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Prediction and Certification of Heap Usage. Luca Veraldi PhD. Student Department of Computer Science - University of Pisa BISS06 – Bertinoro International Spring School for Graduate Studies in Computer Science. References.
Prediction and Certificationof Heap Usage Luca Veraldi PhD. Student Department of Computer Science - University of Pisa BISS06 – Bertinoro International Spring School for Graduate Studies in Computer Science
References • Static Prediction of Heap Space Usage for FirstOrder Functional Programs (M. Hofmann, S. Jost) • Automatic Certification of Heap Consumption (L. Beringer, M. Hofmann, A. Momigliano, O. Shkaravska) • Camelot and Grail: Resource-Aware Functional Programming for the JVM (K. MacKenzie, N.Wolverson)
Agenda (1) • Introduction • MRG + PCC, mobile programs: why heap usage certification • methodology • The language and its Type System • Operational Semantics and Annotated Types • The fundational theorem and proof • Inferring annotations • Camelot • syntax, pattern matching, diamonds, transparency • Grail & JVM • compiling tricks and implementation drawbacks, limitations • Overcoming linearity • the multi-layered sharing approach
Introduction • Garantees for Resource Usage Requirements in Mobile Computing (MRG) • time, heap/stack size bounds • embedded computing devices • hard resource constraints • Approach based on Proof-Carrying Code (PCC) • resource-safe programming language • (linear) type system + resource annotations • certifying compiler • binary (JVM bytecode) enriched with a verifiable certificate • verifying resource needs prior to execution • asymmetric certifying process
The language and Type System (1) • (L, T, LP) • First-Order, Functional Language • Annotated (Linear) Type System • Efficient solution of Linear Constraint System • ƒ: L(Bool) → L(Bool) • ƒ’: N → N . ƒ(w) runs within ƒ’(|w|) cells • We can annotate the code for ƒ with a counter • no global characterization of the behavior of ƒ • annotated code requires as much space as ƒ itself • Undecidable problem, in its general formulation • impose restriction on language/type system
w Y wi Z X The language and Type System (2) • The main aim: • ƒ: L(L(Bool)) → L(Bool) • w: (L (L (Bool, ), ), ) ├ e: (L (Bool, ), ) X Y Z A B • If we have • fs(init)≥ Z + Y · |W| + X · ∑i|Wi| • then we can execute without any further space needs, leaving • fs(final)≥ B + A · |e|
The language and Type System (3) • w: (L (L (Bool,X),Y),Z)├ e: (L (Bool,A),B) • mark different input (output) portions with different weights • fs(init) = Φ(|w|) fs(final) = Ψ(|e|) • From this annotations of ƒ, we derive a Linear Programming Problem, which integer solutions can be computed efficiently
The language and Type System (4) • e ::= nil | tt | ff | x | x y | inl(x) | inr(x) | cons(x,x) | let x = e in e | if x then e else e | f(x1, …, xn) | match x with x x e | match x with |inl(x) e |inr(x) e | pmatch x with |nil e |cons(x,x) e | dmatch x with |nil e |cons(x,x) e • Zero-order Types: • T ::= 1 | Bool | L(T) | T T | T + T • First-order Types: • F ::= (T, …, T) T • SIZE function to define heap space requirements for base types
The language and Type System (5) • FreeList: linked list of heap space blocks • No compaction of heap. All blocks with same size • Cons: fails when no enough space • Two match statements • pmatch: • dmatch: • User is required to choose among the two • transparency in heap space usage and collection • pmatch x with |nil e |cons(x,x) e • preserves the matched block • dmatch x with |nil e |cons(x,x) e • returns the cell back to the FreeList
The language and Type System (6) • The problem of (malignant) sharing: • rev(a,b) dmatch(a) with |nil b |cons(x,y) rev(y, cons(x,b)) • let x=rev(a,nil) in Ψ(a) • rev uses destructive matching • input value acannot be reused any more • Is there a static type system to prohibit this? Linearity…
S(x1)=v1, …, S(xn)=vn m, [y1←v1, …, yn←vn], h├ ef v, h’, m’ m, S, h ├ f(x1, …, xn) v, h’, m’ fun m, S, h├ e1 v1, h1, m1 m1, S[x←v1], h1├ e2 v, h’, m’ m, S, h ├ let x=e1 in e2 v, h’, m’ let Operational Semantics (1) • (stack) S: Var→Val (heap) h: Loc→Val • m, S, h ├ e v, h’, m’
S(x)=nil m,S,h├ e1 v, h’, m’ m,S,h ├ match x with |nil e1 |cons(h,t) e2 v, h’, m’ pmatch dmatch S(x)=loc h(loc)=(vh,vt) j = m + SIZE( h(loc) ) j, S[h←vh, t ←vt], h \ {loc}├ e2 v, h’, m’ m,S,h ├ dmatch x with |nil e1 |cons(h,t) e2 v, h’, m’ S(x)=loc h(loc)=(vh,vt) m, S[h←vh, t ←vt], h├ e2 v, h’, m’ m,S,h ├ pmatch x with |nil e1 |cons(h,t) e2 v, h’, m’ dmatch pmatch Operational Semantics (2)
Operational Semantics (3) • Modeling benign sharing • a function for reachable locations: : heap x (Val)→(Loc) (h, {nil}) = (h, {c}) = {} (h, {loc}) = {loc} (h, {h(loc)}) (h, {inl(v)}) = (h, {inr(v)}) = (h, {v}) (h, {(x,y)}) = (h, {x}) (h, {y}) (h, S) = (h, { v | xdom(S) . v=S(x) }) = xdom(S) (h, {S(x)}) • stronger preconditions in semantics
S(x)=loc h(loc)=(vh,vt) j = m + SIZE( h(loc) ) j, S[h←vh, t ←vt], h \ {loc}├ e2 v, h’, m’ m,S,h ├ dmatch x with |nil e1 |cons(h,t) e2 v, h’, m’ m,S,h├ e1 v1, h1, m1 m1, S[x←v1], h1├ e2 v, h’, m’ m,S,h ├ let x=e1 in e2 v, h’, m’ let dmatch Operational Semantics (4) let x=rev(a,nil) in Ψ(a) cannot use in e2 locations modified during the evaluation of e1 S’ = S↓FreeVar(e2) h↓(h, S’) = h1↓(h, S’) S’ = S[h←vh, t ←vt] S’’ = S’↓FreeVar(e2) loc (h, S’’)
Annotated Types (1) • Extend Type Systems, with space usage • Zero-order Types: • T ::= 1 | Bool | L(T) | T T | T + T • R ::= (T, k) • First-oder Types: • F ::= (T, …, T, k) R • Use new types to rewrite the typing rules
, m├ e : (A, p) m’≤ p + k • , m + k├ e : (A, m’) waste • (f) = (A1, …, An, k) → (C, k’) m ≥ k m – k + k’ ≥ m’ • , x1:A1, …, xn:An, m├ f(x1, …, xn) : (C, m’) fun m ≥ SIZE( A L(A, k)) + k + m’ • , xh:A, xt:L(A, k), m├ cons(xh, xt) : (L(A, k), m’) cons Annotated Types (2)
, m ├ e1 : (C, m’) , xh:A, xt:L(A, k), m + SIZE( A L(A, k)) + k├ e2 : (C, m’) • , x:L(A, k), m├ dmatch x with • |nil e1 |cons(h,t) e2 : (C, m’) , m ├ e1 : (C, m’) , xh:A, xt:L(A, k), m + k├ e2 : (C, m’) • , x:L(A, k), m├ pmatch x with • |nil e1 |cons(h,t) e2 : (C, m’) dmatch pmatch Annotated Types (3)
The fundational theorem (1) • Introducing the heap requirement function: : heap x (Val) x (T) → Q+ (h, {nil}, {L(A, k)) = (h, {c}, {Bool}) = 0 (h, {loc}, {L(A, k)}) = k + (h, {h(loc)}, {AL(A, k)}) (h, {x+y}, {(A, k)+(B, l)}) = k + (h, {x}, {A}) (h, {x+y}, {(A, k)+(B, l)}) = l + (h, {y}, {B}) (h, {(x,y)}, {AB}) = (h, {x}, {A}) + (h, {y}, {B}) (h, S, ) = (h, { v | xdom(S) . v=S(x) }, ) = ∑xdom()(h, {S(x)}, (x)) • Once determined, the global resource usage requirement derived from the Type System could be used to drop resource annotations away from operational semantics
a, S, h├ e v, h’, b The fundational theorem (2) • The theorem statement: • P is a valid program • , m ├ e : A, m’ • S, h├ e v, h’ THEN • kN, aN . a ≥ m + (h, S, ) + k • bN . b ≥ m’ + (h’, v, A) + k
* , S, h, m 0, S0, h0, m0 ’, S’, h’, m’ The fundational theorem (3) • Proof (main idea) • by induction on the lenght of derivation for , m ├ e : A, m’ and S, h├ e v, h’ • with different proofs for all syntax statements
(f) = (A1, …, An, k) → (C, k’) m ≥ k m – k + k’ ≥ m’ • , x1:A1, …, xn:An, m├ f(x1, …, xn) : (C, m’) * f ef v , S, h, m S(x1)=v1, …, S(xn)=vn m, [y1←v1, …, yn←vn], h├ ef v, h’, m’ m, S, h ├ f(x1, …, xn) v,h’,m’ ’, S’, h’, m’ 0, S0, h0, m0 The fundational theorem (4) • Last step is fun: • 0: y1:A1, …, yn:An • S0: [y1←v1, …, yn ←vn] S • h0 = h • (h, S, ) ≥ (h0, S0, 0) • a ≥ m + (h, S, ) + q • ≥ k + (h0, S0, 0) + (m-k+q) • induction hypotesys on • a, S0, Γ0├ ef v, h’, b with • b ≥ k’ + (h’, v, C) + (m-k+q) • = q + (h’, v, C) + (m-k+k’) • ≥ m’ + (h’, v, C) + q
* m e2 v , S, h, m ’, S’, h’, m’ 0, S0, h0, m0 dmatch , m ├ e1 : (C, m’) , xh:A, xt:L(A, k), m + SIZE( A L(A, k)) + k├ e2 : (C, m’) • , x:L(A, k), m├ dmatch x with • |nil e1 |cons(h,t) e2 : (C, m’) S(x)=loc h(loc)=(vh,vt) m0 = m + SIZE( h(loc) ) m0, S[h←vh, t ←vt], h \ {loc}├ e2 v, h’, m’ m,S,h ├ dmatch x with |nil e1 |cons(h,t) e2 v, h’, m’ dmatch The fundational theorem (5) • Last step is dmatch: • 0 = \ {x:AL(A,k)} {h:A, t:L(A,k)} • S0 = S[h←vh, t ←vt] • h0 = h \ {loc} • (h, S, ) • = (h, {loc}, {L(A,k)}) • + (h0, S \ {x}, \ {x:AL(A,k)}) • = k + (h, (vh,vt), AL(A,k)) • + (h0, S \ {x}, \ {x:AL(A,k)}) • = k + (h0, S0, 0) • (h, S, ) = k + (h0, S0, 0) • a ≥ m + (h, S, ) + q • ≥ m + SIZE(AL(A,k)) + k • + (h0, S0, 0) + (q-SIZE(h(loc))) • induction hypotesys on • a, S0, 0├ e2 v, h’, b with • b ≥ m’ + (h’, v, C) + (q-SIZE(h(loc)))
Inferring annotations (1) • Find a valid (integral) assignment for all a, b… in type derivations • Associate P with a LP • { ai,1xi,1 + … + ai,nxi,n≤ bi } • Objective Function Ψ = c1x1 + … + cnxn • Variables are free heap space variables in type derivations • All variables need to be (integral) positive numbers • Constraints are inequalities in side conditions for type derivations • The Objective Function is simply Ψ = x1 + … + xn (minimize overall space requirements, modulus the waste rule) • We need integral optimal solutions. NP-Hard!
Inferring annotations (2) • Imposing further constraints: • Almost positive constraints: • all variables for first-order types: (1, 0) | (Bool, 0) | (TT, 0) | (T+T, 0) | (L(T), 0) • all variables for right-hand side in first-order types (T, …, T, k) (T, 0) • All linear costraints become: • { xi,0≥ ai,1xi,1 + … + ai,nxi,n + bi } • The optimal solution is necessarly integral: • Proof by absurd: if xi,0Q+ is optimal, then xi,0≥ ai,1xi,1+…+ai,nxi,n+bi But then, xi,0≥ ai,1xi,1+…+ai,nxi,n+bi Therefore, xi,0 will be a better solution than the optimal one, xi,0
Inferring annotations (3) • Imposing further constraints: • Almost conical constraints: • renaming variables: the only place where non-null constants are introduced is when we consider SIZE(AL(A,k)) + k • All linear costraints become: • { ai,1xi,1 + … + ai,nxi,n≤ 0} or { xi,j ≥ bi.j } • Integral solution can be found from the rational one, multiplying by the LCD
Camelot • First-Order functional language • Polymophism • Elementary match construct • Explicit resource usage: • heap cells are visible at the language level: match (l) with |Nil … |Cons(h,t)@d … • free(@d) • Null constructor for types: Nil or !Nil • In-place modification
Grail & JVM • Simpler functional language • No inheritance • Simplicity easy verifiability even on mobile devices with constrained space and time resources • Compilation of Camelot implies • all user defined data types are represented though a simple class, union of all features (and space requirements): the diamond class • monomorphisation • normalisation of expressions and match statements
Formulating constraints: 1, 1├ e1: A (i) 2, 2, xi : A ├ e2 : B 12→i, 2, 12→i 2├ let x=e1 in e2 : B Overcoming linearity • Linearity in Type System could be a pretty restrictive policy • Approach based on layered sharing • Layer 1: modifying usage • Layer 2: read-only, shared with result • Layer 3: read-only, not shared • Variables get decorated with corresponding usage layer • We allow duplication w.r.t. several constraints • Example: let x=e1 in e2 • Konečný’s system for layered sharing • Splitting contexts: • 1 for FreeVar(e1)FreeVar(e2) used in e1 • 2 for FreeVar(e1)FreeVar(e2) used in e2 • 1 for FreeVar(e1) \ 1 • 2 for FreeVar(e2) \ 2