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Creating High Impact Schools Key Leaders Network—South. October 13, 2011 Greenville, AL. Alphabet Soup!. ABPC — Alabama Best Practices Center KLN — Key Leaders Network PCN — Powerful Conversations Network SLN — Superintendent Leaders Network FA — Formative Assessment
Creating High Impact SchoolsKey Leaders Network—South October 13, 2011 Greenville, AL
Alphabet Soup! • ABPC — Alabama Best Practices Center • KLN — Key Leaders Network • PCN — Powerful Conversations Network • SLN — Superintendent Leaders Network • FA — Formative Assessment • FF — Formative Feedback
Guiding Questions • How are we transferring our learnings from KLN sessions to our work in our district? • In what ways can we use the partnership principles and practices associated with “Impact Schools” to optimize professional learning and growth in our schools and district?
Guiding Questions, cont’d 3. Why is formative assessment an essential component in an effective teaching-learning cycle? 4. How can I incorporate formative assessment into my work with teachers and/or school leaders as we partner to improve adult performance in our schools?
Guiding Questions, cont’d • Why do we need new standards? What’s the rationale for CCR? • How can we transfer the experiences and learnings of today to our colleagues back home?
Norms • Collective Responsibility • Collaboration • Each of us is responsible for all of our students. • Participation • Monitor your talk. • Encourage and support others. • Respect • Put cell phones on vibrate. • No side-bar conversations. • Time • Begin and end on time. • Take care of your own creature comforts.
Activity #1: Team Time—Recapping Our Use of KLN Learnings from 1st Session WHAT? Team conversations focusing on use of materials, strategies, or learnings from our first KLN session WHY? To consolidate our experiences and prepare for reflective conversation with colleagues from other districts HOW? Name facilitator to lead your district team in a conversation focusing on questions provided in Activity #1; all take notes to prepare for next activity
Activity #2: Sharing Our Experiences—Reflective Questioning WHAT? Sharing experiences related to transfer of KLN resources and learnings to your district and/or school WHY? To learn from individuals in other districts and to practice important communication skills HOW? Using the Reflective Questioning protocol, each member of a triad shares reflections while another member interviews the speaker, and a third member serves as observer
Debrief Reflective Questioningwith Members of Your District Team • What did you learn from colleagues from other districts? • How did the Reflective Questioning protocol support reflection and dialogue? What were the benefits of using this protocol? • In what contexts and for what purposes, if any, might you use this protocol in your work?
Partnership Principles Form the “Heart of Professional Learning” • Equality • Choice • Voice • Reflection • Dialogue • Praxis • Reciprocity
Dialogue—Definitions Original Greek Meaning: “logos” = meaning “dia” = through “Dialogue is a form of communication where meaning moves back and forth between and through people.” “Dialogue is thinking together.”—David Bohm “Dialogue is a mutually humanizing form of communication.”—Paulo Freire
Read Martin Buber’s Quote and SAY SOMETHING • Turn to p. 39 of Unmistakable Impact; find sentence in first full paragraph beginning with words “As Martin Buber (1970) explained. . . .” (3rd sentence in this paragraph). • Read the remainder of this paragraph, then turn to an elbow partner, and say something about this excerpt. Next, listen to your conversation partner say something to you about the same quote.
Freire’s 5 Requirements for Dialogue #1: Humility Turn to p. 39. Look at paragraphs beneath the heading, “Humility” on this page. Which of the sentences in these paragraphs really “speak to you?” Highlight these, and be ready to share with whole group.
Freire’s 5 Requirements for Dialogue #2: Faith “Dialogue is never manipulative; it is grounded in free conversation between people who respect each other as equals.” (p. 40)
Freire’s 5 Requirements for Dialogue #3: Love “Dialogue is only possible if we have empathy for others.” (p. 41)
Freire’s 5 Requirements for Dialogue #4: Critical Thinking “If we truly want to learn from a conversation, we are wise to go into it looking for ideas that disprove our way of thinking rather than looking for confirmation that our opinion is correct. “Dialogue is the thinking approach to communication.”(p. 42)
Freire’s 5 Requirements for Dialogue #5: Hope “Dialogue cannot occur when people are paralyzed by hopelessness. Dialogue can only flourish in situations where there are many possibilities. “In part this means that a conversation that is dialogical must be open-ended. If I come to you with a plan, and I expect you to implement it, I am not engaging in dialogue.”(p. 42)
Norms for Engaging in Dialogue • Listen Actively • Question to Expand Understanding • Respect Divergent Views • Suspend Judgment • Voice Your Personal View
LISTENING “Dialogue is not just talking with one another. More than speaking, it is a special way of listening to one another—listening without resistance. . . It is listening from a stand of being willing to be influenced.” —Sarita Chawla
QUESTIONING Do I understand the speaker’s thinking, or do I need to ask questions to get behind his/her thinking? What are we leaving out of this conversation? What am I personally curious about? What kinds of wonderings do I have?
RESPECTING “Respect is not a passive act.” “At its core, the act of respect invites us to see others as legitimate.” --William Isaacs, Dialogue, pp. 110-111.
Respecting means— • Accepting that another has something to teach us • Seeing the potential that another carries within • Honoring people’s boundaries to the point of protecting them
SUSPENDING JUDGMENT “Suspension means that we neither suppress what we think nor advocate it with unilateral conviction.” --Isaacs, p. 134
How do we go about suspending judgment? • To suspend is to change direction, to stop, step back, see things with new eyes, to loosen one’s grip, to gain new perspectives
VOICING “Finding your voice in dialogue means learning to ask a simple question: What needs to be expressed now?”–Isaacs, p. 159
Activity #3: Exploring 5 Other Partnership Principles—Jigsaw WHAT? Deepening your understanding of equality, choice, voice, praxis, and reciprocity WHY? To expand our shared understanding of partnership principles and their relationship to professional learning HOW? Jigsaw Cooperative Learning activity; see Activity Sheet #3.
Organizing for Jigsaw • Forming a “Home Team.” 1. Count off as directed by your facilitators. 2. Gather with others of your same number at designated table. • Decide who will go to which of the 5 expert groups. That individual should take the colored index card corresponding to his/her principle. • Read about your assigned principle, highlighting and preparing to discuss it with others.
Organizing for Jigsaw • Working in your “expert” group. • Find 1-2 others who have your assignment. Hint: Hold up colored index card to find a match. • Talk about your chosen principle, using guiding questions on Activity Sheet #3. • Take notes so that you can share back with the “home” team of which you are a part. • Return to your “home” group for sharing around about the 5 partnership principles.
The Final Partnership Principle: Reflection “Reflection stands at the heart of the partnership approach, but it is only possible when people have the freedom to accept or reject what they are learning as they see fit.”—p. 37
Reflection (p. 37) Looking Back—thinking about an event that has passed, how it went, and what we might have done differently Looking At—thinking about what we are doing in the midst of the act itself; monitoring how well an activity is going, making adjustments in real time Looking Ahead—thinking about how to use an idea of strategy in the future; explore how an idea might be shaped and modified to fit future action
Activity #4: Looking Ahead—How might I incorporate partnership principles into my work to nurture professional learning? WHAT? Individual reflection, looking ahead to potential use of partnership principles; sharing in district team WHY? Need to make meaning of content introduced over past hour; opportunity for individual choice and commitment HOW? Individual reflection, using questions for reflection on Activity Sheet #4; district team sharing, as desired
Formative Assessment is a Partnership “Formative Assessment is an active and intentional learning process that partners the teacher and the students to continuously and systematically gather evidence of learning with the express goal of improving student achievement.” -Moss and Brookhart, p.6
Formative Assessment is a Process “Formative assessment is a process used by teachers and students during instruction that provides feedback to adjust ongoing teaching and learning to improve students’ achievement of intended instructional outcomes.” (Definition by Council of Chief State School Officers, 2006, reported in Popham, 2008, p. 5) Assessment FOR Learning
Formative Assessment is Different from Summative Assessment Formative Assessment FOR Learning Summative Assessment OF Learning Purpose: To improve learning and achievement • Occurs during instruction • Focused on checking for understanding • Promotes self-monitoring • Teachers and students use evidence to make adjustments for continuous improvements Purpose: To measure competency • Occurs after instruction • Focused on products/grades • Externally determined criteria • Teachers use results to make “success or failure” decisions
Activity #5: Formative Assessmentor Summative Assessment? • Number off 1-5; circle up with those in your group. • Read the corresponding vignette silently and determine whether it is formative or summative. • Be able to provide a rationale for your choice. • When directed, each individual should read her/his vignette aloud. • The other participants should indicate whether they think it is formative or summative by using a “Thumbs up” or “Thumbs down.” • Share your rationale.
Activity #6: Going Deeper in Thinking about Formative Assessment—Say Something WHAT? Reacting to selected paragraphs in the article, “Formative Assessment” by Brookhart, Moss, and Long—thinking about what you might say to a colleague about the content WHY? To deepen your understanding of formative assessment HOW? Say Something--When directed, stand up and find a partner who is NOT from your organization. “Say Something” to your partner about this article, and listen to your partner “say something” to you.
Components of Visible Learning “Teachers need to know the learning intentions and success criteria of their lessons, know how well they are attaining these for all students, and know where to go next in light of the gap between students’ current knowledge and understanding and the success criteria of ‘Where are you going?’, ‘How are you going?’, and ‘Where to next?’ ”—John Hattie (2009). Visible Learning: A Synthesis of 800 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement, New York: Routledge, p. 239.
A Look at the “Big Picture” of Formative Assessment A Formative Assessment System (see next slide) Source: From Visible Learning: A Synthesis of over 800 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement (p. 176, by J. Hattie, 2009, New York: Routledge)
To reduce discrepancies between current understanding/performance & a desired goal Purpose The discrepancy can be reduced by Teachers Providing appropriate challenging & specific goals OR Assisting students to reach goals through formative assessment systems Students Increased effort or use of more effective strategies OR Abandoning, blurring, or lowering the goals Effective formative assessment systems answer three questions Feed-Up Where am I going? Feedback How am I doing? Feed-Forward Where am I going next?
Formative Assessment Informs BOTH Teachers & Students’ Learning Teacher Cycle Student Cycle
What about Formative Assessment for Teacher Learning and Growth?
Formative Assessment and Feedback: A Process to Improve Performance of Both Students and Adults in Schools
Important Features of Formative Assessment for Adults in Schools • Formative assessment is a reflective process that promotes self-awareness by highlighting strengths and identifying opportunities for professional growth. • Formative assessment describes multiple dimensions of one’s practice.
Important Features of Formative Assessment for Adults in Schools, cont’d • Formative Assessment is supported by descriptive observations such as those used in instructional rounds. • Formative assessment relies on a two-way communication process, i.e, dialogue, between the observer and the person whose practice is being assessed. • Formative assessmentis used to improve practice rather than to assign a performance level or grade from an outside evaluator.
The Alabama Continuum for Teacher Development was designed to support formative assessment, including self-assessments, and to identify strengths as well as areas for growth.
Alabama Quality Teaching Standards Standard 2: Teaching and Learning • Organization and Management of Learning Environment • Using Instructional Strategies to Engage Learners • Assessment of Learning
Standard 2: Teaching and Learning Indicator 2.8 Uses formative assessments to provide specific and timely feedback to assist learners in meeting learning targets and to adjust instruction Indicator 2.9 Uses summative assessments to measure learner attainment of specified learning targets Indicator 2.10 Maintains evidence and records of learning performance to communicate progress Indicator 2.11 Analyzes and uses disaggregated standardized assessment results to inform planning for individual learners and classes
Activity #7: Informal Assessment of Teacher Practice Related to Indicator 2.8 WHAT? Review the practices associated with Indicator 2.8, and identify one that you believe needs to be strengthened by large numbers of teachers in your school or district WHY? To begin assessing where our teachers are in their practice of formative assessment HOW? Individual review and selection; sharing around with district team members