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Motor Learning and Skilled Performance: An Introduction

Motor Learning and Skilled Performance: An Introduction. Objectives. What is motor control? Introduce Willingham’s processes of motor control What is motor learning?.

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Motor Learning and Skilled Performance: An Introduction

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  1. Motor Learning and Skilled Performance: An Introduction

  2. Objectives • What is motor control? • Introduce Willingham’s processes of motor control • What is motor learning?

  3. From the motor chauvinist’s point of view the entire purpose of the human brain is to produce movement. Movement is the only way we have of interacting with the world. All communication, including speech, sign language, gestures and writing, is mediated via the motor system. Wolpert, Ghahramani, & Flanagan, (2001)

  4. Motor Control Can be thought of as the process of transforming sensory inputs into consequent motor outputs. • inputs are the aggregate of sensory feedback provided by our sense organs • outputs are the motor commands acting on ensembles of muscles


  6. Willingham, 1998

  7. Motor Learning • Motor learning involves changes in behaviour that arise from interaction with the environment and is distinct from maturation • Needed when environment, body, or task change (demands are unpredictable) • Counteract innate or hardwired capacities • Fast (in context of evolutionary changes)

  8. Anti-phase pattern In-phase pattern In-phase pattern In-phase pattern FREQ ~2.0 Hz

  9. From, Kelso & Zanone (1997)

  10. What’s Next? • Research Method • The Experiment • Independent Variables • Dependent Variables • Sampling • Paradigms

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