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Finding Glass

Kenton McHenry Jean Ponce David Forsyth. Finding Glass. Background. Layer Seperation (Szleski, Avidan, and Aniandan, CVPR'00), (Levin, Zomet, and Weiss, CVPR'04).

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Finding Glass

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Kenton McHenry Jean Ponce David Forsyth Finding Glass

  2. Background • Layer Seperation (Szleski, Avidan, and Aniandan, CVPR'00), (Levin, Zomet, and Weiss, CVPR'04) • 3D Structure (Hata, Saitoh, Kumamura and Kaida, ICPR'96) (Ben-Ezra and Nayar, ICCV'03) (Miyazaki, Kagesawa and Ikeuchi, ICCV'03) (Murase, ICCV'90) • Recognition (Osadchy, Jacobs, and Ramamoorthi, ICCV'03) • Segmentation (Singh and Huang, CVPR'03)

  3. (Adelson and Anandan, AAAI'90) • 0 < a≤ 1 • e ≥ 0 I = aIB+ e

  4. Classifying Junctions Non-Reversing: transparency, ambiguous depth ordering Single-Reversing: transparency Double-Reversing: no transparency

  5. (Singh and Huang, CVPR'03)

  6. (Singh and Huang, CVPR'03)

  7. Our Goal

  8. The Background • The appearance of a glass object changes with the background (i.e. the scene w/o any transparent objects) • We have seen how knowledge of the background can be extremeley useful in reconstructing transparent surfaces • Ideal situation: know the background, use background subtraction

  9. Glass Objects and their Edges Why? • Highlights • Mirrors • Hysteresis

  10. Adelson et al Revisited • Though they focus on junctions they are classifying edges • The proposed rules are binary cues between a transparent object and its background

  11. Proposed Method • Break edges into small segments and classify them based on the information from the two sides • Properties of glass: transparency, refraction and reflection

  12. Cues • Transparency • Color Similarity • Overlay Consistency • Refraction • Texture Distortion • Blurring • Reflection • Highlights

  13. Color Similarity • (HSV) Hue • (HSV) Saturation

  14. Overlay Consistency

  15. Texture Distortion • Filer Bank: 2 scales, 6 orientations (0,p)

  16. Blurring • DCT • Shift in mean in frequency space

  17. Highlights • Highlights on smooth shiny surfaces tend to have a profile with a sharp spike (Healey and Binford, '87), (Nayar, Ikeuchi and Kanade, '91)

  18. Highlights • Iteratively fit a line to perimeter (starting from threshold of 1.0) • Plot line fit errors

  19. Highlights

  20. Single Classifier • 5 cues provide 6 values • SVM with Gaussian kernel • Must be conservative with false positives • Classifier can achieve high accuracy on training data • Move hyperplane until true positives < 30%

  21. Multiple Classifiers • If we were to consider the 6 values as logical propositions we could write: glass ⇐ similar_color ∧ high_alpha ∧ (low_emmission ∨ highlight ∨ smoother ∨ distortion)

  22. Multiple Classifiers • We can re-write the previous statement as four different statements of three propositions: glass ⇐ similar_color ∧ high_alpha ∧ low_emmission glass ⇐ similar_color ∧ high_alpha ∧ highlight glass ⇐ similar_color ∧ high_alpha ∧ smoother glass ⇐ similar_color ∧ high_alpha ∧ distortion

  23. Multiple Classifiers • Each proposition is a seperatley trained classifier of lower dimension • Combining the sub-classifiers • Logical OR • Weighted Sum • Exponential Model

  24. Global Integration • Due to conservativeley built classifiers we will have few positives • Hysteresis: connect positves along a common edge • Snakes (Kass, Witkin, Terzopoulos, '87)

  25. Experiments • Training Set: 15 images, 6 with glass objects in front of various backgrounds, 9 with no glass objects • 333 positive examples • 4581 negative examples • Test Set: 50 images, 35 with glass objects, 15 with no glass objects at all

  26. Experiments Precision 68.76% 56.04% 58.78% 56.04% 73.70% Single SVM Multiple SVM's + OR Multiple SVM's + Weighted Sum Multiple SVM's + Exponential Model Multiple SVM's + Weighted Sum (sampled)

  27. Results

  28. Results

  29. Results

  30. Results

  31. Classifying Regions as Glass • We need not restrict ourselves to regions around edges • Given two regions we ask the question “is one region a glass covered version of the other?”

  32. Over Segmentation • We want regions of similar material (Felzenszwalb and Huttenlocher, '04) • Can adjust size of super-pixels (degree of over-segmentation) with smaller k values • Use color, texture, and edgels to set weights

  33. Discrepency • We use our previous classifier as a measure of how much two regions don't belong two the same material (i.e. glass and not glass) • Use distance from seperating hyperplane (Platt, '00) • Large values: far on the postive glass side • Small values (negative): far on the not glass side • Reasonable if data takes a normal distribution • Drop blur cue since DCT can't be done on non-rectangular regions.

  34. Ambiguities • Discrepency is high for a material and a glass covered version of that material, but also for two completley different materials • Above example has two possible segmentations

  35. Affinity Aij = 1 – aij / p

  36. Affinity • Because of refraction most straight background edges that pass through the glass will appear broken • Edges from glass contour ussually the longest smoothest edges in the area

  37. Affinity

  38. Certainty of Discrepency/Affinity • High discrepency: likely different materials • Low discrepency: cannot ascertain whether one regions is glass and the other is background • High affinity: likely same material • Low affinity: not very informative, edge path may just have been broken

  39. Objective Function • We wish to maximize our measures • First term: maximize discrepency between glass and other stuff • Second term: maximize affinity in the glass • Third term: minimize affinities between glass and other • Combinatorial problem!

  40. Relaxed Objective Function • Relax region constraints • Treat pixels as a sampling of an underlying continuous function

  41. Geodesic Active Contours

  42. Curve Evolution

  43. Experiments Precision 68.76% 56.04% 58.78% 56.04% 73.70% 77.03% Single SVM Multiple SVM's + OR Multiple SVM's + Weighted Sum Multiple SVM's + Exponential Model Multiple SVM's + Weighted Sum (sampled) Proposed Method

  44. Results

  45. Results

  46. Results

  47. Results

  48. Results

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