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Using Visual Scene Displays to Create a Shared Communication Space

Karen Hux, Ph.D. Megan Buechter, M.S. Sarah Wallace, M.A. Kristy Weissling, SLP.D. Purpose. Visual Scene Displays. Number of Conversational Turns. Conceptual Complexity Score. Summary. Using Visual Scene Displays to Create a Shared Communication Space.

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Using Visual Scene Displays to Create a Shared Communication Space

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  1. Karen Hux, Ph.D. Megan Buechter, M.S. Sarah Wallace, M.A. Kristy Weissling, SLP.D. Purpose Visual Scene Displays Number of Conversational Turns Conceptual Complexity Score Summary Using Visual Scene Displays to Create a Shared Communication Space • To determine the effect of shared communication spaces established through the use of low-tech visual scene displays (VSDs) on the content and quality of communicative interactions between a person with aphasia and unfamiliar partners • Using VSDs to establish a shared communication space between RL and his communication partners had a visible effect on the manner and extent to which the individuals contributed to conversational interactions: • Improved perceptions regarding information transfer, communication ease, and partner understanding • Increased production of utterances • Increased relaying of correct information by the person with aphasia • Shifted leadership burden even though person with aphasia had greater knowledge of targeted topic Participants • Participant with Aphasia: RL • 61-year-old male • 2 years post-CVA • Western Aphasia Battery Aphasia Quotient:76.2 • Relied primarily on natural speech and a low-technology communication book to communicate • Communication Partner Participants • Nine adult speakers of American-English • 4 males, 5 females • Age range: 33 - 62 years (M = 48; SD = 11.57) • Education range: 14 - 21 years (M = 17; SD = 2.32) Clinical Implications Aphasia persists as a chronic condition for many individuals despite extensive rehabilitation efforts. Because of this, clinicians need to help people with aphasia and the individuals who interact with them master compensatory strategies to maximize communication strengths and minimize communication breakdowns. Using VSDs to create shared communication spaces is one way of promoting this type of compensation, because VSDs rely on residual strengths of people with aphasia—such as intact memory for life events, a pool of general knowledge information, normal visual-perceptual skills, and adequate cognitive/intellectual functioning—that are likely to foster improved communicative interactions. Number of Initiations and Responses Procedures • 4.5-minute, digitally-recorded conversations between RL and each communication partner in one of three conditions: • Shared-VSDs • Non-shared VSDs • No-VSDs • Communication partners instructed to discuss RL’s antique car and find out as much as possible about car’s history and RL’s restoration of it • Following interaction: • RL responded to Likert-scale questions regarding amount, ease, and success of information transfer • Debriefing session with communication partner: • Detailed recitation of all information RL conveyed • Responses to 43 information probe questions to elicit additional details not related spontaneously • All interaction and debriefing sessions transcribed verbatim Likert-scale Responses Content Unit Analysis http://aac.unl.edu RL Communication Partners

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