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Federal Office Directors Weekly Conference Call 7/30/09

Detailed agenda items and decision points for the Federal Office Directors' weekly conference call on July 30, 2009, including finalizing reports, CEQ debrief, draft 203 outline review, feedback collection, and more.

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Federal Office Directors Weekly Conference Call 7/30/09

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  1. Federal Office Directors Weekly Conference Call 7/30/09 E.O. 13508Chesapeake Bay Protection and Restoration

  2. Federal Office Directors Weekly Conference Call 7/30/09 Agenda • Decision on finalizing 202 reports & ramifications of CEQ decision • Quick CEQ Debrief – keep it short; focused on any key issues. • Anticipated schedule for draft 202 reports at 90 days and ramifications: (a) Other tasks in schedule approved earlier this month that will need to be pushed back; (b) Anticipated meetings identified in schedule; Also, check in on approaches to length of 202 reports. • Review of draft 203 outline • Feedback from PSC and CAC Comments? • Reminders: (a) Public Information Contacts due to Travis by 7/31; (b) Need information on federal monitoring and assessment programs for the 202f report. • Other Topics • Agenda Items for 7/30 FOD Meeting

  3. Federal Office Directors Weekly Conference Call 7/30/09 Agenda Item 1: Decision on Options for Finalizing 202 Reports & Ramifications of CEQ Decision

  4. At yesterday's meeting at CEQ, a decision was made by CEQ andthe FLC Designees to publically release the seven draft S. 202 reportsat Day 120 (September 9, 2009) at the same time they are submitted tothe FLC for a 21-Day interagency review and consultation with thestates.  Other details related to this decision that were discussed :   The reports will be posted on the Executive Order website but we will   not be requesting comments on the reports at that time; comments will   be requested during the 60-day formal public review and comment   period beginning at Day 180 when the final reports are released along   with the draft S 203 Strategy.   A paragraph will be posted on the website clearly stating that the   reports are be being posted to provide the public with a sneak   preview of the draft reports while they are undergoing interagency   review and consultation with states and that the opportunity to   provide public comments will begin at Day 180.We need to discuss among the federal agencies whether or not we may wantto offer the public the opportunity to informally comment on the reportsduring this time period with the understanding that we will not beresponding to their comments.  We could do this by providing a means forthem to post comments to the EO website.

  5. Options for Issuance of S. 202 “Final” Reports OPTION 1: Status Quo – S 202 reports are issued as “final” reports at Day 180 along with the Draft S 203 Implementation Strategy. No revisions to the final 202 reports are made in response to any public comments received. OPTION 2: Revise S 202 Report Recommendations in the Final S 203 Strategy – Final Reports are still issued at Day 180 and no revisions are made to the Final Reports per se. However, any changes to the S 202 Reports’ recommendations, programs or strategies resulting from public comments would be highlighted in the Final S 203 Strategy at Day 365. OPTION 3: “Interim Final” S 202 Reports issued at Day 180 – The FLC would issue “Interim Final” S 202 Reports at Day 180 along with the Draft S 203 Strategy. “Final” Reports would not be issued until Day 365 and would reflect changes based on public comments. (Recommended Option?) OPTION 4: Revised Final S 202 Reports issued at Day 365 as Needed – Final Reports would be issued at Day 180 and Revised Final Reports would be issued at Day 365 only for those reports receiving “significant “ comments which would necessitate revisions. 0 4 DHS NOAA USDA ACE 1 NPS 2 EPA DoD

  6. Rationale for Option 2

  7. Federal Office Directors Weekly Conference Call 7/30/09 Agenda Item 2: Quick CEQ Debrief

  8. Federal Office Directors Weekly Conference Call 7/30/09 • Agenda Item 3: • Anticipated schedule for draft 202 reports at 90 days and ramifications: • Other tasks in schedule approved earlier this month that will need to be pushed back; • Anticipated meetings identified in schedule; • Also, check in on approaches to length of 202 reports.

  9. Anticipated Product at 90 Days? Date of Full Working Draft? 202a 202b 202c 202d 202e 202f 202g Water Quality Targeting Resources Storm-water & Federal Facilities Climate Change Public Access & Conser-vation Monitoring & Decision Support Habitat & Research for Living Resources + + + +

  10. 202 Tasks 203 Tasks General Tasks Key Meetings Major milestones End: 6/25 End: 7/09 End: 7/17 FLC = Federal Leadership Committee FLC/D = FLC Designees PSC = Principals Staff Committee MB = Management Board FOD = Federal Office Directors GIT = Goal Implementation Teams Ed. Bd. = Editorial Board DT = Drafting Team End: 8/03 End: 8/10 End: 8/10 End: 8/13 End: 8/20 End: 8/19 End: 7/22 End: 8/27 End: ~ 8/30 End: 09/09/09 180 Day Schedule for Developing Draft 203 Strategy Page 5 Final07/08/09 2009 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov 1 2 3 4 Key MB meeting 5 6 Teams also consult with GITS Key PSC meeting 7 8 9 Key FLC/D meeting 10 Final FOD review of 202 reports prior to 120 days 9/2-9/4 11 12 13 End: 09/09 Task requires its own detailed subtask breakout and schedule CEQ/OMB meeting 14 15 End: 9/16 0 90 120 (9/9) 150 180 (11/9) 30 60

  11. End: 10/29 End: 10/06 End: 9/24 End: 10/08 End: 10/1 End: 9/30 End: 9/30 180 Day Schedule for Developing Draft 203 Strategy Page 5 Final07/09/09 2009 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov 16 17 Key MB meeting 18 19 Note: LGAC & CAC meetings set for 9/17-18; consider EO engagement 20 End: 10/05 21 Key FLC/D-PSC meeting 22 23 End: 10/21 24 End: 10/21 25 End: 10/22 26 End: 10/23 27 End: 10/26 Key FLC meeting 28 29 End: 11/06 30 End: 11/09 0 90 120 (9/9) 150 180 (11/9) 30 60

  12. 180 Day Schedule for Developing Draft 203 Strategy Page 5 Final07/09/09 2009 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov 31 End: 11/06 32 End: 10/08 33 End: 11/06 34 0 90 120 (9/9) 150 180 (11/9) 30 60

  13. Key Dates for S. 203 Strategy • Jul 30 FOD Meeting • Scheduling meetings – when will MB/PSC/FLC be finalized? • Aug 6 FOD Meeting • Proposed direction on incorporating GIT input to 203 • Review and input on visions and principles • Agree to process to bring vision/principles to FLC for decision • Agree to process to bring vision/principles to (PSC?) • CT propose process for consultation with state Sep 9-30 (Travis) (CT = communication team) • Aug 10-14 FOD/EB/DT Review 202 90-day reports and GIT input • Some report teams will share drafts with state partners/GITchairs • Aug 10-14 Schedule meeting of GIT chairs/coordinators & report leads • GITs discuss recommendations proposed for MB • 202 report leads identify issues being considered in 202 appropriate for GITs to bring to MB • Aug 11 Town Hall

  14. Key Dates for S. 203 Strategy (continued) • Aug 13 FOD Meeting • Discuss review of GIT changes/draft 202 reports • Provide direction on 203 outline • Provide direction on comments back to 202 teams • Plan for compilation of comments to present to FLC/D • Decision: Finalize plan for consultation with states Sep 9-30 • By Aug 19 MB Meeting to review/approve(?) GIT direction • (seems to be LATEST without shifting schedule) • Aug 20 FOD Meeting • Review concepts and progress on annotated outline • Review and approve paragraph for posting 202 120-day reports • Aug 20 or 21 FLC/D Meets • Review key issues from FOD/agency comment on 90-day reports • Brief on direction for 203 strategy/key decision points • Decide on process for consultation with states Sep 9-30 • Informational discussion on communications website (launch after FLC?) • Aug 25-28 OMB/CEQ 100-110 day meeting

  15. Key Dates for S. 203 Strategy (continued) • Aug 25-27 EB/FOD/GITs review 203 annotated outline • EB/FOD approve/revise at 8/27 FOD • Sep 2-4 EB/FOD receive 202 reports 2nd draft (9/1), comment due 9/4 • EB/FOD receive revised GIT input on CAP • GITs provide comments on 203 strategy • Sep 3 FOD Meeting • Final prep for submittal and posting of 202 reports • Sep 8-10 DT Revise 203 Draft Strategy - deliver to EB/FOD by Sep 10 • Sep 9 202 Reports to FLC (submitted by lead agencies) • 202 Reports posted to CBP web (by EPA) • Sep 10 FOD meeting • EB/FOD comments on 203 strategy draft • CT propose process for public roll-out • Sep 17 EB/FOD Review/Approve revised 203 Draft • Sep 18 Deliver 203 Draft to FLC NOTE – was 9/16 – proposed change • Sep 17-18 Standing LGAC/CAC meetings • Sep 24 MB meeting • Preliminary feedback on 202 reports • Feedback on 203 strategy

  16. Key Dates for S. 203 Strategy (continued) • Oct 8 FLC/C joint with PSC (invite PSC) • Review 202 comments from Sep 9-30 interagency review (major issues) • Review and comment on 203 draft strategy • Comments on proposed roll-out strategy • Oct 29 Full FLC meeting • Final direction prior to public release of 203 strategy

  17. Anticipated Length of Reports 202a 202b 202c 202d 202e 202f 202g Water Quality Targeting Resources Storm-water & Federal Facilities Climate Change Public Access & Conser-vation Monitoring & Decision Support Habitat & Research for Living Resources + + + +

  18. Federal Office Directors Weekly Conference Call 7/30/09 Agenda Item 4: Review of Draft 203 Outline

  19. Federal Office Directors Weekly Conference Call 7/30/09 Agenda Item 5: Feedback from PSC and CAC Comments?

  20. Federal Office Directors Weekly Conference Call 7/30/09 • Agenda Item 6: • Reminders: • Public Information Contacts due to Travis by 7/31 • Need information on federal monitoring and assessment programs for the 202f report.

  21. Federal Office Directors Weekly Conference Call 7/30/09 Agenda Item 7: Other Topics

  22. SAVE THE DATE!Chesapeake Bay Town Hall Meeting Aug. 11, 2009 President Obama has ordered the EPA and other federal agencies to draft plans by Sept. 9 to clean up the Chesapeake Bay. A diverse group representing business, academic, faith, environmental and other interests will meet Aug. 11 in Annapolis to discuss specific steps the Administration must take. WHAT: Chesapeake Bay Town Hall Meeting WHEN: Tuesday, Aug. 11, 6:30 - 8:00 WHERE: St. Philip's Episcopal Church 730 Bestgate Road, Annapolis, MD 21401 WHO: Lisa Jackson, EPA Administrator, invited Chuck Fox, EPA Senior Advisor on the Chesapeake Bay Dr. Don Boesch, President, UMD Center for Environmental Science, invited Will Baker, President, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, invited Tommy Landers, Policy Advocate, Environment Maryland. For more information and to RSVP, contact Tommy Landers at Environment Maryland, 410-467-0439 or Terry Cummings at Chesapeake Bay Foundation, 410-268-8816.

  23. Federal Office Directors Weekly Conference Call 7/30/09 Agenda Item 8: Suggested Topics for Next Call

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