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Faculty Senate Meeting October 20, 2016

Review of CRR revisions for diversity and inclusion audit, campus reports, old and new business, and committee updates. Important discussions on post-tenure review policy and computer security measures.

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Faculty Senate Meeting October 20, 2016

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  1. Faculty Senate Meeting October 20, 2016

  2. Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - B. Hale, Secretary II. Approval of minutes III. CRR Revisions for Diversity and Inclusion Audit, E. Love IV. Campus Reports and Responses V. Reports of Standing and Special Committees VI. Old Business VII. New Business and Announcements VIII. Adjourn

  3. Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll CallII. Approval of minutesSeptember 22, 2016 III. CRR Revisions for Diversity and Inclusion Audit, E. Love IV. Campus Reports and Responses V. Reports of Standing and Special Committees VI. Old Business VII. New Business and Announcements VIII. Adjourn

  4. Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Approval of minutes III. CRR Revisions for Diversity and Inclusion Audit, E. Love IV. Campus Reports and Responses V. Reports of Standing and Special Committees VI. Old Business VII. New Business and Announcements VIII. Adjourn

  5. CRR Revisions for Diversity and Inclusion Audit Emily Love, Project Manager

  6. Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Approval of minutes III. CRR Revisions for Diversity and Inclusion Audit, E. Love IV. Campus Reports and Responses V. Reports of Standing and Special Committees VI. Old Business VII. New Business and Announcements VIII. Adjourn

  7. Agenda Campus Reports and Responses • A. President’s Report, T. Schuman • B. Administrative Reports • i) Chancellor’s Report • ii) Provost’s Report • C. Staff Council Report • D. Student Council • E. Council of Graduate Students

  8. President’s Report20 October 2016

  9. Intercampus Faculty Council (IFC) • Post Tenure Review Policy with CRR revision • Initiated partly in response to MO legislature criticisms • Integrate workload, annual review, PTR, and waiver, policies • Tom Schuman is the campus IFC representative for PTR review • Proposed CRR changes are posted for comments • IFC seeking comment on proposed CRR changes • Redline and IFC informational white paper posted • http://facultysenate.mst.edu/media/campussupport/facultysenate/documents/presidentreports/2016/PTR%20Task%20Force%20White%20Paper_10.04.2016.pdf • Seek approval of System Faculty Senates (our November meeting)

  10. Campus • Information on the UM System President search: • https://www.umsystem.edu/ps • Campus representative – C. Joe Boehm (staff rep) • Finalists interviewed prior to BOC meeting, 4-5 October • Negotiation phase • Anticipated completion in ~3 wk

  11. UM System - Finance • 2nd withholding by Governor is constraining budget • Try to congeal UM System back to single budget • Retained Moody “stable” rating • New “Finance Academy” offered for academicians • Deans • Chairs • Leadership Development Program alums • New spousal travel reporting and approval law

  12. Computer Security • Increased security attacks • System CIO is changing computing policies • Increase filter sensitivity • Implement ‘secure authentication toolkit’ • Commonly used in commercial (e.g., Google or Amazon) logins • 2 factor login: password + PIN sent as text or via another device • Will see initially for personal data access: HR info, HIPA, other… • IT purchasing policy drops minimum value to $0 • Issue with purchase/installation of inherently insecure items • Requires central IT approval for all software and hardware purchases • Approvals conveyed by local CIO or designee

  13. Campus • Committee elections were held 21 April meeting • Unfilled committee positions • Additional nominees not forthcoming • Under today’s agenda item (RP&A) • Missing alternate for Grievance Resolution Panel • Resignation by FS CCC representative (one member) • Facilities Planning, from and by FS (one member) • Library and Learning Resources (1 yr term, from FS) • Parking, security, and traffic (2 positions by FS) • Academic Freedom and Standards Committee* • Conflict of interest committee* * has nominee

  14. Campus • Female faculty campus climate report (Dec 2015) • Results are posted on Provost website, login protected • https://provost.mst.edu/media/administrative/provost/secure/2015_MST_FINAL_REPORT (002).pdf • Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) Survey • Results were presented to campus by Dr. Mormile • Well below all other (of 89) colleges’ results on 6 categories • Leadership: (senior, divisional) • Governance: (trust, shared purpose, understanding issues, adaptability) • Top 30%: Tenure expectations (clarity); Leadership: Faculty

  15. Internationalization Committee • Seeking Standing Committee status • Proposed by Dr. Wray of International and Cultural Affairs (OICA) • Dr. Fitch and I met Tuesday 18 Oct with Dr. Wray, Drs. Bohner and Allada • Concerned with overlap with existing standing committees • Budget prioritization • Need for funding in OICA • Drop in student fee revenue from OPeC/oil industry sources • Created crisis in lack of OICA staff • OICA serves a still-large international student population • Consideration to be on agenda for FS in November

  16. Campus Issues (Not Exhaustive…) • Bylaws changes and Dean search process • IBIS visited 18 Oct 16 • Cap enrollment, for specific departments • Graduate student tuition remission • ‘Fund’ the colleges, i.e., Deans; define fiduciary responsibilities – funding increased by 10x • Most faculty line ownership to Dean’s level • Shared governance in changes to strategic plan • Search Process for next VP and Dean of CEC

  17. Chancellor Meetings with CEC/CASB Dept.s • Listening sessions occurred • 21 – 22 Sept 16 CEC • 17 – 18 Oct 16 CASB • David Russell • Dr. Middleton’s COS • Sitting in: observe and represent System • Faculty opportunity • Point out broken systems • Point out solutions to broken systems • Identify common threads for discussion • Generate points for facilitated discussion

  18. Agenda Campus Reports and Responses • A. President’s Report • B. Administrative Reports • i) Chancellor’s Report, C. Schrader • ii) Provost’s Report • C. Staff Council Report • D. Student Council • E. Council of Graduate Students

  19. Campus Update Prepared for Faculty Senate Chancellor Cheryl B. Schrader, Ph.D.October 20, 2016

  20. Provost Report Faculty Senate Meeting Thursday, October 20, 2016

  21. OUTLINE Faculty questions/concerns following Chancellor’s visits and other recent venues. Academic Budget Comparison Faculty Hiring vs Enrollment Trends Student-Faculty Ratio Comparisons Faculty Raise Summary Faculty Retention Summary Future Sharing of Information Strategic Faculty Hires Questions

  22. ACADEMIC BUDGETS “Original Budget” from Budget Book is the estimated beginning year budget, typically one-quarter prior to a Fiscal Year.







  29. FY14 – Strategic hires 2014/2015 Tenured, tenure-track: 12 Non-tenure tack: 6

  30. FY15- Strategic hires 2015/2016 Tenured, tenure-track: 11 Non-tenure track: 2

  31. FY16- Strategic hires 2016/2017 Tenured, tenure-track: 8 Non-tenure track: 3 TOTAL Tenured, tenure-track: 31 Non-tenure track: 11

  32. Future sharing of information: provost.mst.edu Questions?

  33. Agenda Campus Reports and Responses • A. President’s Report • B. Administrative Reports • i) Chancellor’s Report • ii) Provost’s Report • C. Staff Council Report, B. Abner • D. Student Council • E. Council of Graduate Students

  34. Fall Staff Appreciation Day, October 31 • GRACE for ChristmasNovember 7-28 • Staff Council

  35. Agenda Campus Reports and Responses • A. President’s Report • B. Administrative Reports • i) Chancellor’s Report • ii) Provost’s Report • C. Staff Council Report • D. Student Council, M. Hale • E. Council of Graduate Students

  36. Agenda Campus Reports and Responses • A. President’s Report • B. Administrative Reports • i) Chancellor’s Report • ii) Provost’s Report • C. Staff Council Report • D. Student Council • E. Council of Graduate Students, S. Anandan --No Report

  37. Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Approval of minutes III. CRR Revisions for Diversity and Inclusion Audit, E. Love IV. Campus Reports and Responses V. Reports of Standing and Special Committees VI. Old Business VII. New Business and Announcements VIII. Adjourn

  38. Agenda Reports of Standing and Special Committees A. Curricula Committee, T. Schuman B. Information Technology/Computing C. Rules, Procedures & Agenda D. Public Occasions

  39. CCC Meetings • 5 October • 2 November (upcoming) • Committee Activity • No Degree change requests (DC forms) • 14 Course change requests (CC forms) • 5 Experimental course requests (EC forms)

  40. Degree Changes Requested • N/A • Course Changes Requested: • File# 4059.5 Computer Science 6304: Cloud Computing and Big Data • File# 1771.1 Education 3215: Teaching Of Reading In Elementary And Middle School • File# 1758.1 Education 3216: Teaching Reading In Content Area • File# 1869.1 Education 3217: Analysis And Correction of Reading Difficulties • File# 1870.1 Education 3218: Language Arts For Elementary Teachers • File# 2541.5 Education 3221: Teaching Math in Elementary and Middle Schools • File# 1565.1 Information Science & Technology 1552: Implementing Information Systems: Data Perspective • File# 124.6 Information Science & Technology 5886: Prototyping Human-Computer Interactions

  41. Course Changes Requested: • File# 647.1 Mathematics 5154: Mathematical Logic I • File# 2445.1 Metallurgical Engineering 4160: Introduction to Particulate Materials • File# 1596.1 Metallurgical Engineering 5150: Introduction to Particulate Materials • File# 4328 Russian 3790: Scientific Russian • File# 4329 Russian 5790: Advanced Scientific Russian • File# 4324 Theatre 3245: Voice, Diction and Interpretation

  42. Curriculum committee moves for FS to approve the DC and CC form actions • Discussion: Questions or comments?

  43. Informational Only • Experimental Courses Approved to be Scheduled • File# 4330 English 3001.001: Extreme Nature and the Supernatural in Iceland • File# 4331 English 3001.002: The Grammatical Structure of English • File# 4332 English 3001.003: The Icelandic Hero and Outlaw • File# 4327 Geological Engineering 5001.001: Renewable Energy in Nicaragua • File# 4326 Marketing 5001.001: Marketing Analytics

  44. Agenda Reports of Standing and Special Committees A. Curricula Committee B. Information Technology/Computing, T. Vojta C. Rules, Procedures & Agenda D. Public Occasions

  45. ITCC Report to Faculty Senate, October 2016 • Computer security • Two-factor authentication coming in near future • Registration active already (https://password.umsystem.edu/registration) • Issues: Possible productivity loss • Privacy concerns (cell phone number, alternate email) • Computer classrooms (CLCs) • Registrar: difficulties scheduling classes that need access to computers • Plans to create three large new CLCs • Significant investment, are the current CLCs used efficiently? • CIO search • Motion: ITCC urges that a search for a new CIO is started a.s.a.p.

  46. Agenda Reports of Standing and Special Committees A. Curricula Committee B. Information Technology/Computing C. Rules, Procedures & Agenda, S. Sedigh Sarvestani D. Public Occasions

  47. RP&A Referrals: • request to establish capacity-based maximal enrollment  guidelines for degree programs: referred to Academic Freedom and Standards • referred to Budgetary Affairs a request to explain the declining share of budget going to Academic Affairs Elections to open positions on Standing Committees

  48. RP&A Elect • Academic Freedom and Standards Committee, department nomination, FS elect one • Tseggai Isaac nominated • Facilities Planning, from and by FS, one member • Library and Learning Resources, department nomination, FS elect one to serve remaining year of Michael “I love Paris” Bruening’s term • No nominees

  49. RP&A • Grievance Resolution Panel, one alternate chosen by FS to fill remainder of Ed Malone’s term • Parking, Security and Traffic, two open positions, appointed by FS • Campus Curriculum Committee, member from Faculty Senate to fill Kurt Kosbar’s term • Conflict of Interest Committee, two replacements to serve out remaining year, appointed by FS • Tseggai Issac nominated Due to active grievances, we need members

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