that skillset area • Task 2a:Let’s say that you’re a new hire. Find a learning program that provides a personalized approach from the list of offerings. • Task 2b:Now that you found learning program that provides a personalized approach to the onboard process. Please set up your job role and theatre • Task 3a: Let’s say that you’re interested in joining a virtual team (VT) program and you’d like to find out the current VT activities for a technology area you’re interested in. Find a specific VT program related to Borderless Networks • Task 3b: You’re interested in knowing more about this program. Find details about upcoming activities and description of the program • Task 3c: Now you’re very interested in this program. See the process for joining this program • Task 4:Find a listing of management track learning programs which are based on your role and select a specific learning program offering from that listing • Task 5: Find a learning plan specific to your role but where you can improve your professional skills in business and select a specific offering from this learning plan

  7. LDSG Usability Study Tasks, Continued Marketing • Task 1a: Find a learning program where you can organize by a core discipline that interests you or is related to your role • Task 1b: Then select a specific offering from that listing • Task2:Select a specific learning program from a list of courses not part of a learning roadmap • Task 3a: You’re interested in improving your professional skills, especially in the area of communication. You decide to look into the CEC site to find some offerings to strengthen your communication skills. Find communication-specific offerings. • Task 3b: Find details about a specific learning program. See a way to find the duration and price of the offering. Then, select that learning program offering • Task 4:Find a listing of management track learning programs which are for employees with little or no management experience and select a specific learning program offering from that listing. • Task 5:Let’s say that you’re a new hire. Find a learning program that provides a personalized approach from the list of offerings.

  8. LDSG Usability Study Tasks, Continued Finance • Task 1:Find out what are the learning program offerings for specific applications within your job function and select a specific learning program. • Task 2:Find a specific learning program offering that are in collaboration and social media space and are offered in virtual format • Task 3:Let’s say that the learning plans offered are not what you’re looking for and instead you’d like to be able to choose a specific offering from a listing of offerings that are based on your role. Select a specific offering based on your role rather than a predefined program. • Task 4:Let’s say you’re interested in a learning track for revenue process optimization specific to your job function. Find out how you can utilize the learning program and take the next steps. • Task 5:Find a listing of management track learning programs which are for employees with little or no management experience and select a specific learning program offering from that listing • Task 6:You’re interested in improving your professional skills, especially since your responsibilities include communicating monthly status reports to your team. You decide to look into the CEC site to find some offerings to strengthen your communication skills. Your manager tells you that there are specific roadmaps based on your role that offer communication professional offerings. Find communication-specific offerings based on your role. • Task 7:Let’s say that you’re a new hire. Find a learning program that provides a personalized approach from the list of offerings.

  9. LDSG Usability Study Tasks, Continued Supply Chain Operations • Task 1:You’re interested in improving your professional skills, especially in the area of communication. You decide to look into the CEC site to find some offerings to strengthen your communication skills. Find communication-specific offerings. • Task 2:Find a non-mandatory learning offering that is specific to your function and take the next step • Task 3: Let’s say you would like to pursue a management track. Please find management track learning programs that are specific to your function and then take the next step. • Task 4:Let’s say that you’re a new hire. Find a learning program that provides a personalized approach from the list of offerings.

  10. LDSG Usability Study Tasks, Continued Legal • Task 1:Find out what compliance-specific learning programs you’re organization is offering. Then, select a specific learning program within compliance covering the Global Management Workforce area • Task 2:Select a specific learning program from within the core competencies in your job function. • Task 3: Find a learning program specifically geared for new hires, which allows hands-on approach for the program. • Task 4: You’re interested in improving your professional skills, especially in the area of communication. You decide to look into the CEC site to find some offerings to strengthen your communication skills. Find communication-specific offerings. • Task 5:Find a listing of management track learning programs which are for employees with little or no management experience and select a specific learning program offering from that listing • Task 6:Find a non-mandatory learning offering that is not part of learning roadmap or plan and that is specific to your function and take the next step • Task 7:Let’s say that you’re a new hire. Find a learning program that provides a personalized approach from the list of offerings.

  11. Survey Questions To be asked after each task. Up to 4 questions out of the below questions will be asked after each task. Each task will contain a different set of questions from the list below. Refer to ‘LDSG Usability Study Task Script.docx’ for details. • On the landing page, what navigation items tell you what to do next? • Where would you expect to go if you click on the links under Learning Curricula/Course Listings • Were the action items you were looking for to perform the task in an intuitive place? • How easy was it to take the first step? • What’s your first action that you would take on the landing page? • What actions would you take next to continue performing the task? • What icons or navigation items help you in performing this task? • What would you do if you got stuck, lost or confused? • Were you able to determine the specific learning program offerings by your role? • Why did you first go there to perform this task (LDSG Eng site or MLD site)? • How well do the navigation items and content on these set of pages provide alternatives or recommendations if you’re not sure what you need • How intuitive was the breakdown of the learning program offerings by topic

  12. LDSG Usability Study – Participants Profile

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